The Standard Interview

Captain Sully Checks in to The Standard, High Line

Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger—the now-retired pilot made famous by his epic emergency landing on the Hudson River in 2009—recently checked in to The Standard, High Line to launch his newest venture, a watch collaboration with JEANRICHARD. Here's what our heroically famous guest had to say for himself ...

Your room has an amazing view of the Hudson River. Is that stressful for you?

CAPTAIN SULLY: Not at all! I have always been a lover of views. Having a room with a view is a joy, and seeing the Hudson is a wonderful reminder of what my crew and others and I were able to accomplish that important day.

"The Miracle on the Hudson" sparked a national conversation about heroism. What does that word mean to you?

I think it means doing much more than what is strictly required. It means the giving of one's self for the sake of others.

You do quite a bit of traveling for both work and pleasure. What are the ingredients of a perfect trip?

With my Swiss attention to detail, the planning is part of the fun—having a trip go smoothly is always satisfying. But I also love to be surprised and to have my perspective widened when I encounter other ways of thinking and other ways of living.

What are some of your travel must-haves?

A good pair of shoes, versatile layers of clothing and well-designed personal items like my watch and my phone.

What's it like to be part of the pop culture lexicon?

It's been a wild ride to suddenly become a world-recognized public figure, especially since it happened in an instant. Once in a while, my young daughters even think I'm cool.

Your latest adventure is a partnership with watchmaker JEANRICHARD. How did that come about? Have you always been interested in watches?

The concept of time has always fascinated me—it's our most precious resource. The art of watchmaking requires amazing craftsmanship and I have always admired JEANRICHARD's attention to detail and excellence in every domain. Their philosophy of life also really speaks to me. The beauty of the watches, the passion of their artisans, and—even more importantly—their idea of working together on projects that are close to my heart and spirit made me happy to join the flight.

You'll even be blogging on the JEANRICHARD website. What should we expect?

I can’t tell you too much because I want to leave a little to the imagination, but suffice it to say that I am looking forward to having these little conversations with you on a regular basis in which I share my own philosophy of life.

Any advice for aspiring pilots?

Follow your dreams, but be willing to work very hard to achieve them.

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