Miami Spa

Holistic Healing: Energy Fields

Holistic Healing: Energy Fields

Holistic Healing: Energy Fields
Sunday April 16, 6:30 – 8P with Sharon Aluma
Looking at systems beyond what we currently see with our eyes we begin to feel the magnetic quality of the universe we create. The texture of life is a reflection of our vibration. Join Sharon Revital Aluma, spiritual and wellness teacher bringing awareness to the self-empowerment of the truest form. In this yoga workshop we will work with science to understand, the breath to feel, meditation to know and crystal alchemy sound bowls to transmute energy, all guiding us to tap into our energy field. Feeling, seeing, knowing and moving into a state of soul-power that guides our heart through our life's purpose in peace. $45 includes indoor baths | $150 includes Spa Day Pass