
Your January Horoscopes

New Year, endless possibilities! Our favorite astrologer Lori Bell breaks down the key astrological transits and January readings to start 2023 on a cosmic note.
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Relational themes turn towards the social, with the desire for interconnectedness, while stimulating intellectual rapport and interaction with others. As a result, the vibe is lighter and socially inclined. Venus in Aquarius tends towards unconventionality, independence, and freedom in relationships. It's time to expand our circles and widen our networks. You'll find yourself slowly exiting the seriousness of Capricorn's energy, dipping your toes into the imaginative, communal aura of Aquarius. 

However, Venus will be co-presenting Saturn in Aquarius and she is not as accessible as she would like to be. As a result, there is a bit of restraint — limits and containment that are set as reminders of Saturn's authoritarian energy. But remember, Saturn is a teacher who rewards those who yield his lessons. Nevertheless, there is a yearning for connections with a meaningful purpose that we can strengthen and form a stable foundation. While we are expanding, are we connecting with purpose? Do we have a foundation we want to strengthen? We can do whatever we set our minds to, but we must do this with structure. Only then, do we have the ingredients for true change and new bonds. 


This bright astrological event in January is a supportive sextile. From Venus in Aquarius to Jupiter in Aries, the union of these two positive planets coming together is all about supportive generosity, sharing and enjoyment. Jupiter is most effective during January, urging you to pursue independent pursuits that require excitement and enthusiasm. Grow the relationship with yourself by exploring new hobbies or endeavors that can help you break out of your shell. It's not all about you though, you can also use this time to help others through encouragement, motivation, or creating opportunities for them — this will in turn bring mutual supportive energy. It is an energy you want to share with others. So seize it, and spread your love so that you may receive it tenfold.

FULL MOON IN CANCER: Jan. 6 at 16 degrees of Cancer

The Full Moon in Cancer brings a softness with a strong desire for connection, home, and belonging. Whether it is a community or a geographical place, we will feel a sense of belonging. It can be a time where you feel fulfilled and closer to those around you. 

This potent lunation brings us to the past; we may be reviewing or rethinking childhood events with new clarity — have you had any memories surface that you've been reflecting on? While facing our fears and afflicted emotions, we can gain insight as well as wisdom on how they affect us. This gifts us an opportunity to heal wounds we might have not been able to open or even those that we had no idea existed. Mercury, the planet of communication, opposes the moon during this time, so there becomes a need to express our feelings now. As we understand our past differently, we might be able to feel more gently towards the people in the past. Monitor how you feel when certain triggering emotions come to pass — are you as reactive as before or are you simply able to see another perspective and move past it?

Still, most importantly — feeling compassion and being gentle toward ourselves is essential. Now is the time to nurture yourself, cook a good meal, stay at home and go within. Take the time to tenderly care for yourself, just as you do for those you love. 

MARS GOES DIRECT: Jan. 12, at 8 degrees of Gemini

This might be the most significant news of January — Mars will finally go direct at 8 degrees of Gemini. Mars is the planet of confrontation and anger, and its retrograde has shed a light on our animalistic impulses. As its retrograde ends, consider how you’ve encountered frustration, impatience and anger around communication. What do you need to change? What can most impact your growth from the lessons you've learned during this time? Mars is ready to move forward, and the post-retrograde period is usually about second chances. 

Solutions and progress are turning as we resolve and can finally complete things. Delays are over! A significant period of upheaval and drama is over. Relief is on its way back to you. As we enter the last act of the Mars drama, take your mind back to August of 2022 — when Mars entered Gemini — do you feel a shift towards resolution? With two months of Mars left in Gemini, activate second chances for plans or projects which you are passionate about. This might be a great time to book a vacation or plot out your calendar for the next few months. It is a positive turning point, and we will definitely feel it by the end of the month. 

MERCURY STATIONS DIRECT: Jan 18, at 8 degrees of Capricorn

As two motionless movements come to a close, Mercury stations direct on Jan. 18 at 8 degrees in steadfast Capricorn. It is a slow start, as you will not feel the full effects until later in the month. Remember to please be patient, as clarity will slowly emerge in the weeks ahead. Capricorn is known for stability and practical groundedness. As the planet moves direct, the focus shifts to long-term strategic plans. Time management and how you structure your days and weeks may need to be revised. Situations that were stalled can now gain momentum. In addition, you'll be able to address the snafus and miscommunications which occurred during its retrograde. 

Mars went direct a week prior to Mercury, and January started slow as both of these planets were in retrograde. It's a difficult start to a new year, but one that can allow you to rest and prepare for the year ahead. We are still dealing with baggage from 2022 — if you have any unfinished business, now is the time to look at your outstanding tasks and do as the cardinal sign would move smart. As the month progresses, the energy begins to move, and we can move confidently into 2023. So plan, be strategic and wise while Mercury is in Capricorn. Take from the Saturn-ruled sign's energy and use this slower time to plot efficiently and intelligently for the year ahead. 

SUN ENTERS AQUARIUS: Jan. 20 - Feb. 18

Aquarius season begins on Jan. 20, so you can look forward to a bit of an energy shift in a more fast pace direction. Aquarius is a social air sign that signifies light and clarity. They often extend themselves to others through communication, lean towards logic, have a way of thinking clearly and are transmitters of knowledge. The fiercely independent and self-reliant water-bearer can appear differently to some and stand apart from the crowd. Their need for authenticity is essential to their way of being — allow them to be themselves, and you'll find yourself inspired for the future. They are progressive thinkers who are at ease with being at odds with the norm. The spirit of Aquarius is the humanitarian, whose interest is in progressive ideas for collective society and humanity as a whole.

Aquarius season wants social interaction, which is stimulating and intellectual. Be authentic this Aquarius season and hang out with a few Aquarians to learn how to break free of the shackles of society. Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, has been in its sign since 2021, and this is the last season it will be in Aquarius. Saturn leaves Aquarius in early March and enters Pisces. This cycle began in March 2020; think back on the past three years — what lessons or events come to mind? What do you need to complete during the Aquarius season to leave the past behind and enter into a new cycle? In March 2020, the world went into lockdown, and so much has transpired since then. What do you need to finish before this significance cycle closes?  

NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS: Jan. 21,  at 1 degree of Aquarius

The new moon is a dynamic, exciting lunation full of potential. It sextiles Jupiter, which is lucky, and taps into the Jupiter cycle as we push forward for action, growth, and expansion. We want to get things in motion. What are your vision and goals for 2023? This lunation heralds in the New Year, focusing on what excites us for the next 12 months. Our minds are no longer clouded by the fear of the future but full of optimism for it. 

It is a fresh start, ruled by Saturn and conjunct Venus. This new moon focuses on relationships and collaboration. Alliances regarding the future will require work once you sense what you are doing and why you are doing it. This period of time is about clarifying and solidifying the commitments and partnerships that truly matter. It is the orientation of the future, a practice in seizing the moment and it sets the stage to put plans into motion. It is excellent for initiative and starting something significant that could last. 

VENUS IN PISCES: Jan. 26 - Feb. 20

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Pisces on Jan. 26. Venus is exalted in Pisces; she is devoted, tender, compassionate and giving. She enhances all relationships and is considerate and kind by choice. There is an ease to her, a softness that sparks a desire to share and have close bonds. This type of love is all-embracing; when Venus is in Pisces, we can forgive and understand while having compassion for our partners. She offers tenderness, affection, art, beauty, pleasure and sweetness to boot. Venus in Pisces is like viewing the world through a rainbow lens — everything becomes beautiful and meaningful. We seek experiences that transcend us — whether it be through the arts, music, poetry or love. So don't be shy, lose yourself in Piscean love. Let your heart be filled with meaningful encounters and experiences that move you. 

Here's what's in the stars for your sign in January...


Aries, 2023 will be a phenomenal year of new beginnings, but you'll have to start slowly and be steadfast. You've got unfinished business from 2022, which needs to be addressed first — Capricorn season gives you the time to do this with care. Your rulers, Mars and Mercury, are still retrograde, so expect for the delays, frustrations, and crosswires to continue. After Jan. 21, it is take-off time, and boy, are things really going to get going. The New Moon on the 21st sets the year in motion. Now is the time to make those New Year's resolutions, plans, and get that calendar filled to the brim. A word of advice? Only look for those on team Aries. You're the main character. Solidify those alliances and relationships you can work with as you propel into an exciting future. You've got luck on your side for the next five months. Nothing can stop you but you. 




Taurus, 2023 begins on slow-mo for you, but you prefer easing into things gently anyways. With Mars and Mercury still in retrograde motion until mid-month, you'll have to deal with unfinished business from 2022. Throughout January, your ruler Venus will clash with unpredictable Uranus, forcing a showdown with your inner need for freedom and self-expression versus your public persona. Who are you, really? Are you showing that side of yourself to the world? These might be questions that you ask yourself during this time. Once Aquarius season hits on Jan. 20, it is time for success. Venus, the Sun, and a joyous New Moon light up your career. Don't worry, you have all the tools you need to grow during this time. When that New Moon on Jan. 21 ushers in 2023, make those bold New Year's resolutions. What are your visions and goals for your career? Set those intentions and turn them into reality. Expansion is the name of the game this year. 




Gemini, January starts with Mars and your ruler Mercury in retrograde so you'll have to contend with pent-up aggression, delays and miscommunication. On Jan. 12, after two and a half months, Mars finally goes direct in your home sign. If you felt easily frustrated and angry the past few months, take stock of how you dealt with and expressed confrontation and aggression. With the arrival of the Aquarius season on Jan. 20 and the glorious New Moon on the 21st, 2023 will make its debut. This is the time to make those New Year's resolutions with bold confidence. With Mars in direct motion in your sign through March, it delivers a surge of fire and grit, so nothing stops you! You've got energy running through your veins tenfold. 



Cancer, you'll have to deal with some unfinished businesses in January before you can welcome in 2023. With Mars and Mercury still in retrograde motion until mid-month, it is challenging to gain perspective. Do expect continued frustration, anger and crosswires during this time. Also, you must contend with relationship issues before moving boldly into 2023 — don't leave anything unsaid, it's better to leave it all in the open. A tender Full Moon in your sign on Jan. 7 offers an opportunity to heal wounds you may not have been open to before or even those you had no idea existed. Take the time to tenderly care for yourself, just as you do for those you love. The New Moon on Jan. 21 ushers in 2023, so make those New Year's resolutions at this time! Be prepared to lead; 2023 is a definitive career year for you — it's an exciting time for you, Cancer. 




The new year begins slowly, as Mercury and Mars are retrograde. You'll have to contend with delays, pent-up anger and frustrations. Stay regal, Leo. January's theme is relationships. The month starts with Venus entering Aquarius in your house of committed relationships. Venus is co-presenting with Saturn in Aquarius, who has been mining this area of your life for the past two years. Saturn is the stern teacher; if your relationships survived the past three years, you've built an enduring foundation that can withstand most anything. A dynamic New Moon in Aquarius on Jan. 21 heralds in the New Year, igniting your relationship house. As you move into 2023, no more compartmentalizing your feelings or authentic self-expression for the sake of others. Shine your brilliant light as you step confidently into the New Year. 




Could you hold off on NYE resolutions until after Jan. 21? You're stuck in reverse until then. Mars is still retrograde in Gemini, causing frustration in your career. At the same time, Mercury, your CEO, is in retrograde too. So you'll have to contend with pent-up anger, delays, snafus and crosswires. Mercury retrograde is the most challenging for you, so breathe. Once Aquarius season begins, the energy shifts, as both planets will be in forward motion. This is when you can finally envision your aspirations for 2023 — what do you want this year to have in store for you? It is a year of hopeful possibilities! On Jan. 26, Venus arrives in Pisces, enhancing your relationships with tenderness, affection and transcendence. As you gently move into 2023, let your heart be filled with meaningful encounters and experiences that move you. Remember where you are at this time, Virgo — you'll want to revisit and reflect in a year's time — a very you move if I say so myself. 



You've got unfinished business to attend to before leaping into 2023. In the first half of January, both Mars and Mercury are still in retrograde: causing confrontations, anger, delays and crosswires. You're contending with issues regarding the home and hearth, with Mercury retrograde creating mischief. Once Aquarius season arrives on Jan. 20, the energy shifts, and you can welcome 2023 with new possibilities. Your fifth house of creativity, self-expression, and romance gets an exciting reboot. A dynamic New Moon in Aquarius joins the Sun on the 21st in this area. So do make those New Years' resolutions! Benefic and expansive Jupiter will grace your house of partnerships until May. So, Libra: for you, 2023 is the year of new beginnings; go for what you aspire to, and do not hold back! Tell someone how you feel, launch that new project, and be you! 



January, you are almost back in action! As your ruler Mars has been underground since Halloween, he finally turns direct on Jan. 12. You may have felt blocked, stymied and angry. As you emerge, the retrograde has shed light on how you deal with confrontation and anger. Hopefully, you are wiser. You may also notice a new, laser-sharp ability to articulate the griefs you've been carrying around for a while. Finally, a significant period of upheaval and drama is over. Jan. 21 ushers in 2023 with a New Moon in Aquarius, illuminating your house of home. Now you can make those New Years' resolutions with clarity and purpose. As you enter into 2023, a year of unlimited possibilities, may you have but a more rooted sense of home and self. You are back, Scorpio! How does it feel to have matured, grown, but more importantly, prospered? 




January begins a slow roll as two planets retrograde. Mars and Mercury will finally turn on Jan. 12 and 18. Sag, Mars has been retrograde, stirring up your house of relationships since Halloween. Mars is the planet of confrontation and anger, in Gemini, how you communicate. Indeed a tricky and challenging transit to navigate. But the drama and upheavals are over! You are given a second chance as Mars is ready to move forward. Now, you have a chance at new equality and presence in interpersonal dynamics. A new skill to add to your never-ending bag of party tricks, I might add. The New Moon in Aquarius arrives on Jan. 21 and ushers in 2023. On this dynamic lunation, set those New Year intentions. You'll be on stimulating and brilliant ideas on what excites you in 2023 — your mind is no longer clouded by doubt, yet full of promise for the future. Congratulations, onwards and upwards!




For you, Capricorn, January brings in some baggage from 2022. This needs to be addressed before you can move into the New Year. Both Mars and Mercury are in retrograde until mid-month as two motionless movements close. Mercury stations direct on Jan. 18 at 8 degrees in steadfast Capricorn. It is a slow start, as you will not feel the full effects until later in the month. Clarity will start to slowly emerge in the weeks ahead as the planets move direct and the focus shifts to long-term strategic plans, which you love. The Full Moon on Jan. 7 illuminates your partnership. It offers tenderness, love and connection. Please, be as kind to yourself as you are to your loved one. If you are not in a relationship, this time can bring in someone new.




Ease into January, Aquarius — with two planets in retrograde and the Sun hiding out in your house of retreat; you're still on pause. Mars has taken residency in your house of creativity, pleasure, and romance. He went underground on Halloween, urging you to review this area of your life — how's it been going for you in that area of life for the past three months or so? As Mars moves direct on Jan. 12, it is time to reclaim your joy, self-expression and romantic life. With two months of Mars left in Gemini, activate second chances for plans or projects which you are passionate about. Aquarius season begins on Jan. 20; you can emerge from your cocoon feeling restored, ready to enter a new year filled with possibilities. The spotlight is on you, baby! A glorious New Moon in your sign arrives on Jan. 21, welcoming in 2023. This lunation aligns with expansive Jupiter, inviting you to push forward boldly and envision what excites you for 2023! Happy Birthday to you, water bearer. 




January kicks off with two significant retrogrades. Mars has been underground in Gemini since Halloween. He has created turmoil in your house of home and family,  while Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, creating havoc with friends. As a result, you may feel your sense of stability and belonging is a drift while disconnected or misunderstood by people. Pisces, you're incredibly intuitive; it can be on a sublet level in which you feel this way. Finally, Mars turns direct on Jan. 12, and the drama and upheavals are over. The energy shifts dramatically by the hopeful New Moon in Aquarius on Jan. 21, This lunation ushers in 2023, bringing unlimited possibilities. When Venus enters your sign on Jan. 26; you're the source, the magnet, and the center of your network. Share yourself widely as you enter into a new year! Who knows what can happen? The possibilities are endless. 




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