Miami Spa

Dharmi® Method: II Elements on the Journey

Dharmi® Method: II Elements on the Journey

Dharmi® Method: II Elements on the Journey

Thursday September 28, 7 - 8:30P with Christelle Chopard 

During this 3-part series, Christelle Chopard will lead you on a journey to navigate life transitions with mindfulness, compassion and clarity. Each session is adapted from one of the three books presenting the DHARMI® Method, GPS for your life. It is a trilogy that provides clear tools and guidance on your life journey.

Each workshop includes the following:

•             Introduction, Teachings

•             Clarification of your position on your own “road map”

•             Intention setting

•             Meditation

•             Tools to navigate life with mindfulness

II: Elements on the Journey: Are you curious to explore how the Elements of Nature complement each other to support a balanced lifestyle? Are you inspired to manifest a vision with mindfulness and positive intention? In this second session, you will receive tools to manage stress based on the Five Elements and to integrate those Elements for self- and/or professional-development. $50 includes copy of the "Elements of The Journey" book and indoor baths I $75 includes Spa Day Pass