
What's in the Stars for 2014?

Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It has taught me many things and I am greatly indebted to it.” Albert Einstein

Celestial & Acupuncture Alignment
Ancient Chinese alchemists knew that man is the mediator between heaven and earth - in our lives we deal with a constant interplay of transitions. Reading the celestial bodies and receiving an acupuncture alignment can help you achieve a broader understanding. We begin with a view of your celestial chart which provides insight into the mechanics you are being affected by and then a Chinese five element reading, and acupuncture treatment.
90 min. Celestial & Acupuncture Alignment, $200
60 min. Celestial Alignment, $180

Celestial Guidance for 2014
2014 starts off with a new moon in Capricorn, setting the stage for a year of self reinvention. The first half of 2014 will decide relationships, what is worth continuing and what should be purged. April brings an astrological event that has never happened before, the Cardinal Grand Cross, effecting those in the cardinal signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Libra and Aries. It is an active, intense time of change. A cleansing lunar eclipse in the mix is bound to bring interesting outcomes. Join Lori Bell, resident Astrologer and Acupuncturist to find out how this planetary alignment will affect you. For your personal workshop chart email us with the date, exact time, and location of your birth. workshop + $10.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014. 7-9pm.
$35 includes indoor baths.

Stick Together
Start 2014 with a group acupuncture treatment led by Lori Bell. Acupuncture is truly beneficial for smoothing out your qi on all levels, calming the spirit and boosting the immune system during seasonal shift. Lori will help you tap into the first Full moon of 2014, in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is a water sign, which represents the yin, receptive, feminine energies - nurturing, family, and tranquility. It is a time to nourish ourselves with loving kindness.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014. 7-9pm.
$30 includes indoor baths.

The Standard Astrology School
He says he's a Libra which is loving, social, balanced, yet he acts like a Scorpio which can be jealous, possessive, secretive...what's up with that? Join us for 4 weeks of Astrology class and find out why the Sun sign is not the whole story. Over the course of 4 weeks the class will explore the basic components that make up the language of astrology: planets, signs, and houses. Learn the A-B-C's of astrology and apply it to your chart in each class.
Workshop dates are: Wednesdays February 5, 12, 19 & 26. 7:30-9pm.
$180 includes Spa Day Pass. Pre-register at Spa Desk

2014 Horoscope

Get your warrior on Aries, 2014 is the year to break free of all restrictions and truly become that courageous, passionate, adventurous ram. For those born March 30 - April 9, you are caught up in the Grand Cardinal T Cross which happens in April, and it's all about change. Since your sign thrives on movement, don't get caught up in fear, it's not becoming, welcome change. Mars will be spending 6 months in your house of partnerships, please learn to share.  While the planet Uranus has been hanging out in your first house since 2011, which is very well suited to your independent nature. Aries, just make it to July without pissing off too many people. Then Jupiter brings fun, love and creativity, including romance and partnership which are big themes for you this year.

Your ruling planet of Venus starts the year off in retrograde in the earth sign of Capricorn. It is time to go inward, slow down and review, just don't be too stubborn about love Taurus. Your outlook is more upbeat, nurture your close relationships, you’re getting along with your siblings and enjoying your neighborhood. Try not to overbook yourself Taurus, you don't like to be rushed. The continuing theme of last year continues with your partnerships, marriage, or lack of one. Saturn the planet of maturity, hard work, and discipline has been reworking the partnership area of your life. Relationships which are not working now, may not survive, those that do, will emerge with a much greater depth and commitment. Single Taurus, are slow to get involved now once they do, it will be a deep committed relationship. July the focus moves to your home, time to decorate, renovate, or move to something grand, but try not to overspend, you like your security, you get completely freaked when your bank account drops. 2014 is a nurturing year, enjoy! 

2013 has been quite good for your bank account Gemini, and will continue through July. Keep the money coming in and try to stay focused. Pluto the planet of deep healing and transformation has had you deal with taxes, death, sex and deep psychological review, all of that which does not make you too comfortable, excluding sex. Pay your taxes, stay away from your smart phone while in bed and by July Jupiter brings communication which is ruled by Mercury, your ruler. Rejoice, expansive Jupiter is going to be a blast, please try not to overextend, overbook, or spent too much time on social media, it's addictive for you Gemini. Saturn has been overhauling your 6th house for the past year, forcing you to focus on your health, diet and exercise. This will continue until December. If you haven’t made changes yet, this year will you. Try to make it entertaining, not monotonous, be creative, you get bored so easily, sounds like 2014, enjoy Gemini, it's going to be a great year. 

Cancer, lucky you Jupiter is still shining its bright star of benevolence on your sign until July. Abundance, but please do watch your diet, Jupiter makes all grow, hence the love handles. This expansive planet moves into your 2nd house of money in July, instead of your waist, watch your money increase. This softens the Grand Cardinal T Cross in April, effecting those born between, June 30 - July 9, it's all about change Cancer. You prefer security, emotionally and financially.  Don't fear, Jupiter is in your 2nd house protecting your finances, it’s time to be brave and create the life you envision. The outer planets are challenging you to do so, get clear, make a plan crawl out of your cancer shell and go for it.  Your love life has certainly not been easy this past year. Saturn the planet of maturity, hard work and discipline has been in your house of romance and fun for the past year and will continue. Not the sexiest planet for romance.  Add Pluto the planet of transformation and healing staying in your 7th house of partnership and marriage for the past few years, making you reassess what you want and how you navigate your relationships. It is a time of growing up, healing and transforming. Cancer you are a compassionate, nurturing survivor. Your life will not be the same once 2014 is over. Enjoy the transformation. 

Hallelujah Leo, 2014 is your year, but you will have to wait until July. The planet Jupiter goes into your sign on July 18, you can finally come out of hiding. You need attention, it's your oxygen, Leo withers away without admiration and love. Jupiter is the planet of luck, expansion and it plants the seeds for the future. Transiting your 1st house is the opportunity to make connections for the future, it's time socialize do not miss opportunities coming your way. This planetary alignment is much more in tuned with your true nature. Saturn the planet of maturity, hard work and discipline has been hanging out in your 4th house of home and family. Added responsibility to family and home have been the focus for the past year and will continue to in 2014. Saturn has been square to your sun sign, creating inner tension and obstacles. Leo you can be obstinate and domineering at times, try to pull back at least at home. There is an urgency to travel, connect spiritually and break free when you feel boxed in with Uranus in your 9th house. Book a spa retreat at The Standard Miami for a week, you will feel right at home, Miami is a Leo. 2014 will be a banner year for Leo, time to shine. 

Virgo you will be so happy when summer arrives. Your sensitive nervous system needs a break from a year of socializing. Come July it is retreat and relaxation time for you.  Now you can go back to your shy quite self, enjoy 2014. The planet Neptune has been in your seventh house of partnership and marriage since 2011. Ambiguities surrounding partnerships, attracting drunks or drug addicts can be problematic. Existing relationships can take a turn for a deeper spiritual understanding. Falling crazy in love, yet being disillusioned once the real person was relieved. Virgo you like to help and be of service, please don't fall in love with every needy person you encounter. This transit will last a few more years, there are many lessons to be learned, just spare yourself the hard ones. Saturn is in your third house of communication, siblings and community. It's time to get into social media, your humble and polite Virgo, it's not your nature to self-promote. Give it a try. It will be done with humility and grace. Added responsibly to siblings and your community will test your patience, yet you will grow and mature in that area. Take a break sensitive Virgo and enjoy 2014. 

2014 could be a year that you will always remember. Jupiter has been activating your 10th house of career, Jupiter continues to bring luck and expansion to your career zone during the first half of the year, so take full advantage of this fortunate influence while it’s hot. Change is happening, make a plan, get clear and be decisive. Libra, please make a decision, In April the Grand Cardinal T Cross is occurring, affecting those born September 30 - October 8, this is a rare astrological event is activating all cardinal signs, Libra, Aries, Capricorn and Cancer. Cardinal signs like action, Libra it is your time to make some serious changes in your life. Mars, the planet of passion and drive will be in your sign, for six months activating your 1st house. It is imperative that you have a plan of intention with this energy. The North Nodes move into your sign in March, guiding you along your path, people that you meet this year may change your destiny, let magic happen. Your 7th house of partnership is highlighted this year, you may make a decision to leave a relationship or commit to one. Quite the lineup of planetary action, enjoy your year Libra, peace and love. 

If you survived 2013, you can survive anything. Saturn has been testing you on all levels, especially your relationships. You've grown and matured in 2013, if not, you most likely are in jail or rehab.  It's so hard for you to let go of anything, old hurts, remarks, insults, clothes, and relationships. 2014 is the year to focus on you, and only on you. How do you shed those attachments?  Scorpio you have the ability to heal, you are the most powerful sign of the zodiac, use it wisely. What do you want? This is the year to make that happen. Jupiter moves to the top of your chart into the career sector in July. You've totally got the good graces of Jupiter working some serious magic in your career zone in 2014. Mars the planet of action and drive moves into your 2nd house of income. For 2014 focus on your career, what you want for yourself, it's a lot easier than 2013. Enjoy it Scorpio, you deserve a break. 

Summer time is really the start of 2014 for you. Jupiter moves into your 9t house, where you feel most at home. The 9th house represents foreign travel, study, spirituality, and the higher mind. This is where you shine Sagittarius, start planning for the summer, it will get you through the first 6 months of 2014. Mars the planet of action, passion and drive moves into your house of friendships, groups, and dreams. Your social life will start to become a priority. Grab a friend and book that ticket to India, it's going to be a fun year, enjoy, you always do.

A few years now, the stars have been grooming your inner Capricorn to come out of hiding. It's your year for career, which you love, always the workaholic. Jupiter will remain in your 7th house of partnerships until July. You still have six months left to allow love in or major business partnership to appear. . Mars the planet of drive, ambition and passion is in your house of career, are you smiling yet? You love to work, it's a stellar combination. April is the time of the Cardinal Grand T Cross, affecting those born December 30 – January 8. It’s a time of change, focus and challenge. Be prepared, get focused and have a plan. Your world will not be the same as you know it.  Enjoy your success Capricorn, you deserve it. 

It's time for a vacation Aquarius, you've been working incredible hard for the past year with the planet Saturn, (hard work, maturity and discipline) in your 10th house of career, it will continue until next year, so please take a break. Mars, the planet of passion, drive, and action just moved into your 9th house, make sure to travel abroad, start a mediation practice, learn a language, this will allow to feel fresh to focus once again on your work. Aquarius monotonous routine is hard for you, plan time to get away this year. Jupiter exits your 6th house of work, work that word again, and enters into the house of partnership in July. Your energy will shift to focus on partnerships. It's a good balance, love and work. Enjoy 2014, it is a year of change. 

Your inner world has completely transformed since Neptune entered your sign three years ago. You maybe feel and seem even spacier then ever, but you’re still wonderful Pisces. Jupiter has been playing in your 5th house of creativity and romance. You've been having fun and it shows! In July the party is over, it’s time to get focused and start working. All the creative idea's you've come up with now is the time to use them in your work. You have attracted some powerful friends in the past few years, maybe a good idea is to seek out their guidance. Always follow your dreams Pisces, you can come up with some incredibly brilliant ones, just try to stay focused to follow though. Remember Steve Jobs was a Pisces. Enjoy 2104, love and peace. 

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