Standard Sounds

Almost Famous

Big things have been happening to the Nashville-based Escondido. Since their first album dropped in February, they rocked SXSW, they had a single featured on the ABC hit show Nashville, named them "Band of the Week," David Lynch tweeted about their newest single, and, just last week, they performed live on Conan. The zenith? Why, they're performing this Wednesday at The Standard, Hollywood's Desert Nights. Tyler James and Jessica Maros took some time to talk with us about their adventures on the road.

STANDARD CULTURE: What is your favorite adventure so far as an artist?

Jess: My favorite adventure so far is just all the people we've met on the road. Some interesting things have happened and we tend to forget until we look back and go 'woah was that real'? For example: We were filming our music video in Palm Desert and rented a mariachi suit for Tyler. The day of the shoot Tyler went into his pocket and pulled out a fifty dollar bill. The previous Mariachi owner must have forgotten some of his tip money. It made for a good surprise lunch.

Tyler: I agree with Jess...Every night on the road has the potential to be life changing. We filmed Conan last night and found a bar to watch the show and celebrate. Our guitar and bass players (brothers Scotty and Jon) were a bit tired and had been celebrating a bit too much and got into a fist fight on right on Sunset. It was one for the ages ... 15 years of pent up love and frustration ... bodies flailing, glasses flying under cars, 20 locals filming with their iPhones. This morning they hugged if off but Scotty definitely broke a rib and can't laugh for 30 days.

Amidst all these adventures, what secret travel item do you never leave home without?

Jess: I'm pretty superstitious. I carry my dad's necklace with me. It has a few charms on it. Saint Christopher, the saint for travellers, a cross and locket heart that my mom used to wear. I feel like they protect me when I'm sad or feeling lonely on the road. I like to feel their presence. I also carry a crystal in my purse. It's a good energy thing, when I'm stressed or overwhelmed I feel close to the things that were here before me. Sounds crazy but it makes me feel grounded. It's such a fast-paced world and these personal things are reminders to slow down.

Tyler: This isn't really romantic but i never leave home without my Lacie rugged hard drive. It has all my music sessions and design stuff so I can work on tunes or art where ever I am. I don't like missing out when inspiration strikes.

The Lacie rugged hard drive

Performing on Conan

Escondido will be performing live this Wednesday, April 17th, as part of The Standard, Hollywood's weekly Desert Nights. Desert Nights begins at 7:30pm, is free, and is always a good time, guaranteed.

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