Miami Spa

A Little Core and a Whole Lotta Heart

A Little Core and a Whole Lotta Heart

Saturday, September 29, 6:30 - 8:00P with Nicole Patxot

In this workshop we will explore - through posture and breath - the jump from third chakra, our will center, to the fourth chakra, our heart center. We will warm up with a basic flow, charge ourselves with a strengthening core sequence and cool down with a healing, heart-opening sequence. Using breath techniques designed to help us actively engage and conversely release in specific postures, we can become more subtly aware of tension held in the core of the body. Restorative poses will target the heart, lungs and shoulders to open the pathways for an active breathing meditation. This 30-minute breathwork exercise uses a 3 part breath to activate our emotional centers, allow those feelings to flow up into the space of the heart for processing and release them from our energy fields in this healing journey accompanied by a chakra-tuned playlist.

$45 includes indoor baths | $150 includes Spa Day Pass