In what was the art event of the year, the new Whitney Museum of American Art opened last May in The Standard, High Line's back yard. Literally. It's so close you can actually spy into the galleries from your bedroom. Chief Curator Donna De Salvo talked to us about the opening show, America is Hard to See.#15. Art Adjacent
And down the block from The Standard, East Village, curator Lauren Cornell and superstar artist Ryan Trecartin tackled humanity's complicated relationship with technology for the New Museum's Triennial. Ms. Cornell talked us through the making of one of the most lauded art shows of the year, "Surround Audience".

The talented and charismatic Grizzly Bear frontman Ed Droste was back on the East Coast and caught us up on his new life in LA. Spoon frontman Britt Daniel stopped by for some beers, and Eleanor Friedberger hung out with us in the midst of a West Coast swing.#14. Indie Rock Royalty Checks In

#13. High Society
Pot continued to grow…in stature. Even as it moves steadily toward the mainstream, its roots remain firmly planted in the counterculture. Legendary KCRW reggae DJ, Vietnam veteran, LA counterculture fixture, and lifelong photographer Roger Steffens installed his work in The Box at The Standard, Hollywood to celebrate his book The Family Acid. He, or rather his kids, launched a hugely successful Instagram from over 40,000 images of what they describe as an "unorthodox life". Basically, everyone is stoned out of their skulls and having a marvelous time. We sent photographer Michael Schmelling to check out this dude's house. See what a 40,000-slide archive looks like.
In other high times, The Standard, Hollywood hosted Dank Tank, a series of talks on the contemporary issues of pot, accompanied by a beautiful zine. Last but not least, we spent a crazy night out with the creators and stars of the cult web-series phenom, High Maintenance. Looking forward to seeing it on HBO next year!
We just loved this photo set from up-and-coming photographer/DJ Harry McNally. Don't miss the captions.#12. Best Bum of the Year

#11. Best Abs of the Year
In a bit of community outreach/self-serving eye candy session, the West Hollywood water polo team came by The Standard, Hollywood for a scrimmage. Photographer Peter Bohler captured the Speedo-clad (and Speedo-less) action.

With rooms, that is. If somehow you missed it, or have yet to download it, our amazing app, One Night Standard offers superlative spur-of-the-moment rates in New York, LA, and Miami.#10. We Hooked You Up

You should really be well-versed in all these things by this time next year.#9. Some Useful (if Unusual) Guides
- Guide to DTLA Coffee Scene
- Guide to LA Strip Clubs
- Guide to hipster Aussie slang phrases
- Guide to Executing a One-Night Stand
- Guides to Voguing: Beginner + Intermediate

#8. We Learned a New Way to Work a Room
Artist Eva Stenram, whose work occupied our magazine ad space, really knows how to make you look. Read our interview here.

...Installing his monumental "Segmented Realities" painted sculpture series. He also made an artwork out of cashmere. Technically speaking, it's a scarf and it's beautiful. Read our profile on his career here. It's quite a story.#6. Artist José Parlá Went All 3D in The Plaza...

We didn't think lettuce was the sexiest of foods—that is, until we spent a day at The Locusts, where Narcissa's produce sprouts from the ground. Photographer Balarama Heller captured every last dewy drop. Now we get why it’s so delicious.#5. The Glamorous Life of Our Lettuce

With so many incredible musicians passing through, we thought it would be a good idea to just, you know, sit them down, in a room, and let them do their thing. "Songs from a Room" was born. Years and Years and Wet both blew us away.#4. Songs from a Room

...Or, if they're dead, we suggest riffling through their stuff. "30 Desert Turtles, Saltines, a Watermelon, and Dry Ice" chronicles Standard Culture's visit to the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation just down the block from The Standard, East Village. Speaking of legendary downtown artists, we interviewed East Village-local Francesco Clemente about his recent show at Mass MoCA and the significance of water to the East Village’s most celebrated watercolorist.#3. Always Meet Your Heroes...

Strong, accomplished, inspiring lady-types made our lives worth living this year. Anjelica Huston, Iris Apfel, Cheryl Dunn, Betty Tompkins, and Abi Morgan were just a few with whom we chatted. And then there was the time that Pam Ann hijacked our seaplane and Madonna hijacked the Top of The Standard.#2. Even Better, Meet Your Heroines