Miami Spa

H2-OM: Ayurvedic Detox Flow

H2-OM: Ayurvedic Detox Flow

H2-OM: Ayurvedic Detox Flow
Friday, April 7, 8 - 10P with Jaya
In Spring, we emerge from the dark period of winter and return to the budding of new life. As the days become longer, we have the opportunity to restore ourselves physically and energetically. In this posture sequence, you will move through standing twists to detoxify and cleanse, as well as yin and restorative postures to ground, center, and connect as this new season unfolds. The inclusion of both yin and yang, strong and supple postures will cultivate a balance in the doshas as you enter Spring. The focus will be on massaging the digestive system for a thorough spring cleaning, while creating a steadiness and presence to remind us to turn inward, reflect, and consciously prepare to renew. Whether moving through a transition from one yoga posture to the next, or from winter to spring, lingering in the moments in between encourages us to slow down, move mindfully, and find the yoga beyond the asana. $40 includes indoor baths | $150 includes Spa Day Pass