Le Bain

Le Bain Does Its Part to Save the Mermaids

The Standard: How did you come up with the Mermaid idea?

Alison: I came up with the idea while reading about recycling and the plastic garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean. Plastic does not decompose, so the items that we don't recycle often wind up floating around the ocean forever, polluting the water and putting mermaids in danger. I had a love story with a French surfer and ended up spending a lot of time in Biarritz, which is where I first found out about Surfrider foundation. One evening last summer (on the roof at Le Bain actually!) we were discussing this situation and the plight of the mermaids, and after a couple vodka lemonades later the idea of the Mermaid Protection Society just clicked!

Bianca: I especially felt passionate about this project not only for the cause of the mermaids and clean oceans but also to promote sustainable fashion. Fashion is actually the second largest polluting industry next to the petrol industry, so we decided to source environmentally -friendly organic and recycled cotton to use for our designs.

Splash by Ron Howard (1984)

Your favourite mermaids?

Madison from Splash is our favorite New York City mermaid. Brooke Shields in Blue Lagoon is our favorite tropical mermaid girl.... The Victoria's Secret girls are tight... And also we believe Mariah Carey is a secret mermaid because of her high whistle register, so she is our musical mermaid icon.

Favorite mermaid Songs?

Pool Party jam: Peanut Butter by Alison Valentine. Late Night jam: Deep Sea Creatures by Teki Latek and Para One... And everything Mariah and Aaliyah in between!

Enjoy the Warm Up Mermaid Mixtape by Alison Valentine

Best spots to watch mermaids in NYC?

New York is filled with secret mermaids, if you look carefully. You are likely to find them at Juice Press in the East village or on bikes cruising by the river on the West side. They might be shopping for vintage at Narnia, dancing at the Tiki Disco beach party, or sipping champagne in the hot tub at Le Bain.

Any last mermaid tips ?

Handwash and line dry your delicates to save energy, water and a few mermaids at the same time. Say no to plastic bags - bring a cute tote with you to the grocery store. Always take some showers with your lover to conserve water.

Sunday July 28 at Le Bain, Été d'Amour in Nouveau York featured the Mermaid Protection Society, Kaviar Disco Club, Palmbomen (DJ set) and Roosevelt. The Standard, High Line.

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