Le Bain

Le Bain Is Teed Up for T.E.E.D.

Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs aka T.E.E.D.

His name is Orlando Higginbottom but is better known as the one-man dance machine, Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs (or T.E.E.D. for short). Son of an Oxford University music professor, the head dress enthusiast is on a U.S. minitour launching his new album. Le Bain is thrilled to have him back DJing alongside New York superheroes Runaway. Record label and serial party throwers Let's Play House is hosting Friday night and was kind enough to sit him down for a totally enormous Standard Q&A.

Let's Play House: Tell us about how you started Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs. How did you shack up with the Greco-Roman guys for the first release?

T.E.E.D.: They heard some of my tracks on a demo then invited me to play at a couple of their parties. It felt like we had a lot in common musically so I started putting together the first EP for them. Before that, the whole project started because I wanted to do something that wasn't going to need to be cool to work.

And how did that lead to getting picked up by Polydor?

A few major labels got interested when they saw the support I was getting at BBC Radio 1. Polydor felt like the best choice for me.

We understand your first musical experience was with Classical stuff. Did you play anything when you were younger? Sing? How did that lead you to dance music?

I started learning the piano when I was seven and really wanted to compose. Mozart was the coolest guy for me. I also sung in a choir and generally got down with a lot of Classical music. Then when I was about 10 or 11, I heard Jungle music for the first time and suddenly I was also fully addicted to breakbeats and bass lines.

T.E.E.D. Trouble (Polydor)

Have to ask, how did you come up with the name, Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs?

Just some fun with a friend. I never meant it to become anything.

You certainly put a lot of effort into your attire. Are you a fashion nut? How do you think your look reflects in your music?

When I started putting costumes together I wasn't interested in fashion at all. I just liked dressing up. Now because I've been thinking about things to wear on stage, I've got a lot more time for it.

TEEDs creative costuming

What was the most funnest party or concert you went to within the last year or so?

It's always the ones with friends where time disappears and eyes close. Can't remember them though.

What's your favorite meal to have while on the road?

The one at the promoter's favorite restaurant.

What's one record that never leaves your bag?

At the moment its You're In My System by The System.

Never leaves TEEDs bag ... The System

What are you most looking forward to this year, both in terms of T.E.E.D. and on a personal level?

Easy... building a new studio. Should vastly improve my professional and personal life.

Do you want to pursue any other endeavors? That is, would you like to create something that's not in the house vein?

Yeah for sure. I don't think about my music as House or anything else. I hope I get to just create until the day I drop. That's the dream for me.

This Friday May 4, Le Bain presents Let's Play House featuring DJ sets by Runaway and Totally Enormous Extinct Enormous. Doors 11pm. The Standard New York.

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