Miami Spa

Love Your Body: Movement, Dance & Meditation

Love Your Body: Movement, Dance & Meditation

Contract, release, stretch and preen… leaning into and shaking out the energies that keep your body from serving you at every level. This class has been designed exclusively for The Standard by resident Reiki Master & Energy Transformer, Lorraine Meyer. She’s been dancing with energy for decades and has created this workshop to warm you up with primordial songs that stir your roots, then tempt you into uninhibited liberation of stress, tension or unexpressed emotions with melodies that encourage flow. Move your way through the seven stages of consciousness in this workshop designed for all those who long to relinquish heaviness or darkness and embrace the lighter, brighter, more flexible spirit within! The dance is free form and you are encouraged to use the suggested movements in your own unique way. A guided healing meditation completes the experience leaving your body gratified. No previous dance is experience required.

$45 includes indoor baths I $150 includes Spa Day Pass