Miami Spa

Breathwork: Awaking the Mind at the Center of the Heart

Breathwork: Awaking the Mind at the Center of the Heart

New medical and scientific studies reveal that our heart is the organ of our body where feeling and expression originate. The heart sends signals to the brain, now known to be the translator for the longings of the heart. Slow, deep breathing encourages the mind to acknowledge that the body is calm, at peace and in a state of ease. Activating greater use of our respiratory system resonates us into to a state of awareness in which the mind can let go of previous patterning, releasing old reactions and inviting new action.  Breath awareness happens in the NOW. Breath awareness and technique support the experience of being fully aware, awake and connected to the true signals from the heart rather than the remembered patterns. Explore how open, healthy breathing encourages greater focus, increased flexibility and better health. Led by The Standard’s resident Reiki Master & Certified Breathwork Facilitator, Lorraine Meyer, this workshop offers the techniques necessary to awaken and access your heart’s intelligence! $45 includes indoor baths I $150 includes Spa Day Pass