Miami Spa

Dharmi® Method: III Cycle of Evolution

Dharmi® Method: III Cycle of Evolution

Thursday September 28, 7 - 8:30P with Christelle Chopard

During this 3-part series, Christelle Chopard will lead you on a journey to navigate life transitions with mindfulness, compassion and clarity. Each session is adapted from one of the three books presenting the DHARMI® Method, GPS for your life. It is a trilogy that provides clear tools and guidance on your life journey.

Each workshop includes the following:

•             Introduction, Teachings

•             Clarification of your position on your own “road map”

•             Intention setting

•             Meditation

•             Tools to navigate life with mindfulness

III: Cycle of Evolution: Rite of Passage: This third session offers accessible approach to clear emotional, mental, cell and muscle memories, along with limiting core beliefs. This clear GPS will guide you in accessing your true potential to receive tools that aide in reprograming your mind with clarity, nurturing healthy self-esteem, and move through progressive cycles along your journey. $45 includes indoor baths I $75 includes Spa Day Pass