Get a Room, Give a Room
Get a Room, Give a Room
Stay at The Standard, High Line and make the most out of Pride Month. Each night you book to stay provides a night of shelter for an LGBTQ+ youth in NYC through the work of the Ali Forney Center. While you're here, enjoy two specialty cocktails featuring Supergay Vodka at La Plaz, our outdoor restaurant serving up Mexico City-inspired bites, sips and music.
Founded in 2002, the Ali Forney Center is committed to saving the lives of LGBTQ+ young people, our mission is to protect them from the harms of homelessness and empower them with the tools needed to live independently.
A 24-hour program, The Ali Forney Center never closes its doors. We provide more than just a bed and food for those in need — from initial intake at our drop-in center to transitional housing and job readiness training, we provide homeless LGBTQ+ youth a safe, warm, supportive environment to escape the streets.