The Paris Review Goes West

Maybe it's the thought of the impeding winter weather, maybe they're just mourning summer. Whatever the reason, The Paris Review felt the need to inject a little west coast sunshine into their fall issue. Who better then that epitome of sunshine, The Standard, Hollywood, to help them fulfill their dreams? Join us next Thursday, October 6th, for an evening with The Paris Review and PEN USA celebrating the launch of Issue #198, Fall 2011. We've gathered up some of LA's most distinguished literati to join in the fun. Expect readings by Ann Louise Bardach, David Kipen, Jonathan Lethem, Tom Lutz, Mona Simpson, Michael Tolkin, and many more...

The Paris Review No. 198, Fall 2011

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE: As an added bonus, we've arranged a little giveaway in honor of The Paris Review's west coast launch. In Los Angeles, with it's year round near perfect weather, every day can potentially be spent pool side. Using our Twitter account, tell us what you'd do with a Paris Review beach towel and you could win one along with a gift certificate for lunch for two pool side at The Standard, Hollywood! Make sure to tweet @standardhwood and @parisreview and definitely use the hashtag #StandardReview! Happy tweeting - see you Thursday!

The Paris Review Beach Towel

The Paris Review launches Thursday, October 6, 2011, from 7:30 — 10:00 pm in the Cactus Lounge at The Standard, Hollywood.

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