
Your November Horoscope

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Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

November brings significant shifts, and you are ready for action. You love a challenge and this month certainly delivers. November begins with your ruler Mars in Scorpio, where he is back in his power all strategic, focused, determined, and driven, dwelling in your 8th house of shared resources, transformation, and collaborations. You got your mojo back so use it and think like a brilliant chess player. Be strategic, have an endgame, and do not reveal too much. Checkmate, you got this! The new moon in Scorpio at 12 degrees joins Mars in your 8th house on November 4. This lunation opposes rebellious Uranus, giving it a wild quality. Expect the unexpected as it activates your 8th house of shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. Scorpio is introspective and obsessive; go within, Aries, and drop into your inner stillness. You rarely sit still but do it this month! Take that deep dive to gain greater clarity, insight, and self-honesty. You usually do what you want, but this time, do it for the right reasons, ok? On November 5, Venus enters Capricorn for an extended 4-month stay in your 10th house of career. Venus creates stability, clarity and establishes long-lasting relationships where consistency, calmness, and longevity count.  It is the ideal time to curate your dream team. Venus has your back. Put November 10 in your Google calendar, stat, because it’s overwhelmed with complex alignments. Your ruler, Mars, will be clashing with restrictive Saturn in a clash of the titans, but it’s ok, just breathe and ask yourself if it’s worth your energy. Choose your battles wisely, please. A full moon lunar eclipse on November 19 highlights your 2nd house of money and self-worth. What do you need to resist or remove to start fresh? How are you managing your money, and do you receive what you are worth? The lunation has a chaotic quality, but you can get grounded in nature. If you are concerned about your finances, start working on them. You may come up with creative ideas for a new business endeavor or an innovative way of making money. Cheers to a wild and passionate November, but remember, Aries, choose those battles wisely!

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

Relationships go deep, Taurus! November begins with Mars, the planet of action and desire, in Scorpio, dwelling your 7th house of committed relationships, both personal and professional. Mars shows up in this area of your chart every two years to shake things up. Although your significant partnerships get a jolt of energy, they can provoke, confront, and demand more from you. Working with partners can be highly productive but be mindful of conflicts—it’s best to clear the air first. The benefits are heightened passions, yet be aware of obsessive, possessive, and controlling behaviors. A new moon in Scorpio at 12 degrees arrives on November 4, joining Mars in your 7th house. Scorpio is private and introspective, inviting you to go within, and to be ruthlessly honest with yourself concerning your partnerships. You have the opportunity to deepen and heal your partnerships. Your ruler, Venus, enters Capricorn on November 5 for an extended 4-month stay. This is a true gift, Taurus, as she graces your 9th house of spirituality, travel, and higher learning. Venus inspires you to delve deeper into the magic and beauty the world has to offer, to seek experiences that expand your consciousness and bring more joy into your world. Brace yourself for November 10 when warrior Mars battles with stern Saturn, a volatile aspect filled with frustrations, delays, and anger. The battleground is your career and committed partnerships, yikes, yes, but Taurus, drop into your calm center and do not engage. There will be no winners in this fight. Wait a few days before proceeding. You can become a raging bull when triggered; this is the alignment that can trigger you. Maybe take the day off and spend time in nature where it soothes and heals you. The most significant alignment in November occurs on the 19th, with a full moon lunar eclipse in your sign at 27 degrees. Eclipses are cosmic reboots that bring change and transformation. Having an eclipse in Taurus is the cosmic invite to transform your life. Taurus, what do you want in your life? Anything is possible now, especially love, expansion, and miracles!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Self-care is where it's at this November. Mars, the planet of action, is in Scorpio, where he is vitalizing your 6th house of health, wellness, and work until December 13. Mars in Scorpio is determined, strategic, focused, and obsessed. Gemini, you can stay focused on one thing at a time, but for the ultimate multitasker, you may find this insulting. Hard work and vigorous physical activity are critical for your well-being; hit the gym, hike, run, or have a lot of sex. A new moon in Scorpio at 12 degrees joins Mars in your 6th house; this lunation opposes rebellious Uranus, adding an element of surprise and excitement. Go within, pause before you rush into the next activity; the lunation is contemplative and reflective, so slow down, be thoughtful, and deliberate. But wait! There’s more to this 6th house party; Mercury, your ruler, will enter Scorpio on November 5. Mercury is vulnerable, reflective, and private in Scorpio. Have meaningful and deep conversations and keep it real. Mark November 10 in your calendars to be ready for the tumultuous celestial skies as your ruler Mercury clashes with the big boys Mars and Saturn. Here’s the rub: they always win. Expect heated discussions, disagreements, and anger. Adding to the table-flipping drama, Mars gets into a brawl with Saturn and boy can it get ugly. If you can, lie low and choose your battles wisely. Also, please, Gem, don't talk too much. The month's major event is the arrival of the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus at 27 degrees on November 19. Eclipses are game changers, the universe's way of shaking us up out of complacency. Your 12th house of seclusion and mysticism is ignited. Ideally, take the day off, spend the time in nature, slow down, and try to quiet your active mind. Lunar eclipses are culminations, endings, and releases, acknowledge all that you've been carrying and let it go. Mercury, your head honcho, is on the go this month and enters Sagittarius on November 24. What a relief! You're not comfortable living in the depths of Scorpio, and now’s the time for levity! It's back to a busy mind, scattered thoughts, speaking up, and dreaming big. Whew, now you can exhale!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

This month you should be in pursuit of pleasure, Cancer. Yes, you read that correctly; this month is messy, intense, and volatile and you are given a reprieve. Don’t ask why, just take it! Mars, the planet of desire, is in passionate Scorpio, igniting your 5th house of creativity, love, and pleasure until December 13. Mars is also determined, strategic, focused, and obsessive, emerging every two years to ignite this area of your life. For better or for worse, you may find yourself obsessing with excitement over a lover, a creative project, or your kids. A new moon in Scorpio at 12 degrees joins Mars for the 5th house party, but don’t go cuing the EDM. This is more Billie Eilish, as deep, intense, and reflective Scorpio burrows its brooding within Cancer, inspiring you to relish in the deep emotional waters. Do not rush into anything; contemplate, be deliberate and thoughtful before moving forward. The rebellious planet Uranus opposes this lunation, adding excitement and surprises, so be true to yourself!  Venus, the planet of love, enters Capricorn on November 5 for an extended four-month stay in your 7th house of committed partnerships, both personal and professional, bringing stability and clarity to them. You crave commitment, security, and maturity in your relationships and Venus delivers. For those who are single, look for a keeper, not a hook-up, ok? Venus brings refinement and harmony to all your partnerships. November 10 is when you may want to stay home and take a personal day. It’s intense out there as Mars, the warrior planet, battles big boss Saturn. The energy is frustrating and angry, so be sure to lie low. If you find yourself in the fray, tap into your compassionate heart which is your best weapon of mass distraction. Eclipse season is ushered in with the arrival of a new moon lunar eclipse in Taurus at 27 degrees, bringing about sudden revelations, endings, and releases. Your 11th house of friendships, hopes, and wishes, is activated. Let go of those who aren't worthy of you or whom you've outgrown. Eclipses are like boxes of chocolates—you never know what dreams or wishes you’re gonna get. Manifest only the best. Cancer, may the pursuit of pleasure, love, and dreams, bring you sweet joy this month!

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

November will have its moments, but a sense of humor, courage, edibles, or a strong drink or three will get you through the month. Home is where the heart is, but this month, that could be overrated. Mars, the planet of action, is in intense Scorpio, dwelling in your 4th house of home and family until December 13. In Scorpio, he is powerful, determined, and focused. Not so nice when agitated, he confronts with brutal honesty. Perhaps you can accept some family drama with the intention to heal, rather than harm. Mars here can be obsessively determined, dealing with everything from channeling family dynamics to a plumbing crisis; whatever it is, you will fix it. On November 4, the new moon in Scorpio joins Mars at 12 degrees in a lunation that is private and reflective, inviting you to retreat inward, where there’s a lot going on. The rebellious planet Uranus opposes the new moon, adding an element of surprise. Be authentic and choose to do what is best for you. Venus, the planet of love, enters Capricorn on November 5, where she will have an extended four-month stay igniting your house of health and work. She comes to upgrade you to first-class, committed to improving your life. Get serious about your wellbeing and commit to a healthier lifestyle. Venus wants long-lasting, stabilizing changes, in both your work and wellbeing. Mars the warrior goes to battle with controlling Saturn on November 10; these are harsh energies, not for the faint of heart. The friction pits your home life against your personal life. Frustration and anger can quickly occur but try to divert the energy or do not engage. Remember, love is your essence; speak from your heart, no matter how loud you get. A full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus at 27 degrees arrives November 19 in your 10th house of career. An eclipse is a cosmic reboot to break us out of complacency; releases and endings create room for new beginnings. Your career goals are evolving, be guided by what truly drives you. Do be open to sudden, unexpected opportunities to come your way—the best kind!

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

You won’t be bored this month, Virgo, that’s for sure. November begins with Mars, the warrior, in Scorpio, where he is potent. Your 3rd house of communication, siblings, mind, and neighborhood are under the Mars domain until December 12. Mars in Scorpio has an obsessive determination to complete whatever project they start. The ability to focus is unparalleled. Be mindful of being over-fixated on your ideas and opinions, unwilling to compromise. Mars can be confrontational, but your MO this month is to heal, not harm. Scorpio has a deadly, venomous sting, and while your mind is powerful, so are your words, so choose them wisely. A new moon in Scorpio at 12 degrees joins Mars in your 3rd house. Nothing is superficial in Scorpio; you can analyze, scrutinize, and obsess, and you love doing this. This lunation wants you to go within, to still your mind and reflect. Mercury, your ruler, enters Scorpio on the 5th, joining the 3rd house party, but before you start rapping nonsensical drivel, know that your conversations must be meaningful with depth; small talk and vapid cocktail conversation are not going to be satisfying this month. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Capricorn for a four-month extended stay, with the goal of improving this area of your life. Venus takes her job seriously and she will be dwelling in your house of pleasure, love, romance, creativity, and joy! Play, have fun, fall in love, be creative, and enjoy yourself. You deserve it, and the cosmos are obliging. November 10th is a tough day; Mars, the warrior, is at war with controlling Saturn. Energies are brutal with frustration and anger. Stay quiet, work from home, or take a personal day. Your nervous system does not handle this type of energy well. The most significant alignment occurs on November 19, with a full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus at 27 degrees. Lunar eclipses are culminations and endings making way for new energy to emerge. They transform and shake us out of complacency. This eclipse leads you to unexpected places, which may surprise you with a change in your perspective. Have a mighty month of probing ideas, love, and transcendence!

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Got cash, Libra? You may after this month begins with Mars, the planet of action, making his two-year return to you to reset your finances. Mars in Scorpio is obsessively determined, focused, and driven. This powerful alignment helps you pursue your goals. The new moon in Scorpio at 12 degrees arrives on November 4, joining Mars in your 2nd house of money, self-worth, and resources. This lunation urges you to have a strategic plan before pushing forward with determination. There is an element of fast-paced development and excitement as the rebel planet Uranus opposes the Sun. Your ruler, Venus, enters Capricorn on November 5 for an extended four-month stay. She brings stability, warmth, and harmony to your 4th house of home and family. You love to entertain, live harmoniously, and create beautiful homes. You also like to avoid confrontation, so why not aim for domestic bliss? You've got four months to try. But take note, Libra. November 10 is a tumultuous day, as Mars, the warrior planet clashes with taskmaster Saturn, not unlike to the Democrats and Republicans voting—or not voting, rather— on the social spending and infrastructure bill. So, Libra, heed the warning. You do not do confrontation unless it has to do with some sort of injustice. A major celestial event occurs on November 19, with a full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus at 27 degrees. Your 8th house of shared resources, investments, and personal transformation is ignited. Lunar eclipses are game changers, they are culminations and endings, showing you where you need to make changes. But, first, you must shed your chrysalis to transform into a beautiful butterfly fluttering around in a bounty of cash, domestic bliss, and inner transformation! 

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)
Happy Birthday, Scorpio! As much as you may want to, you can’t hide out this month. The cosmos are gifting you an all-star Scorpio lineup with four planets in your sign. The ultimate powerhouse kicks off the month with your head honcho Mars in your sign until December 12. Mars is in his power, fueling you with energy, focus, and unstoppable determination, so watch out, world! The new moon in Scorpio at 12 degrees arrives on November 4 and on and the next day, Mercury, the planet of communication, slides into Scorpio and joins the party. Scorpio was traditionally assigned two symbols: the scorpion with its lethal sting, and the eagle with its acute perception and wisdom; which one do you choose? You have extraordinary power and depth, so please use your gifts wisely. It is a time of renewal and a fresh start; soar high, Scorpio! Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Capricorn on November 4 for an extended four-month stay, activating your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and attitude. Venus brings harmony, stability, and pleasure. You may find yourself uncharacteristically adding a heart emoji to all your messages. Yikes, who are you?! Things are going along swimmingly until November 10. Mark this date because here is where you can get into trouble as ruler Mars challenges controlling Saturn. A day filled with frustration and delays implore you to be strategic and think long term. Then, before you sting, ask yourself if it’s even a worthy battle to fight. The most significant alignment arrives on November 19, with a full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus at 27 degrees, illuminating your 7th house of committed relationships. Eclipses, though unpredictable, force us to expand and become better versions of ourselves. This one lasts for six months. It is a pivotal transition period for you in your relationships. Always with your eagle eye on the prize, soar, don’t sting, Scorpio! 

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Sag, you are always on the go, but the first three weeks of November encourage you to go within and embrace introspection. It is a time of rest, recharge, and renewal before you enter into Sagittarius season. Plan that retreat, go on a vision quest, or hide out in your room. Mars, the planet of action, is in Scorpio, dwelling in your 12th house of seclusion, retreat, and spirituality. He is secret while strategically plotting out your next moves. Adding to the 12th house soiree, a new moon in Scorpio at 12 degrees arrives on November 4. So, Sag, go on retreat, get still, go within—this is a time of reflection, healing, and fresh starts. Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Scorpio on the 5th, so turn off the cell, go off the grid, and connect with the cosmos. There is a surprise element with the rebellious planet Uranus opposing the lunation; you love surprises, so just go with the flow. Venus, the planet of love, enters Capricorn for an extended four-month stay on November 5. In Capricorn, her goal is to improve this area of your life; she will dwell in your 2nd house of money and self-worth! This is no couch surfing mooch, this is money—literally! Venus in Capricorn has an eye for only the best; she can spot a fake Balenciaga bag in a flash. To fuel her desires, you need cash, while Capricorn wants stability; long-term security and your finances are her priority. You are known for your extravagance, so hide those credit cards and delete them from your phone. Stay in seclusion on November 10; it is a volatile day, a clash of the titans, with Mars and Saturn fighting. Frustrating delays and anger give way to a vibe you’ll want no part of, and there’s no need for you to engage. The most significant alignment occurs on November 19, with a full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus at 27 degrees. Eclipses are game changers, pushing you out of your comfort zone. Your 6h house of wellbeing and work are in for an overhaul, so please pay attention to your health and let go of those not-so-healthy habits in which you are known to overindulge. You emerge from seclusion on November 21, refreshed, and poised for success. You’ve paid your dues and will toast to well-deserved insight, money, and health!

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)
You've got to network, be seen, and meet people, Cap. We all know you only do things with a purpose. Mars, the planet of action, is in strategic Scorpio until December 12, activating your 11th house of friends, social networks, and aspirations. Mars in Scorpio is in his power; he is obsessively determined, focused, and unstoppable. He is here to assist you in achieving your goals. Looking for collaborators? Want to manifest your aspirations? Dream big, Capricorn; everything is possible when Scorpio has your back. A new moon in Scorpio at 12 degrees arrives on the 4th, joining the 11th house gathering. Scorpio is private and reflective, urging you to go within, to be thoughtful with your actions. Don’t rush—be strategic. Uranus opposes the lunation, adding an element of unpredictability, but staying true to your integrity, you’ll do what is in your best interest. Lovely Venus moves into your sign on November 5 for an extended four-month stay, igniting your 1st house, your personality, vitality, and appearance. Capricorn, your vitality, magnetism, and dignified charm are on display. Relish in the attention; you are not one to seek it. Mark down November 10, the battle royale, when warrior Mars goes to war with restrictive Saturn. Frustration, delays, anger, and volatility are in the air. If you choose to engage, drop into your cold, stoic side while upholding your integrity. Show them how a wise Capricorn navigates difficulties. Eclipse season begins on November 19 with a full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus at 27 degrees. Lunar eclipses are ending, releases, revealing what we need to let go of and modify. They transform us to become better versions of ourselves. Your 5th house of pleasure, love, and creativity is ignited. Capricorn, are you truly enjoying life? What do you need to let go of to create more happiness and creativity in your life? If you don’t know now, you’ll know after this mighty lunation! Relish in your friends, cosmic magnetism, and love. It’s your turn to finally have some fun!

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

November is all about your career goals. The month begins with Mars, the planet of action, dwelling in your 10th house of career until December 13. Mars is in powerful Scorpio, who is obsessively determined to assist you in achieving your goals. Once he has a strategic plan, his focus is unstoppable. Aquarius, do you have a plan? The new moon in Scorpio at 12 degrees arrives on November 4, infusing you with fresh starts and deep insights. Go within, reflect, contemplate, and then make your moves. Your ruler, Uranus, opposes this lunation. It can be an unpredictable, exciting surprise, so stay open to the unexpected. Mercury, the planet of communication, joins the Scorpio soiree on the 5th. Scorpio is private, encouraging you to keep your ideas close to the vest. Do not unveil them until you are ready. Venus, the planet of love, enters into Capricorn on November 5, going into retreat in your secluded 12th house of mysticism and service to others. She is there for an extended four-month stay, during which time her goal is to improve, stabilize, and create long-lasting relationships. You may care for a loved one who is in need. Volunteering and being of service to people opens your heart. By developing loving compassion, your heart expands, and you become happier. Venus here is a gift; be sure to care for those in need with an open and willing heart. A full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus at 27 degrees arrives on November 19. Lunar eclipses are releases, culminations, and ending, transforming us to change. The lunation ignites your 4th house of home and family; there may be necessary changes on the home front. Do make those adjustments because, ultimately, you will be happier. Wait a minute—your career is taking off at the same time you’re playing Mother Teresa in between creating the ideal home in just four short months? Pinch yourself. It’s real. Miracles do happen!

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Time to expand your horizons! November bestows an opportunity to gain a new perspective on life. Your 9th house of foreign travel, learning, and wisdom is ignited. Step out of your comfort zone; Mars comes around every two years to activate this area of your chart. Mars in Scorpio is determined, focused, strategic, and unstoppable. Take that online class, book that trip, or take a plant medicine journey. A new moon in Scorpio at 12 degrees arrives on November 4, urging you to go within, be still, and reflect. Pisces, you do this daily, and you can glean tremendous insight from it. Scorpio energy is transformative, powerful, and healing. Mercury, the planet of communication, joins the Scorpio lineup on November 5, studying, communicating, and thinking. Your conversations have great depth and meaning. You aren't into small talk, but not everyone wants to talk about the meaning of life or your spiritual experiences; read the room before you engage. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters stabilizing Capricorn on November 5 for an extended four-month stay. Your 11th house of friends, dreams, and networks receive Venus's love. In Capricorn, she improves, stabilizes, and goes for long-term committed relationships—the ones who show up when it counts, who keep their word, and who have your back. Reconnect with old friends and visit those you haven't seen since Covid. Share your love, and relish in all the love reciprocated. Remember that love throughout the month because November 10 is not a day for the light-hearted. Mars, the planet of war, is clashing with Saturn, and it can get ugly. Why engage? If you find yourself in the crossfire, step into your power, which is kindness. That doesn’t make you weak, but quite the opposite. In fact, kill them with kindness, be like Ted Lasso! The major celestial event occurs with a full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus at 27 degrees, on November 19. Eclipses shake us up, forcing us to become better versions of ourselves. Lunar eclipses are endings and releases, showing us what we need to remove for new energy to emerge in your 3rd house of communication, your mind, and your neighborhood. Make the necessary adjustments and be ready for an exciting renewal in your 3rd house, so much so, you may want to throw yourself an internal housewarming party. Cheers to new perspectives, friends, and clear kindness!

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