
Your November Horoscopes

From our favorite astrologer Lori Bell, here's what the stars have in store for November...


This month, Venus returns to her rulership in Libra, energized with agency and autonomy. Her influence will cut through the harsh aspects of November, bringing sweetness while empowering women and the arts. In Libra, she’s well-resourced to boost partnership, harmony, collaboration, beauty and integrity, so take advantage! The world is deeply divided but Venus promises to an opportunity to seek common ground. While we may not see it on the world stage, we can embrace it in our own lives. It’s time for tactful negotiations, effortless harmony and new alliances. Venus calls us to seek togetherness.   



In Sagittarius, Mercury is outspoken and vocal—a little stubborn and impetuous, but expansive and optimistic. This isn’t the greatest spot for Mercury, so details, analytical thinking and organization may go out the window. Go with your gut and take some risks, don’t be afraid to give voice to how you really feel. Ideally, it’s time to expand our minds, explore wisdom and seek more profound meaning. On the world stage, this Mercury energy may lead to more conflict, but in our personal lives we can find the positive and harness it.


Important to note: Mercury is future-seeking right, projecting endless possibilities into the world. But in this transit, that instinct will clash with Saturn’s stern reality check. It’s a celestial glitch, and we have to balance Mercury’s “go go go” with Saturn’s “no no no.” Try not to overextend yourself and determine if you have the resources (time, energy, money) to pursue your dreams. Saturn’s influence is cautious and deliberate, squelching our impetuousness. Mercury here invites us to look to the future and set our sights there. 



The upcoming New Moon in Scorpio portends intensity and volatility on the world stage from Oct. 11-15. We may feel some of that in our lives, so find ways to deescalate the drama instead of feeding it. It all begins within us. This transit finds the moon at 20 degrees of Scorpio, conjoining Mars in Scorpio—the planet’s ruler. However, Mars’ placement under the beams of the Sun create hidden, strategic and secretive tendencies. Meanwhile, Uranus opposes the lunation, creating sudden changes and bringing forth shifts and breakthroughs. Uranus encourages us to break free from convention, embrace individuality and challenge the status quo.


This astrological chaos may even feel like an eclipse due to the unpredictable energy, so remain flexible. Set a specific goal or challenge (big or small) that you can achieve under the New Moon. Use the excitement as a reset to move forward with single-minded determination. This can create that awakening or a breakthrough, freeing you from old patterns or limitations. 

Right after the New Moon, the Sun will oppose Uranus; from November 11-14, the energy is highly unpredictable. Here’s a thought for the New Moon: Let’s take care of each other, even those with whom we disagree. May breakthroughs of kindness prevail. 




The highlight of November is when Mars begins a new two-year cycle in Scorpio. This cazmini brings Mars to the “heart” of the sun, purifying and clearing out old fears. It’s time to bravely and courageously move forward, with Mars’ very best qualities (boldness, bravery) strengthened and amplified. This brings extreme focus and an ability to get to the core of something. Truths are revealed, revelations have the potential to be revolutionary. What drives you? In this cazmini, new beginnings come through tactile, secret, strategic actions. Carefully choose where to hone your energy, because Mars in Scorpio is decisive and sharp. We can become obsessed with achieving the goal or challenge we set out. This renewal lasts two years, but the new clarity and bravery starts now—so set that transformative goal!



As we leave the inward and reflective energy of Scorpio, we move into the upward and outward energy of Sagittarius. And just like that, our point-of-view shifts. The Sun in Sagittarius is uplifting and expansive, bringing vibrancy, vitality and confidence. It enhances expansive energy, adventure and the need for movement. We are now drawn to what brings meaning and purpose to our lives, such as spirituality and philosophy. You’ll feel an eagerness to move forward, assessing the vast possibilities before you. Sagittarius season brings enthusiasm, hope, optimism and, hopefully, a greater tolerance for others.



Mars in Sagittarius creates a fiery energy for the Sag season. It’s adventurous, courageous and willing to give things a try. We can feel restless, feeling eager to push our limits, test boundaries and experiment with risk. It’s daring—but not reckless—energy, inviting us to stretch and expand our horizons. Mars in Sagittarius is not about details or practicality; It’s about about being in the moment and living life to the fullest. The practicalities can wait until Mars enters Capricorn in January. 



Get ready for some social stimulation: The Full Moon in Gemini offers mental energy to burn and share. It’s curious, social and creates that buzzy, extroverted, life-of-the-party energy. You might feel a little overstimulated so rest up and look after your nervous system to avoid overload. Nevertheless, your heightened desire for connection is a gift for the holiday season. Just watch out for scatteredness and haziness (while Mercury squares Neptune), mindfulness is the antidote to forgetfulness. Details may come and go but keep your mind as sharp as you can to avoid misinformation and misunderstanding. While Mars opposes the Moon, stay tuned for drama and watch out for sharp outbursts. Try not to over-commit yourself and carve out the “me time” you need to keep emotions in check.

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Buckle up, Aries! It’s been intense lately and that will continue through the middle of November. The sweetness of the month arrives on November 8 when Venus enters her ruler, Libra and your relationship house receives her grace. Aries, use your charms to get what you want in business and personal affairs: You will feel more willing to negotiate and compromise. This is great news for your relationships, as you’ll feel more loving, affectionate and gentle with your partners, especially if there’s conflict. Mid-month, your ruler Mars will clash with unpredictable Uranus—keep calm during this volatile aspect! One of the most significant alignments arrives on November 18 when Mars joins the Sun in Scorpio, starting a new two-year cycle. This offers extreme focus and strategic thinking as you initiate a new beginning. Whatever financial goals or challenges you set now, you can become obsessed with achieving them. This new cycle also invites you to face and let go of your innermost fears. Scorpio is the most determined, decisive and courageous sign. Cheers to love and courageous new beginnings! 





November brings intensity and depth to your relationships. On November 8, Venus enters Libra, bringing harmony, beauty and grace and igniting your house of well-being. Fully in her power, Venus’ beautiful energy will make relationships at work more harmonious in November. Look after yourself by stepping into nature, listening to music and surrounding yourself with soul-soothing beauty. The intensity starts on November 11 through 17, when energies become sudden, disruptive and exciting. Don’t let them throw you off your game or disrupt your inner peace. A bevy of planets in Scorpio are dwelling in your house of relationships. The most significant aspect is on November 18, as Mars in Scorpio cazimis the Sun, starting a new two-year cycle. In this position, the Sun purifies Mars, clearing out old fears so you can move bravely and courageously forward. It can reveal truths and revelations for you or your partner. Mars in Scorpio is determined and obsessed: Are you ready to let your heart break open? Deepen your relationships? Begin new partnerships? You've got two years to sort this out. Cheers to love! 





Your creative fire gets lit this month when Venus enters Libra on November 8. She’ll infuse you with creativity, self-expression and love. Make those your go-to energies this month. Mercury, your ruler, enters Sagittarius on November 10 and he’s not concerned with details. Instead, he’s outspoken and future-oriented. But not so fast! Before you can move forward, Mercury will clash with restrictive Saturn, squelching any impetuous plans. This will save you from overextending yourself in both personal and business partnerships. Sagittarius season spotlights your relationships, as the Sun and Mars will join Mercury there. Your focus is shifted to others—bringing optimism, vibrancy and expansiveness to your relationships. Mars comes around every two years to reawaken this area of your chart. He is adventurous, risk-taking and future-oriented. Cheers to creativity and adventures in love! 





November invites you to stay in your cocoon, the inner sanctuary you call home. Venus in Libra arrives on November 8, gracing your home base. She brings harmony, beauty and serenity. Your home serves as a private sanctuary, allowing you to escape from the noise of the outside world. Security is what you're looking for this month, so staying close to what you call “home” feels best for you. One of the most significant alignments arrives on November 17, when Mars cazimis the Sun, initiating a two-year cycle. This alignment is purifying, clearing out old fears and allowing you to move forward bravely. Your house of creativity, kids and romance gets activated with fierce determination and focus. What drives and stirs you? Clarify and hone in on it. Mars in Scorpio is decisive and sharp—even obsessive. Use this energy to achieve the goal or challenge you set out to do. This cycle lasts two years, so get clear and brave and set a goal that transforms you! 





November holds a bevy of planets in Scorpio, dwelling in your house of home, family and inner life. Brace yourself to deal with your family, your pain and whatever else comes up to the surface. This energy peaks between November 11 and 17, as Mars and the Sun will oppose disruptive Uranus. This coincides with a New Moon in Scorpio on the November 13, creating sudden shifts and breakthroughs. Uranus invites you to break free from those old hurts and wounds you've buried deep within, to awaken and free yourself from limiting habits. Mars cazimis the sun on November 17 and gets purified, clearing out old fears so you can courageously move forward. This transit brings extreme focus, so you can get to the essence or core of something, revealing truths and revolutions. Jupiter has been expanding your house of career and ambition since May. He will oppose the Scorpio planets, and it’s critical to process the past to be open to the future, possibly expanding your world. Cheers to breakthroughs! 





November has you dealing with the day-to-day minutiae and home front, and you're good with it. Your ruler, Mercury, enters Sagittarius on November 10…not a placement that brings you comfort. In Sag, Mercury is not about the details, analytical thinking or organization, so take a deep breath, Virgo. Through this transit, Mercury is outspoken and impetuous while actively pursuing a constellation of possibilities. This puts him on a collision course with Saturn, who’s cautious and deliberate. Before you can propel forward with flighty ideas, have a plan, then set your sights on the future. On November 23, the Sun and Mars, a few days later, will join Mercury in your house of home and family, brining those realms to the forefront. Sagittarius is uplifting and optimistic, infusing your home with vibrancy. The Full Moon in Gemini arrives on November 27, illuminating your career. Be mindful of your nervous system; this lunation is overstimulating. It is very social, confusing and reactive. It will feel like a bit of a mess, so stay centered. Cheers to a lively home!






The best transit of the month is for you. Venus enters Libra, your ruler, on November 8. She is in her domicile, in her power, bestowing her charm, harmony and equanimity. You’re in your element, easily attracting connection, harmony, peace and beauty. Always striving for equilibrium, you innately know how to compromise and negotiate. Shine bright and socialize; You attract others with your gentleness and kindness, which the world needs now. Mid-month, tension is high, as Mars and the Sun in Scorpio oppose disruptive Uranus. Keep your poise; you are the negotiator and peacemaker of the zodiac. November 17, Mars in Scorpio cazimi the Sun, beginning a new two-year cycle. The Sun purifies Mars, shedding old fears as he moves into the future. Libra, for the next two years, your focus, obsession and determination are on your money and possessions. Set your goals and challenges—you've got two years to accomplish them. Cheers to peace and income! 





Get ready: November brings breakdowns and breakthroughs. The month begins with Mercury, Mars and the Sun in your first house of self-identity. This gets you surging with power, intensity and unstoppable determination. But hold tight, things get real from November 11-17 when the Scorpio planets crash with disruptive Uranus, creating havoc and epiphanies in your personal and professional partnerships. On top of that, your annual New Moon arrives on November 13—it's a chaotic period! Uranus wants nothing more than to liberate and break your entrenched patterns, but it will take some effort. Try to see big changes (the breakdowns) in a positive light (as breakthroughs)! On November 17, Mars cazimis the Sun: strengthened, purified and ready to clear out old fears. With your ruler in top form, everything is possible in this new two-year cycle. Find your next obsession, and cheers to breakthroughs!






You're in hibernation mode until November 10, but then it’s time to reclaim your mojo. Mercury moves into Sagittarius on November 10, illuminating new possibilities to actively pursue. At the same time, Mercury clashes with stern Saturn, who is cautious and deliberate. This delivers a reality check: he wants you to prepare and set your sights on the future. Once Sagittarius Season begins on November 22, your confidence, optimism and adventurous spirit shine forth. Mars will enter Sagittarius on November 24: He comes around every two years to reawaken this area of your chart. You’ll feel energized and ready for horizon-expanding adventure. But there’s a glitch; Mars is hidden under the beams of the Sun, concealing a wild card you will not see. Your plans may not pan out as expected, so be flexible. Live in the moment and try not to overextend yourself! Cheers to you, Sag. 





You’re a social butterfly this month, Cap. Get out, connect and be seen at this moment of empowerment. Venus enters Libra on November 8 and that brings new strength in professional pursuits. Stand tall in your agency, and you’ll reap rewards: prosperity, grace and collaboration will find you. Choose gentleness over assertiveness and you’ll find new power in negotiations and compromises—that’s always been one of your strengths! November 11-15 will be an unpredictable and intense time when the planets clash and your New Moon arrives in Scorpio on November 13, conjoining Mars. This lunation opposes disruptive Uranus, creating sudden shifts and breakthroughs. You’ll feel it especially in your house of friends and aspirations. Use the jolt to reset with stoic determination. When Mars cazimis the Sun, he’s purified and amplified for his next two-year cycle. Focus on your aspirations and set some intentions…there’s nothing stopping you now! But keep your grand plans to yourself and remember there’s wisdom in privacy and strategy. Cheers to actualizing your dreams! 



November is about to tear you between home and work, making it hard to keep your equilibrium. Uranus has been dwelling in your house of home and family since 2018, leading to experiments with the notion of “home” and what it means to you—literally and figuratively. It’s a work in progress, and so is your career (with an assist from Mars and The Sun). When the New Moon in Scorpio arrives (November 11-15) it’s time to detach and become the observer. Hang back amid disruptive, inflammatory energy in your work and home life. Since this lunation opposes Uranus, this chaos can create breakthroughs. Stay flexible at home and work! Honestly, chaos is exciting…use this reset to take future-focused action. On November 17, Mars conjuncts the Sun in Scorpio and a new two-year cycle begins with focus and determination. Set your sights on a new goal (choose wisely) and you have the obsession to attain it. 





Let’s dive in, Pisces. November brings new depths of wisdom and perspective to explore. On November 10, personal planets move into Sagittarius and your house of career and ambition will be illuminated. You’ll feel renewed confidence about the possibilities before you, so take some risks to move forward. Saturn is setting the boundaries, squelching Sagittarius’ lofty ideas: This may seem like a buzzkill but it’s a blessing in disguise. This reality check from Saturn leads you to caution and deliberation to balance out the “go, go, go” energy. Plan first, then execute. Mars enters Sagittarius on November 24, awakening his area of your chart for a new two-year cycle. But take note, Mars is hidden under the beams of the Sun, so there is something you do not see you want to expect that may not pan out as expected. Stay optimistic, but don’t be naïve. 


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