Miami Spa

Spring Equinox Group Acupuncture

Spring Equinox Group Acupuncture

Spring Equinox Group Acupuncture

Sunday March 19, 6:30 - 8P with Lori Bell

The energy of Spring is vibrant, fresh, alive and full of the promise of a future yet revealed. The Spring Equinox is when there is an equal amount of light and darkness in our day, and it marks the start of a new cycle of life. The plans we made and formulated in the restful and restorative winter can now be put into action- as we burst forward into the new energies of spring. Join Lori Bell our resident Acupuncturist & Astrologer for a shared group acupuncture experience engaging the extraordinary vessels in providing a broad and healing experience. Each participant receives the exact four acupuncture points to access one of the eight extraordinary vessels. It re-activates our relationship to ourselves and the world outside us, how we move through and receive the world. $45 includes indoor baths | $150 includes Spa Day Pass