
Your January Horoscope

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Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

Work it, Aries! 2022 begins with a new moon on January 2, igniting your 10th house of career, so go ahead, make a few more lofty, ambitious resolutions! Capricorn is strategic, stable, and aims for long-term viability. A  harmonious trine from innovative Uranus is urging you to take calculated risks. Think epic, Aries; as you plant those seeds of intention, watch them come to fruition in the summertime. This month, patience needs to be your mantra as two significant planets are retrograde. Venus will continue her retrograde through your 10th house until January 29. Be sure to set firm work boundaries while assessing your work relationships. Venus retrograde is an opportunity to reflect and create lasting, loyal, and dream-team working relationships. Mars will clash with passive Neptune on January 11; tell Siri to mark that day in your calendar. Uncertainty, lack of clarity, deception, and confusion reign. Please do not assume anything; it is wise not to make any major decisions on this day. Remember, patience is your mantra. From January 14 through February 3, Mercury pivots and turns retrograde in innovative Aquarius. He will be there until January 25, before moving into ambitious Capricorn in your 10th house of work. So, Aries, it’s time to review, revise, and strategize. Please double-check all your emails, work correspondence, and presentations before sending. A full moon in Cancer at 27 degrees arrives on January 17 in your 4th house of home and family. Aries, you'll feel the need to spend time with your loved ones on this tender, emotional full moon. Emotions are close to the surface, everyone will feel them, so let your tenderness and love shine infinitely. Security, belonging, and feeling loved is the essence of this lunation. The significant celestial event occurs on January 18 when the lunar nodes shift into the Taurus and Scorpio axis. A new 18-month cycle of transition, change, and clarifying new priorities begins. Your money houses are activated, material concerns are your priority with the north node in security-minded Taurus. Your ruler and CEO Mars shifts into Capricorn on January 24, activating your 10th house of career for the next six weeks. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, where he is focused, productive, decisive, and driven. Stay focused on your work for the next six weeks; what you can accomplish will be impressive. Cheers to work, accomplishments, and the start of a new year!

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

The year kicks off with you contemplating the cosmos. After two years of relentless intensity, where do you find meaning in your life, what truly matters? Venus, your ruler, will continue her retrograde through your 9th house of spiritual pursuits, wisdom paths, travel, and learning until January 29. The 9th house theme will continue with a new moon in Capricorn at 12 degrees on January 2. This potent lunation is harmonious with innovative Uranus, inviting you to envision your grand plans for 2022.  Capricorn wants to build slowly, securely, and long-lasting. What do you want to learn, where do you wish to travel, shall you pursue a spiritual path? Make a few far-reaching and expansive New Year’s resolutions on this new moon and watch them blossom in the summer. On January 8, Venus conjuncts the Sun, a powerful combination, infusing it with wisdom. You can glean profound insight into relationships, beliefs, and self-discovery.  A testy aspect occurs on January 11, as  Mars clashes with dreamy Neptune, so hold off on making critical decisions as this alignment has a vague, uncertain quality.  Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde from January 14-February 3 in  your 10th house of work. Be mindful to review and revise all work-related contracts, negotiations, and correspondence; use this time to complete projects before starting new ones. On January 25, Mercury will back peddle into the 9th house, offering you a greater perspective on projects and projecting. Mercury retrograde is not that challenging for you, you do not like to be rushed, this offers you a chance to slow down. You get to ponder things over before making decisions. A full moon in Cancer at 27 degrees arrives on January 17, illuminating your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and learning. It is a tender, emotional, nourishing lunation, so be gentle with your words. Reach out to those you care for; we all need extra kindness these days. Your loving nature is in high demand. The most significant celestial event occurs on January 18, as the lunar node axis enters Taurus/Scorpio. A new 18-month cycle begins with a shift in our collective destiny; it is a time of transition, change, and clarifying new priorities. It’s also a time for collective healing, where love and serenity are central to our growth. You, dear Taurus, are to lead the way. The north node in your sign is the remedy for healing. Pamper yourself, show us all how to be serene, calm, and loving, but first, begin with you. Cheers to a transformative year!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You may feel a bit of trepidation as you walk into 2022, but January is a month of transformation, not to mention two personal planets retrograde. There is a plethora of planets in Capricorn in the 8th house of shared resources, debts, financial obligations, and personal vulnerability. It is where our fears and angst dwell. Add to that mix Venus, who continues retrograding through the 8th house until January 29, urging you to address your vulnerabilities and fears. To top it off, Mercury, your CEO, turns retrograde on January 14, so note to self: be gentle on yourself. The month kicks off with a new moon in Capricorn at 12 degrees on January 2, activating the 8th house. This potent lunation trines innovative Uranus, asking you to break free from your fears in a new way. When you overcome your innermost fears, you can move on with strength, wisdom, and freedom. So do the work Gemini; liberation will follow and that’s powerful! You can see how you have transformed in six months—also an ideal time to deal with your finances. Mercury enters Aquarius on January 2, igniting your 9th house of travel, learning, and spiritual purists. In Aquarius, he is forward-thinking, social, and innovative. However, he turns retrograde from January 14-February 3, moving back into Capricorn and into your 8th house on January 25. Jupiter, which entered your 10th house of career in late December, ignites your motivation and confidence to release any self-imposed limitations you have set. As you move confidently in your professional world, your reputation and worldly aspirations will elevate Jupiter's expansive influence. Please note that this can be your luckiest professional cycle in over a decade. January 11 is a day to mark in your calendar, Mars, the planet of action, is square to passive Neptune; it is a day of confusion, deception, and lack of clarity so don’t make crucial decisions on this day. Mercury is retrograde, too; please, no impulsive decisions. Just chill,  Gemini. A nourishing and security-driven full moon arrives in Cancer on January 17, illuminating your 2nd house of money. Network, Gemini, that is your gift! With Jupiter's help, opportunities are there, so get to work! A significant alignment occurs on January 18 when the lunar nodal axis enters into Taurus/Scorpio. The nodes change signs every 18 months, shifting the collective karma. For the next 18 months, your 12 houses of introspection and your 6th house of self-care are a priority. The north node in Taurus is activating your 12th house where your most significant growth lies. So slow down, Gemini, go within; the urge to go off the grid will be real, seriously. Just do it for a weekend, ok? You can. And you will. Enjoy the transformation! 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Your relationships take center stage this January. The month begins with Venus continuing her retrograde cycle in your 7th house of committed personal and business relationships until January 29. Venus can deepen partnerships or destroy those on shaky ground. Venus retrograde allows you to face issues you've swept aside, making now the time to address them. In Capricorn, she wants commitment, stability, and security. A new moon in Capricorn at 12 degrees arrives on January 2 in Capricorn, igniting your 7th house of committed relationships. This positive lunation cozies up to innovative Uranus, urging you to approach relationships in a new way. Capricorn wants long-lasting and stable partnerships, not fling material. Make a few relationship goals slash New Year’s resolutions on the new moon and watch them come to fruition in the summer! Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Aquarius on January 2 in your 8th house of finances and shared resources. There is a glitch as he turns retrograde on January 14, back peddling into Capricorn and your 7th house of relationships. Cancer, you've must address communication issues; please do not give your partners the silent treatment. Not expressing your needs, will lead to resentments simmering, and you can become defensive and overly sensitive. Take your power and speak up. The full moon in your sign on January 17 shifts the focus on you. This tender lunation illuminates your 1st house of appearance, vitality, and personality. Express your needs, tenderness,  compassion, and loving-kindness. A significant celestial event arrives on January 18 when the lunar nodal axis enters Taurus/Scorpio. Every 18 months, the nodes change signs, shifting the collective karma. The north node in Taurus, activating your 11th house of friends, hopes, and wishes, is where you get nourished, grow, and heal. It’s time to expand your tribe or find those who genuinely support and sustain you. The south node in Scorpio activates your 5th house of creativity, kids, and romance. 5th house themes will go through a transformation, decluttering, and releasing what is no longer necessary. Mars enters Capricorn on January 24, stirring up your 7th house of relationships. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, where he is focused, productive and driven. Cancer, take initiative and be proactive in your personal and business partnerships. Mars only comes around every two years to activate this area of your life, so go after what you want and seize those opportunities! Cheers to love and long-lasting relationships. 

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Your priority this January is self-care and wellbeing. The month begins with a new moon in Capricorn at 12 degrees, rejuvenating your 6th house of health and wellbeing and initiating you to make a serious commitment to your health. This lunation will form a harmonious trine to innovative Uranus, inviting you to break free from entrenched habits to establish new and long-lasting results. So do make a few New Year’s resolutions on this lunation and say cheers to health and happiness! Venus is in retrograde until January 29 in the 6th house. In  Capricorn, she is a taskmaster, demanding you to be disciplined and responsible. It is time to make a serious commitment to your health and wellbeing. Reconnect with rituals and habits that make you feel centered and calm. Mercury enters Aquarius on January 2, highlighting your 7th house of committed partnerships, but there’s a glitch: he will turn retrograde from January 14-February 3, unearthing unresolved issues. Be mindful of your communication skills; the wrong choice of words can be very disruptive. Note to self that January 11 is a strange day with active Mars clashing with passive Neptune, causing confusion, deception, and clarity. It is not the day to make crucial decisions or second guess yourself. A full moon in emotional Cancer at 27 degrees arrives on January 17; it illuminates your 12th  house of solitude and retreat. Take a step back, regroup and tend to your needs, Leo. This lunation is one of healing, closure, and endings. Use this time to process all you have been through the past few years. It is a highly emotional and tender full moon. Be gentle with yourself and others; everyone is feeling it. A significant celestial event arrives on January 18; the lunar nodes will shift onto the Taurus/Scorpio axis, negotiating a new balance between your professional and personal life. The north node, Taurus, is where your most significant growth and potential is, whereas the South node Scorpio is where you need to let go and release. The north node in Taurus will be activating your career aspirations for the next 18 months. The north node only visits Taurus every 18.5 years; it was last busy from April 2003 to December  2004. If you can remember that time, you may see repeating themes arise again. Cheers to health, happiness, and career aspirations! 

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

Virgo, celebrate 2022 as the celestial skies bring ease, gentleness, and fresh starts. The first new moon of the year arrives on January 2 in Capricorn at 12 degrees, igniting your 5th house of creativity, romance, and children. This potent lunation makes a harmonious trine to innovative Uranus, urging you to break free of entrenched habits that hold you back and initiate a new beginning. However, there are a few glitches; Venus will continue her retrograde motion until January 29; your self-expression, creativity, and joy are under scrutiny. It is a time of self-reflection, a reassessment of these areas of your life. Add to the mix Mercury, your CEO and the planet of communication, as he enters Aquarius on January 2, activating your 6th house of health and wellbeing. Aquarius is innovative and forward-thinking. He turns retrograde on January 14-February 3. Mercury retrogrades you affect you the most, dear Virgo. On January 25, he back peddles into your 5th house of joy and re-enters Capricorn. It will encourage you to reconnect with what brings you pleasure. You may have lost that sense of carefree fun during the pandemic, so slow down, complete projects, limit social media, and take a technology break for a few hours a day. Reconnect with your inner kid; it is time to get your joy back. Tell Siri or Alexa to mark January 11 in your calendar, as it is going to be one confusing day. Active Mars will square passive Neptune, resulting in confusion, deception, and lack of judgment. It is not a day to make any critical decisions. Virgo, you can overanalyze everything, so perhaps take a personal day and organize your closets. A full moon in tender Cancer at 27 degrees arrives on January 17, illuminating your 11th house of friends, hopes, and wishes. Emotions are close to the surface; everyone will feel this full moon. Connect with our close friends, reach out to those you love. The major celestial event occurs on January 18, when the lunar nodal shifts into Taurus/Scorpio axis. Every 18 months, the nodes change signs, signaling a new collective destiny. The north node in Taurus will ignite your 9th house of global travel, spiritual pursuits, and learning—these are the areas for your highest potential and growth. Taurus is grounded, calming, and pleasurable. Taurus teaches you how to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Scorpio, the south node will dwell in your 3rd house of communication and ideas. Ways of communicating and painful ideas that no longer serve need to be released. Cheers to creativity, joy, and happiness! 

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Libra, you may not want to leave your home this month. Domestic bliss is calling with six planets in Capricorn traveling through your domestic house of home, family, and innermost self. On January 2, a new moon in Capricorn at 12 degrees ignites your 4th house of home and hearth. Get cozy, rest, and nurture yourself. Do make a few more New Year’s resolutions on this potent lunation. Venus, your ruling planet, will continue her retrograde movement in Capricorn through this area of your chart until January 29. Libra, it is essential to your well-being to have harmony, beauty, and belonging at home. Healing and honoring family relationships are of the utmost importance. Venus rules beauty, so beautifying your home may be easier than dealing with family issues. Venus, your ruler, receives an infusion of wisdom when she conjuncts the sun on January 8. Insight into relationships, family, and self-discovery is forthcoming; Libra, pay attention! Mercury turns retrograde on January 14-February 3, creating miscommunication and misunderstandings, especially with family and loved ones. Remember: you are a mediator, the even-tempered diplomatic one, so stay calm. Get outta your pajamas, too, because it’s time to get out of the house! A full moon arrives in Cancer at 27 degrees, illuminating your 10th house of career and recognition. This lunation is highly emotional, and you will be out of your comfort zone. Don't be caught off guard if you find yourself sentimental and feeling all the feels. A major celestial event occurs on January 18 when the lunar nodes enter into Taurus/ Scorpio axis, activating your 2nd house of money and 8th house of shared resources, debts, and investments. Libra, you've got 18 months to sort out your finances, lower your debt, explore ways to generate your income. Invest in crypto, learn about NFT's, and be frugal. You can do it!. Living simply is the new way to be. Cheers to domestic bliss, and money in the bank!

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Scorpio, usually you are so private, but this month, you need to be heard! A bevy of planets in serious Capricorn will travel through your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and community. A new moon in Capricorn at 12 degrees arrives on January 2, igniting that 3rd house. Scorpio, you desire to connect deeply through intellectual and meaningful conversations. Sharing your knowledge, depth, and experiences which can be of value to others is essential. Venus, the planet of relationships, will continue her retrograde cycle in your 3rd house until January 29. In Capricorn, she is about self-respect and integrity. Your relationships with your siblings are under review. Venus in retrograde is gifting you the opportunity to repair and heal relationships. You do hold on to old grievances forever; please let them go. Have those conversations that heal and do no harm. Mercury turns retrograde, wreaking havoc from January 14-February 3. Be extra mindful in all of your communications, especially with siblings and neighbors. Your words can be lethal, Scorpio, pause before hitting send and ask yourself if the messages you are sending are helpful or harmful. There are plenty of emojis to express how you are genuinely thinking without offending anyone. The swords are especially cute. Tell Alexa to remind you not to make any critical decisions January 11-12, when Mars is at odds with passive Neptune creating confusion, deception, and a lack of clarity. A tender, emotional full moon arrives in Cancer at 27 degrees on January 17, illuminating your expansive 9th house. You can gain new perspectives, insights, and wisdom. Drop into this lunar magic; let your intuition guide you. On January 18, the nodal axis shifts into Taurus/Scorpio. Every 18 months, the nodes change signs, changing the collective destiny. Scorpio, you have the opportunity to shed certain parts of your identity that you've outgrown. Your growth lies in your committed relationships where the north node in Taurus dwells. Relationships will deepen and nourish you, dear Scorpio. You will have to face your stuff head-on. The north node only visits Taurus every 18.5 years; it was last around from April 2003 to December  2004. You may see repeating themes from that period arise again. Mars, your ruler, enters Capricorn on January 24-March 6, activating that 3rd house of communication, sibs and community again. Mars is exalted in Capricorn; he is discerning, stoic, and determined. Your mental energy is highly focused; any vigorous mental work is the ideal use of Mars' potential. Be aware of conflicts, provoking others, especially siblings and neighbors, and sharpen that stinger for later use; this month is time for gentle blows, Scorp!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

You've got money on your mind, Sag! The month begins with a new moon in Capricorn at 12 degrees, igniting your 2nd house of money, talents, and self-worth. This lunation trines innovative Uranus, urging you to break free from entrenched habits that no longer serve you. Perhaps it's overspending? Do make aspiring financial New Year’s resolutions on this new moon. There are a few glitches, however, as Venus and Mercury are in retrograde. Venus will continue her retrograde cycle in Capricorn in your 2nd house. The universe asks you to reassess your skills, gifts, assets, and resources. Focus intensely on what and where you spend your hard-earned money. Does it add value to your life? It needs to. If not, pivot for financial purposes. Mercury will turn retrograde on January 14-February 3. Pay attention to statements and bills; there can be miscalculations. During this retrograde cycle, be very precise with billings and contracts. January 11 is dazed and confused with assertive Mars, at odds with passive Neptune. Best not to make crucial decisions; you will not have the clarity, so go hiking instead. January 18 is your day of freedom! Hallelujah, the karmic south node leaves your sign, not appearing again for 18 years! The past 18 months have been chipping away at your ego. You are no longer the same person you were—it may be a subtle or profound change; if you've done the work, you've emerged wiser and kinder. The nodal axis shifts into Taurus/Scorpio, emphasizing your houses of health and retreat. The north node in Taurus asks you to simplify your life, slow down, smell the flowers, sit in a garden, and just be. Not so easy for you, Sag. Your 6th house of health and wellbeing is where you can nourish and grow. For the next 18 months, self-care is your mantra. Your ruler Jupiter entered Pisces at the end of December. It is a  gift from the cosmos, magical, generous, benevolent, and healing, giving you the motivation and self-confidence of which you've always dreamed. This Jupiter cycle is magical; cheers to 2022, to abundance, cash freedom, and wellbeing!

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

Happy Birthday, wise Capricorn! And what a birthday it will be, according to the cosmos. January is all about you, with six planets traveling through your sign. The new year promises to bring more ease, gentleness, and a few miracles. A new moon arrives in Capricorn at 12 degrees on January 2, igniting your 1st house of personality, vitality, and appearance. This lunation will form a fortuitous trine to Uranus, the planet of change and innovation, urging you to break free of entrenched habits that hold you back. So do make a few more auspicious New Year’s resolutions on this new moon; the sky's the limit!  The spotlight is on you Capricorn, indulge in the admiration—you never do, so enjoy. Venus will continue her retrograde cycle in Capricorn in your 1st house. Venus is love and relationships; when in retrograde, she deals with the past and can release us from it. A birthday gift is to free yourself from past relationships or behaviors that do not reflect the present. Old lovers can resurface; wait until Venus goes direct if you choose to rekindle it. Remember they are called ‘exes’ for a reason. Mercury turns retrograde on January 14-February 3, moving between your 2nd house of money and back into your 1st house on January 25. Be mindful of financial miscalculations, billing contracts, communication mishaps, and overspending! On the plus side, it’s time to slow down, revise and review projects you've started. Best to expect delays; this way, you're not caught off guard. Cap, you do tend to be pessimistic by nature. An emotional, tender, full moon arrives in Cancer at 27 degrees on January 17, illuminating your house of committed relationships. Are you self-sufficient? You rarely ask for help, but it’s time to let your guard down, be taken care of, and let others pamper you. At the very least, let them feed you, ok? Another birthday gift comes your way on  January 18 when the lunar nodal axis shifts into Taurus/Scorpio, changing the collective karma. Where the north node activates is where you will have the most profound growth and renewal. The north node is in serene Taurus, activating your 5th house of joy, creativity, love, and kids. Here is the fertile ground of growth and nourishment. So, dear Cap, dive into the 5th house with your heart and soul and let love lead the way. Cheers to a wonderful birthday and a magical 2022!

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Aquarius, you're hibernating for the first three weeks of January as six planets dwell in your 12th house of solitude and retreat this month. Add to that pajama party Venus and then Mercury retrograde, and, well, why would you come out? Take the respite before Aquarius season begins. The new moon arrives in Capricorn at 12 degrees on January 2, igniting your 12th house of solitude, secrets, and retreat. Your ruler Uranus makes a favorable trine to the new moon, assisting you in breaking free of habits that no longer serve you. Rest, recharge, and release all the trauma the past two years have wrought. Being the humanitarian of the zodiac, you deeply feel the suffering of others. Venus will continue her retrograde cycle in Capricorn in your 12th house until January 29. Retrogrades deal with the past; in Venus, it focuses on relationships. To reflect upon your relationships and behaviors, you have the opportunity to heal and let go of the past. If you have a clandestine relationship, be careful not to get caught during the retrograde cycle. Love can be tricky, Aquarius. Mercury will enter your sign on January 2 with a new vision and ideas for the future. There is a glitch. Mercury will turn retrograde on January 14-February 3. He back peddles into the isolating 12th house; on January 25, it becomes a confusing retrograde, so be extra mindful with all communication and confidentiality. January 11th is a strange day, as assertive Mars clashes with passive Neptune; you may feel as if you have a blindfold on, so please do not make any meaningful decisions on that day. The major celestial event occurs on January 18, when the lunar nodal shifts into Taurus/Scorpio axis. Every 18 months, the nodes change signs, signaling a new collective destiny. The north node in Taurus will ignite your 4th  house of home, family, and your innermost self—these are the areas for your highest potential and growth. Taurus is grounded, calming, and pleasurable. Taurus teaches you how to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Scorpio, the south node, will dwell in your 10h house of career. The balance between home and work will be your priority, with home taking precedence.  Cheers, to love, to home, and a prosperous 2022!

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Pisces, 2022 is your year, one in which you have a starring role!  It promises to be a wilder, gentler, most adventurous, and expansive year. Your ruler, Jupiter, entered into Pisces in late December; it is a blessing, a hope for a better future that’s generous, benevolent, and mitigating. A new year cycle begins for you to bring order to the chaos and find solutions through compassion and generosity. The Mary Oliver poem comes to mind, "Tell me, what do you  plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Ponder that one. The month kicks off with a new moon in Capricorn at 12 degrees on January 2, igniting your 11th  house of friends, hopes, and dreams. A harmonious trine to innovative Uranus brings exciting people into your orbit. Although you are keen to reconnect and socialize, you'll have to continue to connect safely or virtually with Omicron still wreaking havoc. Venus will continue her retrograde cycle in Capricorn until January 29. Venus is the planet of love and relationships; when retrograde, issues from the past can resurface along with ex-lovers and friends. Your 11th house of friendship is where Venus is stirring, unearthing unresolved wounds from the past. It is an opportunity to heal, reflect, and move on. Mercury turns retrograde from January 14-February 3, and besides hearing from old lovers, old friends will also reappear during this retrograde. Use this cycle to your advantage and take a pause, slow down, revise or review projects, collaborations, or whatever it is you are envisioning for the future. A full moon in Cancer at 27 degrees arrives on January 17, illuminating your house of health and wellbeing. Self-care is your priority on this emotional lunation. On January 18, the lunar nodal shifts into Taurus/Scorpio axis. Every 18 months, the nodes change signs, signaling a new collective destiny. The north node in Taurus will ignite your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and community—these are the areas for your highest potential and growth. Taurus is grounded, calming, and pleasurable. Taurus teaches you how to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Scorpio, the south node, will dwell in your 9th  house of travel, learning,  and spirituality. Cheers to new beginnings, hope, dreams, and friendships!  


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