
Here's Your 2018 Horoscope. You're Welcome.

The Standard Spa, Miami Beach’s in-house astrologer, Lori Bell, laid out your year ahead. Don’t say we never did anything for you!


ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19)
Good news, Aries: it’s your year of sex (and money). Uranus has lived in your sign since 2011 and it's finally headed out in May, so lay off the selfies and focus on finances. If you are feeling stagnant in this area, think outside of the box. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, falls into your house of sex, intimacy, and money. This is your chance to go deep, even if it's just for the night. You will work harder than ever, but the rewards can be endless. Put your nose to the grindstone, set goals, and make that paper.  


TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20)
A whole lotta love’s coming your way, Taurus. Fall in love, learn something new, travel far, and take new chances. Jupiter, the planet that’s all about love, is in your 7th house until November, so whether you’re single or in a relationship, go outside and mingle—you are irresistible now. Uranus entering your 1st house means it’s time to shed old skin. You can finally be weird now. With Saturn in your 9th house, study something to advance your career and take vacations that are work- or spiritually-focused.


GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
Hope you like change, Gemini, because you may not recognize your old self by the end of 2018. Jupiter in your 6th house will give you a boost of energy and self-care. Saturn moved into your 8th house of sex, power, money, and intimacy, so lavish your attention on your partner instead of your phone. This is also the year to pay off that debt. Lastly, if you've never been in therapy, start now. Uranus’ entering your 12th house means it’s time for introversion, meditation, retreats, and volunteerism. This is a year to go deep within and spend time alone. Your curious mind will gain clarity.


CANCER (June 21-July 22)
Relationship city! Be it romance, friendship, or business, you will find joy. Jupiter moves into your 5th house, highlighting love affairs, creativity, and bliss. Saturn will affect your relationships, too, and reveal what’s working and what needs fixing. If you’re spoken for, be prepared to do some work to keep it strong. If you’re rolling solo, this may be the ideal time to find a new, creative outlet. The big surprise is Uranus moving into your 11th house of friendships, bringing new types of people into your world. You crave security and yearn for partnership. Don’t sulk, Cancer, it will all work out!


LEO (July 23-Aug 22)
Home is everything in 2018, Leo, with Jupiter moving into your 4th house of roots, home, and family. Now is the time to move, renovate, decorate, but just remember to spend time with the fam—it will nourish your soul. Saturn has entered your domain of health, work, and daily routine, so eat healthy, exercise, and revamp your normal regimen. Uranus is stepping to the top of your chart signaling the need for change in places you’ve outgrown. This burst of inspiring energy will last eight years, so don't freak, you've got time to figure it out.


VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22)
Always the alchemist, you’re riding high in 2018, Virgo. This is the year to transform your mind. With Jupiter expanding into your 3rd house, you should think bigger, focus positively, and create new schemes. Uranus lights up your 9th house, highlighting learning and travel. There will be more responsibility in your house of love affairs, creativity, children, and play. It may be challenging to enjoy these aspects with Saturn in the picture. This is not the time to ruminate though, however tempting. You have to find and focus on the fun.


LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22)
This year, Libra, you’re more kitten than lion. Your self-worth, talents, and cash flow are poised to expand deeply, so just be sure to value yourself in the process—you’re worth it. You can expect new responsibilities in your home life, which may include caring for parents, and home is an area of focus, whether working on your current house or buying a new one. Uranus, gratefully, has left your 7th house of relationships, so if you stayed in a bad marriage, got divorced, or dated a lot of weirdos, that’s all over now. At long last, Libra—no more upheaval. Stability reigns now.


SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21)
Hey, charmer, this is the year to spread your trademark magnetism. Opportunities abound, so get out and show yourself. This only comes around every twelve years, so take advantage. With Saturn entering your 3rd house, you will feel a greater responsibility toward siblings, neighbors, and daily affairs. Heed it. This 3rd house also rules your mind, so be mindful of negative thinking—you do go there. Uranus, the planet of disruption enters your 7th house of committed partnerships. If you’re in a relationship, shake it up, spice it up, or it will break up. Be open to all possibilities.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21)
Hear that hallelujah chorus? Saturn left your sign in December, and chances are that you've grown, matured, and are ready for the next instructions. Saturn hanging out in your 2nd house highlights self-worth, income, and cash flow. Everything that has germinated for the past two years is now ready for you to activate. 2018 is a great time to harness your love of travel and exploration. Think about discovering a far-off place where you can tune into your meditative self. Don’t worry—the 5th house will also rule with unparalleled creativity, energy, and wild fun. Feed your free spirit.


CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19)
Pop the champagne, Capricorn—you’ve got Saturn in your sign for the next two years. As the zodiac’s #1 workaholic, you have even more strength and focus to accomplish anything to which you set your mind. Don’t blow the opportunity. With Jupiter in your 11th house, it’s time to make new friends—not only ones at work. Attention also focuses on your roots to family and home. Perhaps it’s time to renovate, redecorate, or reconnect? Just try not to work 24/7 for the next two years. All work and no play…


AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18)
Prepare to hide from the paparazzi—it’s your year to shine both in and out of the public eye. Recognition and professional opportunities will flow effortlessly. These celestial doors open very rarely so don’t “weird” them away. Social Aquarius will need to make a special effort to spend time alone, but it will do you good to meditate or travel solo. Saturn is asking you to look inside yourself to unlock hidden potential. Expect changes at home. This could mean a move, renovation, or new family situation. Don’t let things get dull, follow your sign to the strange and different in 2018.


PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20)
Good news, you dreamer, you! Jupiter is cozying up to your Sun Sign and will be hanging out in your in 9th house of long-distance travel, learning, philosophy, and spirituality. It’s the year to literally expand your world, so take that long overdue trip, visit your guru, pick up a hobby. With Saturn in Capricorn activating your 11th house, 2018 is also time to get focused on friendships, networking, and new dreams. It’s totally okay to space out, as Pisces will, just make sure that your thoughts are inspired! 

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