Miami Spa

Zodiac Lounge

Zodiac Lounge

Astrology can help us understand what the cosmic tide is bringing our way. New Moons are times of new beginnings, planting seeds, and setting intentions. The New Moon is in the gentle and nurturing sign of Cancer. The New Moon has six planets in Water signs, opening up a deeper understanding and integration of our feminine side. It turns our attention on how we handle our feelings, how are we caring for our body, mind, and soul. Its' the time to unplug, meditate, do "nothing". Silence and solitude allow us to connect with our soul's intentions. The New Moon in Cancer is time to go deep, reflect, receive and release what is no longer serving you. Let's Be Deep. Join Lori Bell our Astrologer & Acupuncturist for a caring night of astrology. $45 includes indoor baths I $75 includes Spa Day Pass