Miami Spa

Deepen Your Practice: Restorative Yoga Fundamentals

Deepen Your Practice: Restorative Yoga Fundamentals

Saturday May 27, 12 - 8P with Libbyrae Troyer

The receptive style of Restorative Yoga uses gentle stretching, supported poses, conscious breathing, and meditation techniques for deep relaxation. Offering a slower pace, Restorative Yoga triggers the parasympathetic nervous system from the very first posture. This activation helps to mitigate the effects of the regular fight-or-flight stress response that can be damaging to your physiology and well-being. The overall calming effect sets a deeply relaxing tone that cleanses your mind and body. In this module, you’ll be introduced to the fundamental principles and key elements of practicing and teaching Restorative Yoga. Learn foundational restorative poses, breath awareness & meditation techniques, innovative use of props, and teaching methodology. The vibe is hands-on open inquiry with plenty of practice for the most effective learning. You’ll look forward to practicing and sharing your own well rounded restorative sequence to deeply relax, heal, and nurture. $125 includes Spa Day Pass