
Your August Horoscopes

From our favorite astrologer Lori Bell, here's what the stars have in store for August...
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If you're looking for easy answers, look elsewhere: This Full Moon is a mixed bag. It can be thought-provoking, sociable, engaging or worrisome. Full Moons tend to have an energizing and amplifying effect. This full moon squares expansive Jupiter, bringing drama and insights. Due to Jupiter's involvement, you may feel stretched and pulled in different directions. Jupiter expands, so the positive things are better, while the stressful ones get more intense under this alignment. The lunation is ruled by Saturn, which is in Pisces, adding an emotional undercurrent. Saturn will oppose Mercury; the clash of Mercury and Saturn often shows stalled transactions or negotiations — creating worry, caution and overanalyzing. Different themes are occurring on this lunation: uplifting, optimistic Jupiter quality or the Saturn energy; concern and fear. Aquarius is known for its visionary and forward-thinking qualities; it invites you to look towards the future, asking you who the people you wish to bring forward with. May this Full Moon bring clarity and hope for future aspirations.



Venus moves into the most elevated as she makes an inferior conjunction to the Sun, called a Cazimi, the heart of the Sun. Cazmi brings insight and clarity, understanding and an aha moment. It is a shift in perception. We are now at the halfway point of Venus retrograde. There is a decision as Venus joins the Sun, the central organizing force of the cosmos — it's our heart's desire, which gets reanimated. There can be profound insight and wisdom, an invitation to expand and open our hearts. It is a time to go within; it is an internal process for new understanding. You may change a job, relationship or even move, whatever stirs your heart for greater authenticity and happiness. The second half of this retrograde cycle can be a dismantling period. Venus in Leo knows what she wants. On August 24, she moves away from the Sun and emerges as a rising star, a glorious independent emergence. Drop into your heart on this magical day and expand it outwardly to all.



The Leo New Moon will clash with the disputer, Uranus — it is often unpredictable, shocking, surprising, stimulating and equally as exciting. It is dramatic in Leo but with Uranus, you can expect to stay spontaneous and flexible and expect the unexpected. Creative and explosive, it's jolting at first, but it can disrupt life in the most positive ways, clearing out areas where you are stuck. It is a reset, a fresh start, a time to break new ground, go in a new direction and express yourself in new ways. As Venus emerges from under the Sun, the theme of what your heart desires. This lunation can free you from the past if you dare to go in a new direction. It is an invitation to take a risk; trust us, it's worth the adventure. Make a wild and liberating choice within these two weeks – embrace that Leo energy. Cheers to one wild and liberating New Moon! 



The Sun enters Virgo on August 23; say goodbye to the dramatic Leo Season. After a month in a creative, dramatic fire sign, Virgo season gives us a chance to come back down to earth and attune to the everyday. Virgo is about discernment; she is an earthy, practical sign. Yet Virgo tends to be stereotyped as a pedantic perfectionist who is supercritical and leans towards hypochondria. Virgo is the sign of understanding, with discerning mental vision, discernment and humility, Virgos has a talent for forming good judgment quickly and applying it to practical affairs. They have a keen sense of simplicity and harmony. They can move through their environment effortlessly, rearranging organizing and bringing order to chaos. Hard-working, with the innate desire to be of service, Virgo's are gentle, kind and humble, preferring to stay out of the spotlight. Virgo combines a natural affinity for the physical and practical with a sharp intellectual acuity. Virgo Season invites you to tap into her attributes. Now is the time to get our lives in order, focus on ways to be efficient, discern, deliberate and consider the details. It is time to tend to our health and do the daily rituals that sustain us. Our attention turns to being productive, efficient and helpful. Embrace that Virgo energy!




On August 23, Mercury will station retrograde at 21 degrees of Virgo. The very start of retrogrades is the Mercury cycle's most stuck or stagnant energy. It is time to hit pause; it can feel like a holding pattern. It's like limbo for the first few days; please be patient. It is a stop-and-reset as we review our plans and choices. It is an opportunity to recess for what you may have overlooked. There is a simplification and efficiency with Mercury retrograde in Virgo. If you have any organizational projects or plans, this is a chance to finetune them. Mercury in Virgo is in its domicile, so while retrograde, it is an invitation to pause and simplify your life. The usual Mercury retrograde annoyances will occur, causing miscommunicating, technological issues and travel delays. With Mercury and Venus in retrograde, you should anticipate miscommunication in relationships; pause before hitting send or having those difficult conversations. Cheers to getting our lives in order! But please, try to not blame it all on Mercury in retrograde. 



Mars enters Libra on August 27th and boy does it feel social and outgoing. Libra is interested in justice, fairness and relationships. With Mars in Libra, we are interested in the world's injustices. There is a desire to fight for advocacy; the list is endless, so choose your cause! Mars is the planet of aggression; so it is tricky in the sign of diplomacy. In Libra, Mars does not like confrontation and considers both sides before making a move. It can be indirect, like not asking for what you want and, at its worst, passive-aggressive. It is the perfect time to stand up for others, yet not ourselves. How do you use this energy wisely? Mars in Libra sees every angle; it can be helpful in situations where diplomacy and mediation are needed. We tend to use our charm to get what we want. We can strive to find the middle way and collaborate to reach our goals. The highest aspirations are advocating for peace, injustice and fairness. Be somebody's support system and fight for what's right.




A Full Moon in Pisces at 7 degrees arrives on August 30. It is a Blue Moon, the second full moon of the month. This Full Moon will conjunct Saturn, it is a reality check that can bring a stark realization. Full Moons bring clarity and illumination, whereas the planet Saturn is known to be stern. We can feel vulnerable and tend to worry about the future, it can feel emotionally heavy. The antidote is that Jupiter rules this lunation in Taurus: breathe, come into your body, be in the present and calm your mind. Jupiter in Taurus offers an antidote to make things workable. Creative endeavors and spiritual practices will be of great benefit. Find ways to settle your mind and focus on what nurtures and grounds you. The way forward is Jupiter: stay in the present; there can be second chances for missed opportunities — you never know what the planet of luck can reward you with. 

Here's what's happening for your Sun sign in August 2023...

Enjoy what's left of the lazy days of summer, Aries, because you're about to kick back into high gear. You've got the North Node in your sign so you're feeling invigorated and empowered, ready to shine forth. Venus is retrograde in Leo; you're refining what brings you joy in your house of love, creativity and pleasure. Each passage of Venus retrograde may help us to reconnect with an aspect of ourselves that has been neglected for a time. On August 13th, a day to mark in your calendar, Venus kisses the radiant Sun and begins a new Venus cycle. It is a magical day to set your intentions on what animated your heart's desires around love, pleasure and creativity. It is an invitation to go within as a new Venusian cycle is born. The new moon in Leo joins Venus on the 16th, reigniting this area of your life. It is a dramatic, jolting lunation, inviting you to go in a new direction and express yourself in new ways. This lunation can free you from the past, if you dare to go in a new direction. It's back to work on August 23, with the arrival of Virgo season, along with Mercury turning retrograde in the same sign — your sixth house of health and work. Mercury is in his domicile in Virgo; view this retrograde cycle as an opportunity to reorganize and prioritize. It's time to show the world what you're made of, Aries.



For most of the Summer, the focus has been on your 4th house of home and inner sanctuary. Venus in Leo has graced this area of your chart since the start of June; she turned retrograde on July 22. You've been reprioritizing family relationships and beautifying your surroundings. Living in a pleasing environment is essential to your well-being. Venus' retrogrades are awakening, symbolizing a change in direction. Venus in Leo speaks to what rules your heart. On August 13, she will conjunct the radiant Sun, called a Cazimi; she is infused with the heart of the Sun. Profound insights can be revealed as our heart's desire, which gets reanimated. It is the beginning of the new Venus cycle. Go within and see what decisions come to light. The month starts with a moon in Aquarius at 9 degrees, illuminating your 10th house of career and public standing. This lunation activates your professional life and can elicit greater responsibilities or changes within your professional life. Aquarius is known for its visionary and forward-thinking qualities; it invites you to look towards the future. On August 23, Virgo season begins, along with Mercury turning retrograde in Virgo — so much of the action shifts to Virgo in your fifth house of creativity, pleasure and love. Taurus, follow your heart's desire and enjoy yourself, it's what you were born to do.  


Express yourself, Gemini! Leo Season and Venus grace your house of communication, neighborhood and siblings. Venus enhances your creative expression, writing and social life with a dramatic, charismatic flare. She turned retrograde last month, inviting you to reassess this area of your life. On August 13, Venus will join the Sun, starting a new Venusian cycle, bestowing insight and clarity. Brace yourself for an aha moment. This will be a shift in perception. Are you communicating in a way that feels authentic and intentional to you? What stimulates your mind? On this auspicious day, connect with your heart. Leo in Venus is about the heart's desire. Saturn has been active in your house of career since March, offering lessons about how far you wish to go and where you need to establish boundaries. By August 23, your focus shifts to home and roots as Virgo season begins. Mercury, your big boss ruler, will retrograde in Virgo at 21 degrees. Mercury in Virgo, the usual communication issues snafu will ensue. It's time to declutter organize, repair or paint, giving your home an overall health inspection. Mercury in Virgo is all about the details; he edits, analyzes and perfects. He can overthink, overanalyze and get stuck in the minutiae. With Mercury and Venus in retrograde, be mindful of miscommunication in relationships; pause before hitting send or having those difficult conversations. Try to keep it lively, Gemini.


Cancer, your finances are front and center for the month of August! Your big boss is the Moon, as she is your ruler. August brings two Full Moons — lots of lunar energy in the sky. The month starts on August 1 with a moon in Aquarius at 9 degrees, illuminating your 8th house of shared resources and finances. This lunation has two themes: uplifting, optimistic, worried and fearful. Aquarius is known for its visionary and forward-thinking qualities, so drop the fear and look towards the future. A New Moon in dramatic Leo arrives on August 16, joining Venus in your house of cash! Venus in Leo has been dwelling here since June but she turned retrograde on July 22, she invited you to access your relationships to money, self-worth and material possessions. Think big, stand in your self-confidence and extend it to all areas of your life. Most importantly, value yourself and your talents. Unpredictable Uranus clashes with the New Moon; causing disruptive energy in the most positive ways! It is an invitation to take a risk for yourself. Showcase your talents, start a new business, take a bold risk and do what you love! The month wraps up with a Blue Full Moon in Pisces at 7 degrees on August 30. Illuminate your 9th house of spirituality, travel and higher knowledge. Any spiritual practice or ways to settle your mind will significantly benefit you on this lunation. Saturn joins the moon, which can feel heavy and oppressive. Benefic Jupiter reveals the way forward; you never know what the planet of luck can reward you with. Cheers to abundance overload! 


Leo, you're roaring as loudly as ever this month. Venus in your sign has been in for an extended four-month tour in yourself-house of self-identity and appearance. She is now retrograde, inviting you to go inward. Symbolically, this is a change in direction and a reawakening of your heart's desires. You can reclaim part of yourself you have neglected. Reassess your relationships with yourself and others. Relationships can end and old lovers and friends from the past may reappear. August 13 is an auspicious day as Venus will conjunct the radiant Sun, forming a Cazmi as she gets infused with the Sun's wisdom. A new Venus cycle begins. Cazmi's brings profound insights, clarity and understanding. Your heart gets reanimated; you can make decisions that align with your heart's authenticity. The New Moon in Leo at 20 degrees arrives on the 16th; it is dramatic, as disruptive Uranus clashes with the lunation. Creative and explosive, it's jolting at first, but it can disrupt life positively, clearing out areas where you are stuck. It is a reset, a fresh start — a time to go in a new direction and express yourself in new ways. Free yourself from the past, but only if you dare to go in a new direction. Reveal your magnetizing, generous and tremendous heart. Follow your heart within these two weeks and embrace that Leo roar. Cheers to one wild and liberating month.


It's an empowering month if you let it be, Virgo. August begins with Mars and Mercury in your sign, igniting your first house of identity and appearance. Mars in your sign leaves you feeling empowered and strong. He comes around every two years to give you a boost and a reboot. You can accomplish much more now, like start a new project or attend to your physical well-being. Your ruler enters Virgo on August 4 for an extended tour and he will turn retrograde on August 23. Accomplish all you can before Mercury pivots and causes havoc. He loves being in your sign, where he is in his domicile, empowered and efficient. The retrograde cycle affects you more than the other signs since he is your ruler. Breathe, Virgo; it is not worth the energy of getting upset with others who don't keep their word, show up on time or tend to the fine details as you do. This time allows you to pause and recess for what you may have overlooked. If you have any projects or plans, this is a chance to finetune them. Virgo season commences the same day Mercury retrogrades — it's not exactly the birthday gift you expected. It gets tricky throughout the month when restrictive Saturn in Pisces opposes Mercury and the Sun. It can set off relationship conflicts, so learning about limits, accountability and trust is critical. At the end of the month is the Pisces Full Moon on August 30th, which lights up your house of relationship, one of the most auspicious Full Moons of the year for you. Virgo, let love in if you've previously been reluctant — and Happy Birthday!


Libra, your planetary ruler Venus, is retrograde in Leo until September 3. She lies in your house of friends, community and aspirations. It is an inward journey, reflecting on parts of yourself you've neglected as you start to re-evaluate your friendships, relationships and dreams. Venus in Leo wants you to follow your heart and express yourself authentically. Venus retrograde is a reawakening and symbolically a change of heart. Old friends and lovers can emerge into your life, allowing for reconnection and healing. On August 13, Venus will join the Sun, forming a Camizi, as she gets infused with the consciousness of the Sun. Profound insight and wisdom can stir your heart for greater authenticity and happiness. Drop into your heart on this magical day as the heart of consciousness awakes, inviting you to expand your heart to all. 

The north node in Aries is igniting your house of committed relationships for the next 18 months. Good thing you're hardwired for partnerships, Libra. The energy shifts on August 23, as Virgo begins and Mercury retrogrades in Virgo on the same day. They are hiding out in your 12th house of seclusion before Libra season hits next month. Take time to rest, recharge and spend time alone. Since Mercury is retrograde, keep the phone silent, take a social media sabbatical and devote time to reflect and recharge. Once September hits, Venus goes direct and you are ready to reemerge! Happier, healed and set to charm the world – as per usual. 


 It's a hot, hot August and your 10th house of career visibility is on fire. Leo Season has been shining a strobe light on your work. In addition, Venus retrograde in Leo is an invitation to go within and reclaim parts of yourself that you have neglected. It is a reawakening of creativity and self-authenticity. Venus retrograde is also symbolically a shift in direction. On August 13, Venus makes an inferior conjunction to the Sun called a Cazimi, as the heart of the Sun. Cazmi brings insight and clarity — there is a decision as Venus joins the Sun, the central organizing force of the cosmos. Scorpio, what stirs your heart for greater authenticity and happiness in your career? The cosmos wants you to get the message, so a New Moon in Leo, at 23 degrees, ignites your passion on August 16. This bolt of creativity is jolting at first, but it can disrupt in the most positive ways. The disruptive planet Uranus clashes with this lunation — it can free you from the past if you dare to go in a new direction. On August 23, Virgo season begins, along with Mercury retrograde in Virgo, in your house of friends, collaborators and aspirations. Scorpio, reach out and connect with your friends and collaborators. The more you expand your social world, the more lifted you'll feel in your career. After all, you "get by with a little help from your friends!'' Cheers to doing what you love and doing it well!


Sag, life has to be an adventure for you and August promises to unleash your wanderlust. Leo Season has lit your 9th house of travel, wisdom and spirituality. The real catalyst is Venus; she has been dwelling in this area of your chart since June. Her extended tour will last until September 3, as she retrogrades here. Venus retrograde in Leo is an inner journey of awakening; it can awaken parts of yourself you've neglected. People or interests from the past may resurface — it can be teachers, a Guru or a book that inspired you profoundly. Follow your heart's desires, whether traveling to remote lands, returning to school — whatever inspires you, really. On August 13, Venus makes an inferior conjunction to the Sun, called a Cazimi, as she connects the heart of the Sun. Cazmi brings clarity, understanding and an aha moment. It is a reawakening to greater authenticity and happiness. On August 16, a New Moon in Leo at 23 degrees arrives, joining Venus. Travel, expand your worldview, study or take plant medicine — you are happiest having experiences. Most importantly, you are on the eternal quest for meaning in your life; seek it and remember to look within. The energy shifts on August 23, as Virgo Season begins, activating your career. Mercury, Mars and the Sun take residency in Virgo this month in your 10th house of career and public ambition. Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo on August 23. Ideally, it is best not to start any new career endeavors until he turns direct. Instead, focus on revising and reviewing existing projects or ambitions. Cheers to always being yourself and finding light in everything you do. 


Capricorn, as the last month of Summer ends, you're ready to look ahead. The activation of Mars, the Sun and Mercury in Virgo ignites the 9th house of travel, wisdom and spirituality. Expand your mind, Capricorn — you are a wise soul, so tap into your innate wisdom through learning, traveling or meeting a Guru. Get inspired and book that trip you've been putting off; take that class and ignite your innate wisdom. Mercury in Virgo stations retrograde on August 23, so make sure you are open to review or revise your plans and choices. Mercury is Virgo's ruler and he is efficient, detailed, overanalyzing everything. However, there is a simplification and efficiency with Mercury retrograde in Virgo. If you have any organizational projects or plans, this is a chance to finetune them. Expect the usual Mercury retrograde annoyances: miscommunication, technological issues and travel delays. Mars enters Libra on August 27, activating your 10th house of work. Mars comes around every two years to reactivate and inspire you. Cap, you are constantly driven to succeed. However, as much success as you've had, it's never enough. During this time, your ambition surges and you focus on your long-term goals. May the inspiration from your 9th house parlay into your career. Cheers to wisdom and sweet glory!

August is a pivotal month for relationships as love gets a bit of an overhaul. The month starts off with your annual Full Moon in Aquarius at 9 degrees, illuminating your identity. This lunation is complex, thought-provoking, sociable, engaging or even worrisome. Full Moons tend to have an energizing and amplifying effect. This lunation squares expansive Jupiter, bringing drama and insights. In your sign, it invites you to look towards the future, asking you who are the people you wish to move forward with. Leo Season and Venus retrograde in Leo are stirring up your 7th house of relationships. Venus comes around every eight years in the same sign; think back to the Summer of 2015, as there can be echoes from the time. Venus is Leo and demands that you follow your heart, not your mind. Venus retrograde cycles are opening to reawaken our heart's desires. This often signals a change in relationships and it can get messy. It is an inward journey to reclaim parts of yourself you have neglected. Old lovers and exes may resurface now. On August 13th, an auspicious day, Venus makes an inferior conjunction to the Sun, called a Cazimi, into the heart of the Sun, bringing insight and clarity. There is a decision as Venus joins the Sun, the central organizing force of the cosmos — what is your heart's desire? Relationships may end or pivot in ways that you feel a greater sense of authenticity and happiness. Venus in Leo confidently knows what she wants and does not compromise. Drop into your heart on this magical day as the heart of consciousness awakes. Cheers to sweet love and harmony! 


Pisces, August invites you to tend to your relationships. The month begins with Mercury, the communicator, opposing restrictive Saturn and his clash plays out in your house of relationships. Be thorough and consider the details before committing to decisions or agreements with your relationships. These commitments last because Saturn does not take things lightly. Virgo Season highlights your relationships, as the Sun, Mars and Mercury will be stirring up this area. Mars has been activating your 7th house since last month; he comes around every two years to shake it up. Mars inspires you to follow what you desire, igniting your passion. On August 23, the Sun will join Mars to shine its radiant light there and on the same day, Mercury in Virgo turns retrograde. Mercury in Virgo is in its domicile, so while retrograde, it is an invitation to pause and simplify your life. With Mercury and Venus in retrograde, you should anticipate miscommunication in relationships; wait before hitting send or having those difficult conversations. Most of these will center around your relationships, so try not to overanalyze situations or get caught up in the overwhelm of details. The month ends with a Blue Full Moon in Pisces at 7 degrees; this emotional lunation conjunct Saturn can bring a stark realization. Full Moons bring clarity and illumination so you may feel vulnerable in your partnerships. The antidote is Jupiter in Taurus, which rules the moon, so breathe, drop into your body, stay in the present and calm your mind. Jupiter in Taurus assists in making things workable. Cheers to clear and honest communication!  


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