Miami Beach

Faith Yoga & Sound Healing

Faith Yoga & Sound Healing

Faith Yoga is a very complementary system to any other style of Yoga. Most Yoga asana is EXTEROCEPTIVE, meaning that it focuses on using your drishti (eyes) and senses to guide your practice; things outside of yourself. Faith Yoga is very unique in that the asanas are practiced in an INTEROCEPTIVE way. It is done using internal stimuli and the vestibular system to get into your asanas which will deepen everyone's traditional Yoga practice. You will have the opportunity to practice blindfolded for as much of the class as you like and this class will finish with a relaxing and restorative sound healing.  We will also incorporate sensorial opportunities to engage your other senses so come ready to engage with your practice in a whole new deepened way. 

$75 includes indoor baths afterward. 

Saturday April 1, 7:00 – 8:30pm
with Eileen Moran & Pau D' Elia