Miami Spa

Crystal Sound Bath & MoodxMoss Aura Photography

Crystal Sound Bath & MoodxMoss Aura Photography

Come for a unique workshop combining a vibrational Crystal Sound Bath and Aura Photography 3 – 6P. First, immerse yourself in a stream of pure sound waves... Come to relax and transform as the vibrations of live crystal bowls lift you into a restorative healing state that harmonizes body, mind and spirit. Andrew Clark guides you to breathe, breathe deep and experience the true lightness of being as tensions and stress melt away and bring the pace of modern life back into balance.

Then after the Group Acupuncture workshops have your aura photo taken by Carrie Moss in the MoodxMoss the nomadic yurt, a pop-up traveling, magical studio space. A space where poetry meets science and spirituality meets art. Experience how we are vibrational beings in a vibrational world. Your auric field is a subtle, luminous radiation surrounding you and extending outward from your physical form. Your revealed aura colors serve as a radiant visual measure of your present emotional, physical and spiritual state. These states are always shifting. Carrie Moss aims with the MoodxMoss experience to bring awareness to these concepts and spread the idea that we are more than just our physical bodies. Her ability to interpret comes both from my years of study and her personal spiritual practice sharing her passion in such a personal way.

$95 includes indoor baths I $150 includes Spa Day Pass (pre-registration required limited sessions)