Miami Spa

H2-OM: Raise Your Vibration for 2017

H2-OM: Raise Your Vibration for 2017

Join Maria Paula Quintana This practice is about honoring the past, celebrating the present and setting the intention for the coming year! This is the time of year where we celebrate abundance and all good things we have in life as well of the skill of letting go. The fresh start of the year gives us the opportunity to reconnect with what brings joy to our life. If your spirit is broken or you feel unmotivated, this is the practice that will inspire you to manifest your vision for who you want to be and to manifest what you want in life! Move through salutations, hip openers, backbends, arm balances and inversions and we will finish our practice surrendering into some soothing restorative poses.

"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is often a beginning. The end is where we start from"

TS Elliot.

$40 includes indoor baths I $150 includes Spa Day Pass