Miami Spa

Reiki I Certification Course

Reiki I Certification Course

Reiki Master & Reiki Teacher Lorraine Meyer's Reiki I Class explores the principals and practice of Self-Healing, so important in our modern society; where we tend to neglect our inward longings and focus on material concerns. Participants will be introduced to this simple, yet effective transformative energy and walk away with a self-healing tool they can use for a lifetime.

In this day long workshop, participants will transcend the mundane, enjoy guided meditation and learn hands on healing techniques for soothing, relaxing and healing the mind and body. They will also experience Lorraine’s unique ability to assist them in awakening or deepening their intuitive nature.

While in the workshop and under Lorraine’s guidance, students may choose to both receive and share Reiki with each other.
Reiki I Course includes:
• The History of Usui Reiki
• Learning and Reciting the Five Reiki Principals
• Hand Placements for Self-Healing and Basics for Healing Others
• Discussion of Chakras
• Meditation and Attunements
• Ethics Discussion

$250 includes Spa Day Pass, plus A Certificate of Completion and Lineage and ICRT Manual, Reiki: The Healing Touch