
Your June Horoscopes

Gemini season is here! As we bloom into June, here's what's in the stars...

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

You’re on fire this month, but don't let it become a wild, uncontrollable blaze. Your ruler, warrior Mars, is in your sign all June, making you fast, driven, and fully charged. Adding to the good fortune in your sign is generous and benevolent Jupiter. There’s nothing you can’t achieve this month with your vitality and courageous spirit. Mercury, Venus, and Mars, the three personal planets, are all in their rulership, enhancing and supporting your life. Mercury turns stationary direct at 26 Taurus on June 3, joined by the fixed star, Algol, known for its malefic energy, representing passion, anger, and rage. Algol speaks about raw feminine power, expressing outrage and injustice. Channel that rage into a worthy battle, as you are the warrior and leader of the zodiac. Currently there are two looming, life-threatening battles in the U.S.— gun-control and women's rights, so join the fights, soldier. Mercury enters his domicile Gemini on June 13, igniting your 3rd house of communication. All communications mishaps can be sorted now; any stalled projects get green-lighted. It is a social time, excellent for gathering with neighbors and siblings and connecting within your community. Your curiosity is peaked as you seek out mentally stimulating ideas. You're buzzing with creativity and inspired to share. The full moon in Sagittarius arrives on June 14, illuminating your 9th house of travel, learning, and spirituality. This lunation is fiery and high energy, both enthusiastic and impatient—sort of like you. Unfortunately, you'll have to navigate some confusion as Neptune squares this lunation. Travel, learn and expand your worldview during this full moon. You'll be pulled in multiple directions on June 16, as the sky is highly activated. Whether you are making plans with friends or collaborators, doing significant damage via online shopping, or spacing out, you’ll also want to retreat and escape. The Summer Solstice arrives on June 21 as the Sun enters Cancer. The Sun will shine its caring wisdom on your domestic life. Venus, the planet of love, enters social Gemini on June 22; she is playful, curious, sociable, and lighthearted.  A new moon in Cancer arrives on June 28, activating your home and family. This tender and positive lunation offers fresh starts. Jupiter squares this lunation, adding enthusiasm and revitalization; you’re willing to take a risk and learning to trust yourself. This aspect is helping you grow; it takes effort to have a home life that thrives!

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

This month, Taurus, you’ve got your mind on your money and your money on your mind, but it’s not all superficial. Mercury returns stationary direct on June 3 at 26 degrees, ushering in a shift as communication starts moving forward. There is a glitch, however—isn’t there always, as the fixed star Algol conjuncts Mercury. Known as the the Demon Star, Algol is associated with suffering, violence, rage, and losing one's head. She is raw, untamed feminine power, and the best use of her energy is to channel that anger and outrage of injustice into effective change. Taurus, you are slow to provoke, but you can be a raging bull once stirred. Gun violence is out of control in the U.S. and women's rights are being stripped away. If either of these causes resonate with you, speak out and channel that Algol rage in a good way! Please be careful not to lose your head mentally. Saturn, the planet of responsibility and boundaries, stations retrograde at 25 degrees Aquarius in your house of career. You get a pause to reassess goals or projects you have initiated earlier in the year. Set those boundaries, Taurus, as you know how critical home-work-life balance is. A pause to reassess or do more research and review might be needed with extra effort exerted for a long-term project. A surprising and exciting alignment arrives on June 11 when Venus conjuncts rebel Uranus at 16 Taurus, giving your relationships a jolt of excitement! Venus is not only about relationships but also self-love, so tend to yourself, dear Taurus, and do what brings you happiness and pleasure. Be spontaneous while honoring connection and enjoyment. Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini, his ruler, on June 13. Your 2nd house of money and cash flow get a boost from Mercury in Gemini. Your mind is sharp, and you conjure innovative ideas for increasing your money or ways of budgeting. A full moon arrives on June 14 at 23 degrees of Sagittarius; this fiery, dramatic lunation will illuminate your house of shared resources, finances, and investments. It compels you toward activation and initiating things, as Jupiter in Aires rules this full moon. Ka-ching! Hear that? It’s the money calling. Mercury is helping you out, but be aware that Neptune squares this lunation, creating a little confusion. Your ruler, Venus, enters Gemini on June 23, where she will lighten up your house of cash. In Gemini, Venus is curious, quick, and lively. She has a laissez-faire attitude towards money, and, most likely, you will overspend this month. Enjoy it, Taurus, you definitely like your stuff. A new moon at 7 degrees in Cancer arrives on June 28, ending the month on a positive tone. This lunation is in a hopeful square to expansive Jupiter, asking you to take a risk and be bold for a fresh new beginning. Your 3rd house of communications, siblings, and neighbors is ignited. Cancer is tender, kind, and compassionate; you may form deeper alliances with siblings and become a positive influence in your neighborhood! Now that’s priceless.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Happy Birthday, Gemini! June is your month and the cosmos have a few gifts for you. Mercury, your head-honcho, stations direct on June 3, at 26 degrees Taurus. An unlikely gift comes in the form of Algol, a fixed star called Medusa and one of the most malefic energies of rage, violence, anger, and suffering. Mercury conjuncts Algol for a few days, but don’t fret. The feminine expression of Algol is raw anger and rage towards injustice. As a collective in the U.S., two critical issues are bringing up anger, rage, and injustice as we grapple with gun control and the loss of women's fundamental rights. We can direct these intense feelings toward meaningful change. Mercury enters your sign on June 13, where he rules. Communication snafus are over; Mercury here is to support and enhance your life. Bright ideas, playful connections, and the ease of interactions make everything more pleasant. Your lively wit and sociability light up rooms, and you can converse with anyone. A full moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius arrives on June 14, illuminating your house of relationships. An enthusiastic, high-energy, impatient lunation is focused on growth. Neptune squares this full moon, which is confusing. This is an opportunity for growth and excitement in your relationships. Don't let the confusion hold you back; talk it over— that's your gift, so use it! One of the best days of the month is June 20, with Mercury holding hands with lucky Jupiter. Tell Siri to mark this day in your calendar. It is a green light from the cosmos, one of generosity and opportunities. Seize the opportunity to connect with friends, collaborate, make those alliances, and see what can happen. It can be one of those magical days, carpe diem! Venus, the planet of love, enters your sign on June 22, infusing you with playful cheer, lightheartedness, and sociability. As a result, relationships are harmonious; even the most introverted Geminis feel social. Connect and spread your fun-loving, curious banter around the world. A new moon at 7 degrees Cancer arrives on June 28, igniting your house of cash. Cancer is a cautious sign, yet this lunation asks you to stretch out of your comfort zone. Expansive Jupiter squares this lunation, infusing it with enthusiasm and confidence. It is a promising new beginning. Cheers to a beautiful birthday!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Summer is here, Cancer, but you are not yet ready to take a holiday because Mars and Jupiter are currently invigorating your 10th house of career. The month kicks off with Mercury stationed direct at 26 degrees Taurus on June 3. The fixed star Algol, ominously called the Demon Star, conjuncts Mercury, producing one of the most malefic energies in the cosmos, but fret not. Although anger and rage can quickly rise to the surface, the most productive way to shift this energy is to direct it towards meaningful change. Need a cause? Gun violence is out of control in the U.S. and women’s rights are on the line; if either resonates with you, speak out and channel that Algol rage in a good way! An exciting day is on June 11, when Venus conjuncts Uranus in Taurus in your house of friendships. It is a fast-paced day filled with surprises, so be spontaneous and connect with your friends. Venus in Taurus delights in pleasure; luckily this alignment lands on the weekend. Mercury enters Gemini on June 13, hiding out in your house of retreat. In Gemini, he represents instability, but is also curious, intellectual, and craves stimulation. Spend time alone and dive into what sparks your spiritual side; it is an ideal time for research, quiet contemplation, and meditation. A full moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius arrives on June 14, illuminating your house of well-being. This dynamic, fiery lunation is enthusiastic and high energy, inspiring you to focus on self-care. Jupiter rules this lunation, offering progress and growth, so, no excuses and get to it! On the Summer Solstice, June 21, the Sun will enter your sign and brighten your 1st house of self. Your annual new moon in Cancer arrives on June 28, marking your new year! This positive lunation invites you to take a risk, identify what you'd want to accomplish this year, and dream big! As expansive Jupiter squares this lunation, it’s gifting you confidence and enthusiasm for a new challenge. Exciting stuff, Cancer! 

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Get ready for a fun summer, Leo, as June gifts you a reprieve from the harsh eclipses of last month. Expansive Jupiter and action-driven Mars dwell in your 9th house of travel, spirituality, and wisdom. Plan your holiday if you can travel to places that inspire you. Do activities that expand your worldview and broaden your perceptions. It’s also time to socialize and spread your innate joy! Mercury stations direct at 26 Taurus on June 3, phew. Finally, communications and mishaps can now be resolved. There is a pesky glitch called Algol, a fixed star known as Medusa, as it conjuncts Mercury for the next few days. The star contains immense feminine passion and power, unleashing anger and rage. The most productive and meaningful way to handle this intense energy is to channel it into significant change. Gun control and women's rights are two critical issues in the U.S.; if these resonate with you, direct Algol's intensity towards meaningful change. Saturn turns retrograde on June 4, asking you to set boundaries and tend to issues within your relationships. He goes retrograde four months out of the year, yet only travels through your 7th house every 28 years; use this rare opportunity with care and attention. Venus will conjunct rebel Uranus in Taurus on June 11 in one of the most exciting, stimulating, and surprising alignments. Your career receives a jolt of energy. Expect big breakthroughs where you may have felt stuck. Mercury enters his domicile in Gemini on June 14; it is a positive, supportive alignment. In Gemini, he is optimistic, social, and clear thinking, creating ease of interaction. He will dwell in your house of friendships and networking for four glorious weeks. So, Leo, gather your friends together, throw a party, gossip, reconnect, and have fun! Mercury in Gemini is stimulating, witty, clever, and never dull. A full moon at 23 degrees in Sagittarius arrives on June 14, illuminating your house of joy, romance, kids, and creativity. This is a high drama, enthusiastic, and expansive lunation, offering you growth and expansion. Dreamy Neptune squares this full moon, causing some confusion, but not enough to stop this dynamic energy. Venus enters social Gemini on June 22, lighting up your house of friendships. Friendships flow with ease, along with wit and lively banter. If you are looking for love, you'll find it through your friendships. A new moon in tender Cancer arrives on June 28, igniting your 12th house of solitude—perfect timing to pause after an abundantly social month. If you are hesitant to be alone, take a risk and do it! Jupiter squares this lunation, inviting you to be confident and stretch yourself outside of your comfort zone and well within your spectacular summer of fun! 

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

Welcome back, Virgo! May was one of those months when you may have gone MIA thanks to Mercury retrograde coupled with eclipse season. June kicks off with Mercury stationing direct at 26 degrees Taurus on June 3.The fixed star Algol, ominously called the Demon Star, conjuncts Mercury, producing one of the most malefic energies in the cosmos, but fret not. Although anger and rage can quickly rise to the surface, the most productive way to shift this energy is to direct it towards meaningful change. Need a cause? Gun violence is out of control in the U.S., and women's rights are on the line; if either resonates with you, speak out and channel that Algol rage in a good way! Saturn, the planet of structure, turns retrograde for a 5-month stay in your house of health and well-being. Although you are known to be vigilant regarding your health, do double down on prevention. Your ruler, Mercury, enters his domicile Gemini on June 14. In Gemini, he is supportive, intellectual, quick thinking, and curious. Your house of career is infused with Mercury’s gifts; your mind is fast paced, stimulating, and has clever ideas. As a result, you are ten steps ahead of everyone while multitasking, analyzing, and sharing information. A full moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius arrives on June 14, illuminating your house of home and family. It’s a fiery, dynamic lunation offering you a chance to take a risk with enthusiasm and confidence. It may be a move, a renovation, or changes in your home life. Neptune squares this lunation, creating some confusion or mudded thinking; don't stress over it, Virgo. It may be a paint color upon which you can't decide. You may feel overwhelmed on June 16, as if you are going in many different directions. There are many planetary aspects; it is too much for your nervous system. Venus will enter Gemini on June 22, lightening up your house of career. She harmonizes and eases relationships; there is a lighthearted playfulness there, so bask in the levity. The new moon at 7 degrees Cancer arrives on June 28, activating your friendships and future aspirations. Cancer is tender; your friendships are between those with whom you feel safe, nurtured, and cared for. This positive lunation has Jupiter square to it; he encourages you to take that risk confidently and enthusiastically. Jupiter offers growth, so gather your tribe and have an adventure. Better yet, meet new people who inspire you, and stretch you out of your comfort zone!

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Lovely Libra, as usual, you've got relationships on your mind. Expansive Jupiter and driven Mars dwell in your 7th house of partnerships, heating up this area of your life. If you desire to be in a relationship, make an effort and get out there. Those in partnerships, you've got an infusion of positivity. June begins with Mercury turning stationary direct at 26 Taurus on June 3, joined by the fixed star, Algol, known for its malefic energy, representing passion, anger, and rage. Algol speaks about raw feminine power, expressing outrage and injustice. Libra, you are not one to confront, yet you are front and center regarding social injustice. Channel that Algol rage into a worthy cause. Currently, there are two looming, life-threatening battles in the U.S.— gun-control and women's rights; if this resonates with you, please offer your even-tempered gifts of persuasion for justice. Uranus on June 11 at 16 Taurus is an exciting, surprising day with fast-paced developments and breakthroughs. Shared resources and finances are highlighted. Maybe you will receive an unexpected windfall or invest in an exciting new venture. A full moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius arrives on June 14, illuminating your house of communication, siblings, and neighborhood. This is a dynamic and fiery lunation, inviting you to take a risk with confidence and enthusiasm. Neptune will square this lunation, creating confusion as he does best, but don't let that deter you. Venus, your ruler, slides into Gemini on June 22 and lights up your house of travel, learning, and spirituality. In Gemini, she is playful, curious, and perceptive, desiring stimulating conversations. With your wanderlust and thirst for knowledge ignited, book that trip or take that course; whatever piques your interest, do it! A new moon at 7 degrees of Cancer arrives on June 28 in your house of career. This positively wonderful lunation offers a fresh start. What seeds do you want to plant in your career? Expansive Jupiter squares with this lunation, urging you to take the plunge and think big. Size matters, Libra! Go big or stay home!

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

The summer heat nurtures your body, mind, and soul, Scorp! As expansive Jupiter in Aries activates your house of wellbeing and health, it propels you to be healthy and fit. Aries is fast and furious; be patient and stay the course. He will dwell here for a year, so take your time. The month kicks off with Mercury going stationary direct at 26 Taurus on June 3 in your house of relationships. However, there is a glitch; the fixed star Algol, ominously called the Demon Star, conjuncts Mercury, producing one of the most malefic energies in the cosmos, but fret not. Although anger and rage can quickly rise to the surface, the most productive way to shift this energy is to direct it towards meaningful change. Need a cause? Gun violence is out of control in the U.S., and women's rights are on the line; if either resonates with you, release your stinger and channel that Algol rage! Best to do this rather than unleash your rage on your partner, right? Saturn, the planet that says no to everything, turns retrograde on June 4 at 25 degrees Aquarius in your house of home and family life. You will need to attend to family matters, your home, and your emotional foundation. In addition, Saturn retrograde can give you more responsibilities, so set boundaries and double down on self-care. An exciting day arrives on June 11, as Venus conjuncts chaotic Uranus at 16 degrees Taurus, giving your relationships a jolt of excitement! You can have a breakthrough in your partnership where you may have felt stuck. Venus is about pleasure and desire. Get creative, Scorpio! It lands on a Saturday, so mark it in the calendar and start planning the sizzle.  A full moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius arrives on June 28, illuminating your house of money. Jupiter rules this lunation, urging you to take a risk and ask for that promotion. If you are not happy at work, you may leave your job and start a business. You've got the celestial support on your side. Summer Solstice on June 21 is eye opening as the Sun enters Cancer, shining its caring wisdom on your 9th house of travel, learning, and spirituality. Start planning your summer holiday, take a workshop, and do what nurtures your soul, Scorpio. A new moon at 7 degrees Cancer arrives on June 28, further igniting your house of travel, learning, and expanding your worldview. Take a trip through traditional travel or plant medicine and do something that transports you to see the world with an expansive openness. Then take a leap of faith; Jupiter squares this lunation, urging you to be confident and break out of your comfort zone. Cheers to wellbeing and mind-opening journeys!!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Having fun yet, Sag? Expansive Jupiter and driven Mars light up your 5th house of romance, creativity, and kids, infusing all with a fiery, dynamic energy, filled with enthusiasm and motivation. Mercury turns stationary direct at 26 Taurus on June 3, joined by the fixed star Algol, known for its malefic energy of passion, anger, and rage. Algol speaks about raw feminine power, expressing outrage and injustice. Channel that rage into a worthy battle. Currently, there are two looming, life-threatening battles in the U.S.— gun-control and women's rights. Join the fight with Algol rage on your side if either cause resonates with you. Mercury, the planet of communication and technology, enters his domicile Gemini on June 13. Mercury is at his best in Gemini, curious, clever, intellectual, craving stimulation and variety. He activates your house of relationships, enhancing natural ease and flow of communication. Your yearly full moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius arrives on June 14, illuminating your vitality and presence. The moon's rays shine brightly on you, so plan an adventure and do what makes you happy. Neptune squares the full moon, adding a bit of confusion to the mix, but what has ever stopped you from an adventure, Sag? Not much. Venus, the planet of love, enters Gemini on June 22, weaving her magic in your house of relationships. Venus brings harmony, playfulness, and ease to your relationships, allowing you to effortlessly express your love and affection. As a result, relationships flourish; a new love may enter your life. A new moon in tender Cancer at 7 degrees arrives on June 28, igniting your house of shared resources, finances, and transformation. New moons are new beginnings, so set your intentions, plant the seeds for prosperity, and see what unfolds over the next six months. Lucky Jupiter squares this lunation, infusing it with confidence, risk-taking, and enthusiasm. Lucky Jupiter? Yes, but lucky you, too!

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

Time to change things up this summer, Cap! You've got expansive Jupiter and driven Mars dwelling in your 4th house of home and family; how’s things in your domicile? Mars is motivating you to actually work on your home; it can be a move, renovation, or simply improvements. You are on it! Mercury turns direct at 26 degrees Taurus on June 3,  when he conjuncts the fixed star Algol. The dreaded Algol, known as the Demon Star, can cause worry, anxiety, and anger. The most productive way to channel this intense energy is to use it for a worthy cause. Gun control and women's rights are critical issues in the U.S.; if you are so inclined, speak out! You’ve got Algol on your side. Your ruler Saturn turns retrograde on June 4; he is retrograde 38% of the year. Saturn sets limits and boundaries and loves to say no. Cap, reign in your spending and rework a budget, ‘coz he's setting limits on your cash flow. He goes direct mid-October, though, so don’t worry, you've got this. Venus, the planet of love, hooks up with chaotic Uranus at 16 degrees Taurus on June 11. One of the most exciting and surprising aspects is illuminating your house of romance, creativity, and kids. Luckily, this falls on a weekend, so be spontaneous and honor your desire for pleasure and enjoyment. Then, you can make breakthroughs where you have felt stuck, either creatively or romantically. A full moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius arrives on June 14, highlighting your 12th  house of solitude. You may feel the need to retreat and recharge. It is essential to your wellbeing and mental health to spend time alone. Even a walk by yourself can do wonders. Jupiter rules this lunation, urging you to take a risk with an inward journey. Take it and try to integrate meditation and contemplation into your life. Rest up and tend to your spiritual life. Summer officially begins on June 21, when the Sun enters Cancer. The Sun will shine its light on your house of relationships. It is time for some sweet summer loving, Cap. A new moon at 7 degrees Cancer arrives on June 28, igniting the 7tth house of partnerships. Cancer is nurturing, supportive, tender, and kind. Jupiter squares this lunation, urging you to get out of your comfort zone and try something different for a change—a good change! 

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Your mind is in overdrive as usual, Aquarius, and with Mars and Jupiter activating your house of communications, it's off the charts. Fortunately, after wreaking havoc in your home life, Mercury stations direct at 26 degrees Taurus on June 3. But don’t rest easy just yet. A malefic fixed star, Algol, conjuncts Mercury for a few days, unleashing anger and outrage. There is plenty to be upset with in the U.S. concerning gun violence and women's rights, so the most productive use of Algol's intensity is to channel it towards progressive change; if these issues concern you, speak out. Saturn, your ruler, turns retrograde at 25 degrees Aquarius. Saturn wants you to set boundaries; are you overextending yourself to your detriment? It is imperative that you tend to your wellbeing and create sustainable structures in your life. Use this retrograde to your advantage, tighten up, and have firm boundaries and clear agreements. June 11th is an exciting day in the cosmos, with Venus conjunct Uranus at 16 degrees Taurus, so expect surprises. Venus in Taurus is pleasure-seeking; your home life receives a jolt of excitement. Positive breakthroughs can also occur in family relationships. Mercury enters his ruler, Gemini, on June 14 when it’s time to liven up your house of pleasure, romance, and creativity. In Gemini, he is curious and craves cerebral stimulating conversations and clever banter. Your creative ideas can flow freely, and there is an ease of communication. A full moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius arrives on June 14, illuminating your house of friends, networks, and aspirations. It is a dynamic, high drama, enthusiastic lunation! You'll want to set your sights on growth and progress; take a few risks as Jupiter rules this full moon. Be aware that there will be some confusion with Neptune in the mix. Venus, the planet of love, enters Gemini on June 22, gracing your house of romance, pleasure, creativity, and kids. Venus encourages you to do what makes you happy and adds magnetism, charm, and harmony to relationships. Go to a concert, visit a museum, attend a play, and indulge in cultural activities! Venus in Gemini needs connection, variety, and stimulation. She is a social butterfly with ADD, so do keep her occupied! A new moon at 7 degrees Cancer on June 28 ignites your house of health and self-care. It is time for some tender nurturing as this positive lunation gifts you a fresh start to care for yourself with kindness and compassion!

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

You’re making it rain, Pisces, and they aren’t fleeting summer showers. Proactive Mars is stirring up your house of cash, and, along with amplifying Jupiter, you've got the cosmos on your side. Mercury turns stationary direct at 26 Taurus on June 3, joined by the fixed star Algol, known for its malefic energy of passion, anger, and rage. Algol speaks about raw feminine power, expressing outrage and injustice. Currently, there are two looming, life-threatening battles in the U.S.— gun-control and women's rights. Join the fight with Algol rage on your side if either cause resonates with you. Venus, the planet of love, hooks up with rebel Uranus at 16 degrees on June 11, one of the most exciting days of the month. As a result, your house of communication gets a surprising jolt of energy in the form of creative ideas, breakthroughs, and pleasant, stimulating conversations. A full moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius arrives on June 14, illuminating your house of career. It is a dynamic, fiery lunation filled with enthusiasm, confidence, and risk-taking. Do expect some drama. It’s a full moon, and it can be a pivot, a promotion, or a job change. Remember, take a risk, and believe in yourself. One of the best aspects of the month arrives on June 20 when expansive Jupiter holds hands with Mercury, forming a supportive, productive aspect. Focusing on the future has a quality of luck, generosity, and opportunity manifesting as optimistic energy, supporting your home and finances. Loving Venus enters Gemini on June 22 in your house of home and family, infusing both with harmony, beauty, and activity. You may be private, yet you prefer a stimulating and lively home. You'll want to nest and socialize; the solution? Invite everyone over! A new moon at 7 degrees of Cancer arrives on June 28, igniting your house of romance, creativity, and pleasure. It is a nurturing and supporting lunation that encourages you to step out of your comfort zone. New moons are fresh starts, so plant your seeds of intention and see what blossoms in six months. Enjoy the rainy days and this tender, loving full moon!

Interested in your own personal reading? Book directly with our in-house astrologer and doctor of Chinese medicine, Lori Bell, for virtual readings, wellness guidance, and more! Email her at lori@loriabell.com


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