
Your March Horoscope

As we head into March and a new moon, may the promising Jupiter alignments bring peace and safety to Ukraine and the world.

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

Take a break, Aries. The month starts with a new moon in Pisces, arriving on March 2, inviting you to go within, escape, rest, and replenish. The new moon conjuncts expansive Jupiter offering hope, kindness, and inspiration. So slow down, drop into your intuition, and dream, dear Aries. What inspires you? Where do you find meaning in your life? Use this time to reflect on what brings meaning and connection to your life. Think big! Jupiter is the benevolent gift-giver; get clarity on what you want to achieve, make it a reality this year! The intensity builds on March 3 as your ruler Mars conjuncts obsessive Pluto; work issues may arise. In true  Aries fashion, take action to solve the problem with solid decision-making skills, so you can then retreat into solitude. The best alignment of the month occurs on March 5, when benefic Jupiter conjuncts the Sun; this exact conjunction is called a cazimi, when a planet is in the heart of the Sun, offering renewal and purification. You have access to the highest qualities of Jupiter in Pisces, which are benevolence, kindness, empathy, generosity, and wisdom. Connect with your divine wisdom, gratitude, and life-affirming aspirations. On this auspicious day, please send healing, stabilizing vibes to Ukraine if you are inspired. May peace prevail. Mars, your CEO, enters Aquarius along with Venus on March 6, shifting the energy towards intellectual ideas, technology, and social concerns. Friends, dreams, and long-term goals are ignited until mid-April. Mars comes around to the same area of your chart every two years. While all you want to do is take a time out, your social life has been recharged with an electric  excitement. People you meet will inspire you; seek out the fascinating, the brilliant, the weird ones. You prefer an eclectic group of friends who challenge you but be aware that you can become too rigid with your ideas and thinking, you end up in conflicts. A full moon in Virgo arrives on March 18, bringing you back to reality and into organization mode. Virgo is efficient and practical, representing the mind/body connection. Your house of health, wellbeing, and work gets illuminated under this full moon. Exercise is critical to your wellbeing. You don’t have to run a marathon, just do something physical. You’ll be happier, as will those in your inner circle. Get organized to function more productively with less stress and greater happiness. Aries season begins on March 20, also the astrological new year, so start implementing all of those inspirations you were pondering at the beginning of the month. The break’s over, just do it, go!

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

March is all about celebrating friendship. What would you do without your friends? A new moon in tender Pisces arrives on March 2, activating the house of good fortune, friends, supporters, hopes, goals, and ambitions. This lunation brings benevolence, generosity, kindness, insight, and intuition. It is a time for dreaming, inspiration, and reflection while planting seeds for new beginnings. Not a day to be solo, be with those who support and cherish you, Taurus. The most magical alignment occurs on March 5, when benefic Jupiter conjuncts the Sun; it is exact conjunction called a cazimi, when a planet is in the heart of the Sun, gifting you access to the noblest qualities of Jupiter in Pisces. It’s an uplifting, affirming, and enhancing energy, offering divine wisdom, insight, and healing. Your friendships provide mutually deep meaning, kindness, and love to your life. Relish in your friendships; this promising aspect will come to fruition later in the month. Your ruler Venus and Mars, enter Aquarius on March 6, dwelling in your house of career. Aquarius is intellectual, stimulating ideas, thinking outside the box, and humanitarian. Your 10th house is invigorated with new ideas, technology, and innovation. Share and exchange ideas and be open to the new. Taurus, your stubborn, rigid ways of thinking and inflexibility can be problematic this month.
Your ruler Venus has some issues—two difficult planets besiege her from March 6-28; it is like being seated in the middle seat of a crowded plane, with zero legroom. In addition, there is an undercurrent of discomfort due to pressures or obligations; keep your boundaries, be clear on what you can and cannot do. A full moon in Virgo arrives on March 18, illuminating your 5th house of romance, pleasure, and children. A full moon illuminates what we strive for, and the hurdles thwart our goals. Virgo aims for perfection while Pisces goes with the flow; life is messy, you do not have to be perfect, but you can strive for a healthy balance. So, Taurus, do what you do best: relax, sit in a garden, listen to music, and enjoy life’s sensual pleasures. Cheers to hope, love, and friendship.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, March beckons you to think big, as the possibilities are limitless. A bevy of planets enlighten your 10th house of work with a few rare magical alignments. A new moon in Pisces arrives on March 2, inviting you to dream about the future; it is a fresh start, filled with optimism and hope. You can get scattered wanting to do everything, so zero in on your professional goals because this lunation invites you to make your career goals and aspirations a reality. Plant those seeds of intention and take time out to reflect on what you want to achieve. One of the best alignments of the year occurs on March 5, when Jupiter conjuncts the Sun; it is an exact conjunction called a cazimi, when a planet is in the heart of the Sun, gifting you access to the noblest qualities of Jupiter in Pisces. This magical aspect conveniently occurs in your career zone, where you’ve already been prepping for a new cycle of hope and growth, offering wisdom along with stabilizing, kind, and benevolent energy. You have so much to show the world!  Mars and Venus shift into Aquarius on March 6, igniting your house of travel, learning, and spirituality. Aquarius shifts the energy towards intellectual pursuits, technology, and humanity. Mars comes around to the same area of your chart every two years to reawaken, stimulate, and activate. Aquarius is the humanitarian in your 9th house of foreign countries; your gift is to keep us updated, informed, and connected. During these profound times in history, may peace prevail. Mercury, your CEO, will enter dreamy Pisces on March 9, so forget the details and drop into your feelings. Listen to music, write, get in touch with your feelings and intuition. You spend all of your time in your head, enjoy this two-week escape. A full moon in Virgo arrives on March 18, illuminating your 4th house of home and family. Spring cleaning is here, and Virgo is the sign to organize, edit, problem solve and get your home in order. An orderly work/home balance is essential to your wellbeing, Gem, but ignore that pull to a non-attainable perfection. It only causes undue stress---find a balance that works for you. On March 21, your ruler Mercury conjuncts Jupiter, another stellar alignment. It can bring good news, lucrative deals, healing conversations, and generosity. Cheers to dreams coming true!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

March is calling you on an adventure, Cancer, so time to expand your world! A new moon in Pisces arrives on March 2, igniting your 9th house of long-distance travel, spiritual quests, and higher education. Pisces is a fellow water sign dwelling in the emotional and imaginative realms, offering hope, abundance, generosity, and wisdom. This wanderlusty lineup is a reflective time to go within, be in nature, by the water, and travel with a purpose. Time to shift your perspective and listen to your intuition to decide what you want to learn, what guides you, brings deep meaning and purpose to your life and whether or not  you have a spiritual path. Venus and Mars will be at odds with powerful Pluto on March 3, so expect emotional intensity, obsessiveness, power struggles, and loyalty tests playing out in your 7th house of committed relationships. The next day brings the most magical alignment of the year, as Jupiter conjuncts the Sun. It is an exact conjunction called a cazimi, when a planet is in the heart of the Sun, gifting you access to the noblest qualities of Jupiter in Pisces, activating the 9th house of higher learning, spirituality, and foreign travel. A new cycle begins, offering wisdom, faith, benevolence, hope, and abundance. Dream, imagine, and dive deep into the knowledge and kindness this alignment gifts you. Venus and Mars enter Aquarius and your 8th house on March 6, leaving controlling Pluto behind; the intensity you've been feeling in your partnerships can ease up. Now you can focus on your shared resources, investments, inheritances, and debts—it’s an ideal time to sort out your finances. You may develop innovative ways to lower your debt and increase your assets. A full moon in Virgo arrives on March 18, bringing you back to reality and dealing with the practical everyday concerns of life. This lunation illuminates your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and learning. Full moons shed light on what you need to see or understand. Virgo tends to overanalyze, nitpick, and criticize. Cancer, be mindful of excessive mental energy and needless worry. Do not ruminate over emails or texts messages. Instead, use this energy to organize, problem-solve, and become more efficient. Cheers to a new perceptive!

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

March invites you to face your tender side, your innermost fears and worry residing in your 8th house of vulnerability. That same  house deals with shared resources, investments, inheritances, and debts. A new moon in Pisces on March 2 ignites that 8th house. Leo, it is a positively excellent opportunity for healing, reflection, and understanding. Pisces is empathetic and kind; please have compassion for yourself while letting go of your angst, fears, worry, and mental anguish. Spend time alone to reflect on your feelings and to gain insight into a new level of understanding. Please allow yourself to be vulnerable. The most magical aspect occurs on March 6, when Jupiter conjuncts the Sun; what makes this so potent is the exact conjunction called a cazimi, when a planet is in the heart of the Sun, gifting you access to the highest qualities of Jupiter in Pisces. A new cycle of hope ,healing and growth begins. This alignment illuminates your 8th house with wisdom, kindness, and benevolence. Leo, embrace the opportunity to release your emotional baggage. What a gift that opportunity is! An added plus, it creates an abundance! Sort out your finances; it is an ideal time to invest. Venus and Mars will enter into Aquarius, your 7th house of relationships, on March 6. You can be more authentic in your partnerships now that you've purged your inner demons. Affection, playfulness, and intellectual stimulation excite you. Be proactive in your relationships; if single, meet people. For those partnered, it is an opportune time to renew and revitalize your relationship. March 18 brings a full moon in Virgo, illuminating your 2nd house of money. Virgo will organize, solve problems, analyze, and sort out your money. Venus in Aquarius will conjunct Saturn on March 28 in your 7th house of relationships. It brings clarity to roles and responsibilities and the effort of commitment. You may have to set boundaries if you feel restrictive or have outgrown certain obligations. Leave the drama behind, Leo, stay logical and matter of fact. Cheers to renewal, healing, and love.

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

March is all about love and relationships! Virgo, you are blessed this month with a bevy of benefic planets dwelling in your 7th house of committed relationships. The month kicks off with a new moon in Pisces, arriving on March 2, igniting your relationship zone. Get out of your worried mind and connect with your tender heart. A new moon is a fresh start; new beginnings, connectedness, kindness, and tenderness are priorities in your partnerships. The gifts are connections that enrich and touch your soul. A magical alignment occurs on March 5 when Jupiter conjuncts the Sun; this exact conjunction is called a cazimi, when a planet is in the heart of the Sun, gifting you access to the highest qualities of Jupiter in Pisces. A new cycle offers wisdom, generosity, healing, and hope in your relationship house. For single Virgos, now is the time to start swiping. Get out of your head and move into your heart. On March 5, a challenging aspect has planetary lovers Venus and Mars in a throuple, joining with Pluto. Pluto controls secrets, anger, and power, while the lovers are passion, desire, jealousy, and attachment. Intense feelings may arise but be courageous and look at your behaviors through honesty and kindness; please do not judge.
The cosmic lovers change signs on March 6 as they move into Aquarius, activating your house of wellbeing, pets, and work. You'll be researching experimenting with the latest health apps, exercise routines, diets, and any innovative health forward technology. Mercury, your ruler, enters Pisces on March 9, joining the 7th house party. Mercury is in a non-linear creative mode for the next two weeks to keep your sanity. Poets, musicians, photographers, and artists thrive in this energy, so let go of logic and immerse yourself in this unknowing, intuitive, and soulful realm. Do not expect deadlines to be met; it may be harder to focus, as you can get easily distracted. Your yearly full moon in Virgo arrives on March 18 when, at last, the focus is on you, pampering yourself, and letting your partner or friends take care of you. Let that love in, dear Virgo; you will relish in this lunation when you are out of the Piscean dream world and back to a beautiful reality. Cheers to love, tenderness, and dreams coming true!

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Self-care and wellbeing are your go-to this March, Libra. The month kicks off with a new moon in Pisces, arriving on March 2, conjoining expansive Jupiter. This magical lunation activates your 6th house of wellbeing, work, and beloved pets. Pisces' energy is ethereal, gentle, healing, and kind, encouraging you to tend to your emotional world and to find magic in the mundane. Daily rituals such as meditating, gentle yoga or simply eating in silence can provide peace and calm to the start of your days. It would help if you had a peaceful environment; start with beautifying your office space to create a calming, relaxed atmosphere in which to thrive. Although the Pisces energy is softer, nourish your soul with a warm bath, swim in the ocean, or sit by the water. Our beloved pets bring so much love you may consider adopting a fur baby on this new moon. Take a deep dive into the mystical waters of Pisces and care for yourself as you do others. A challenging aspect occurs on March 3 between Venus and Mars, conjoining to mighty powerful Pluto, which deals in control, power, and destruction. Relationships may be fraught with intense tension, rage, anger, or jealousy. But, Libra, you are not for confrontation; you seek out harmony. Being the peacemaker, you can compromise. Be aware of how you may suppress your feelings or act out in a passive-aggressive fashion. Self-awareness is the only way to change. The most magical alignment arrives on March 5, when expansive Jupiter joins with the Sun; it is exact conjunction, called a cazimi, when Jupiter is in the heart of the Sun, bestowing all of it an abundance of positivity, wisdom, and healing. This incredible energy lights up your 6th house of wellbeing, health, and work; a blessing, Libra. Venus and Mars enter Aquarius on March 6, activating your 5th house of romance, creativity, and children. It is a most welcome shift and time for some levity, fun, and romance. Your ruler Venus is in a tricky place from March 6-28 as Mars and Saturn besiege her, stifling her charm and dimming her light. Set clear boundaries; at times, you may feel overwhelmed, not enjoying life, with too many obligations or duties to fulfill. Venus joins taskmaster Saturn on March 28 and she’s not happy. But this feeling lasts only for three weeks; next month will make up for it!  Libra, you've got to set those boundaries or dump obligations you no longer want. You got this. Cheers to health and romance!

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

March is your month, Scorpio! The glorious new moon in Pisces emerges on March 2 with Jupiter in close conjunction, infusing the lunation with abundance, generosity, hope, and healing, encouraging you to lose a sense of time and place. It is a Pisces lovefest, a dream world of beauty, unconditional love, and creative self-expression. Lose yourself in music or dance as boundaries blur and time ceases. This beautiful new moon activates your 5th house of creativity, love, romance, joy, and children. The gift of this powerful energy is to tap into unconditional love and pay it forward. The vibe shifts dramatically to intensity the next day as Mars and Venus conjoin with powerful Pluto. Intense feelings and power struggles prevail. Scorpio, keep your cool and be strategic while paying attention to your reactions and how you are engaging. Do your best to maintain your integrity. A beautiful day dawns on March 5 when the benevolent Jupiter conjoins the Sun in a cazimi, an exact conjunction when Jupiter is empowered by the Sun, giving you the wisdom and generosity of Jupiter's noblest qualities. This uplifting, hopeful, healing energy beams into your 5th house of joy, romance, and children. Amazing, Scorpio! Embrace this divine spark, hang out with kids, your inner kid, and tap into your deep well of love. Venus and Mars, your ruler, both enter Aquarius on March 6, shacking up in your house of home and family. There, it infuses your home life with affection, playfulness, harmony, and action. You may be inspired to beautify your home or work on major home projects. Enjoy this time but be mindful of being overly controlling. Come on, Scorpio, let others do their thing. The full moon in Virgo arrives on March 18, illuminating your 11th house of friends, supporters, hope, and goals. Neptune conjoins the Sun, creating confusion or lack of clarity, while the moon illuminates, revealing you what you haven't yet seen. Virgo organizes, analyzes, aims to help. A friendship may end; you are a steadfast, loyal friend and it is hard for you to let go. Just go with the flow while focusing on your long-term goals, which will bring purpose to your life. Remember, no one is perfect; everyone is flawed. That being said, March is pretty flawless for you, so enjoy!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

March is calling you home! There is a lineup of benefic planets dwelling in your 4th house of home and family. The month begins with a new moon in Pisces, arriving on March 2, and joined by expansive Jupiter. It is an immersion in the dreamy Piscean world of kindness, connection, hope, and feelings. Sag, be with those whom you call family. The urge for closeness, connection, and cherishing the time with loved ones is what this beautiful lunation offers. It is not an actively productive time; instead, tune in, hang out, dream, reconnect, and nourish your soul. Jupiter will join the Sun in exact conjunction called a cazimi, when Jupiter is in the heart of the Sun, bestowing an abundance of positivity, wisdom, and healing. This incredible energy lights up your 4th house of home and family—a rare opportunity to heal family dynamics and create a more loving, nurturing home life. Lovers Venus and Mars enter Aquarius on March 6, activating your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and learning. Use your overactive mind in intellectually stimulating conversations and sharing ideas. Sag, if you are looking for love, you'll be attracted to their intellect first; smart is sexy. But be aware of being too self-righteous or a zealot in your opinions. Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Pisces on March 9, joining the 4th house party. Leave the details behind; for the next two weeks, let your mind escape, drift, and dream. Piscean energy is dreamy, artistic, and non-linear; communication is feeling-based, intuitive, and subtle. A full moon in Virgo arrives on March 18, getting you out of your home and into the public eye. This lunation will illuminate your 10th house of career, shedding light on things you may not have previously seen or noticed. Practical consideration needs your attention and, conveniently, this lunation will give you the necessary insight to focus. Pay attention to the details, the fine print, organizing, and streamlining. The great full moon balances your inspirations while staying focused on strategizing and problem-solving. Take full advantage of this auspicious enlightenment, Sag!

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

Spring forward, Capricorn! The month kicks off the new moon in tender Pisces, arriving on March 2, joined by lucky Jupiter; immerse yourself in the Piscean world of kindness, hope, faith, and closeness. This beautiful lunation activates your 3rd house of communication, attitude towards life, and siblings. Bring forth this kind, empathic energy into how you communicate as it can be deeply healing. Tap into your creativity and lose yourself in music, poetry, dance, and nature. Take a course to enhance those areas of your life. Reach out to your sibling, neighbors, friends—a kind text message goes a long way. Plus, they will be surprised by your tenderness. What makes this lunation so special is that, a few days later, on the 5th, Jupiter will join the Sun, making an exact conjunction called a cazimi, which is when Jupiter is in the heart of the Sun, bestowing an abundance of positivity, wisdom, and healing. Your attitude can shift to one of gratitude, faith, and hope. But, Cap, you do lean toward the pessimistic side; this time, embrace the positivity it offers. Mediation and calming your mind will significantly benefit you now. March 3rd brings a challenging aspect with Venus and Mars conjoining controlling Pluto in Capricorn. As tempers will flare, keep your cool, calm, steely demeanor, and show them how a Capricorn leads. You've worked so hard these past few years and now it’s time to stand up and be seen. Do not let others manipulate or control you; you can be fierce when needed. Do be aware of your actions—are they aligned in integrity? If so, you've got this; if not, adjust. Venus and Mars enter Aquarius on March 6, leaving the drama behind, stirring up your 2nd house of money! Mars comes around every two years to infuse this area with action. You may develop innovative ways of increasing your income. Thinking outside the box and collaborating with others may prove fruitful. A full moon arrives on March 18 in Virgo, illuminating your 9th house of spirituality, long-distance travel, and wisdom. This wonderful lunation offers insight and clarity. Virgo is practical, attends to the details, and organizes. Relish in this delicate balance between lofty inspirations and making them a reality and cheers to conscious communication!

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Get ready for your closeup, Aquarius, as March puts the spotlight on you! The month kicks off on March 2 with a new moon in Pisces, joined by expansive Jupiter. This positive lunation ignites your 2nd house of money, talents, self-worth, and what you value. New moons are fresh starts, so plant those seeds of intention; they will blossom in September. The energy you're evoking brims with creativity, hope, and kindness. Dream, Aquarius, drop into your imagination to come up with ways to share your talents. Let the hidden talents emerge, but most notably, value yourself and all you provide to the world. On the 5th, Jupiter will join the Sun, creating a cazimi, when Jupiter is in the heart of the Sun, bestowing all the noblest of abundance, faith, and wisdom. It can bring financial opportunities, so take that leap of faith, and believe in yourself. Venus and Mars will enter your sign on March 6; you may feel revitalized and energized. You meet the world with greater confidence, magnetism, and ease—time to be seen, heard, and appreciated. A full moon in Virgo arrives on March 18, illuminating your 8th house of shared resources, investments, and inner angst. This lunation reveals what you may not have previously seen. Fortunately, Virgo is an efficient problem solver, like a forensic accountant, sorting out your finances down to the fine details. The balance is a dreamy inspiration and grounded in reality. Venus will join Saturn in Aquarius on March 28, and you may feel disappointed as Saturn restricts and denies what you desire but do take it in stride as there is so much to be grateful for! Cheers to self-value, kindness, and hope!

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Happy birthday, magical Pisces and may it be your best year yet! A glorious new moon in Pisces arrives on March 2, joining expansive Jupiter, bestowing hope, generosity, and wisdom. Please plant your seeds of intention for the year; it is your solar new moon, after all. What do you envision your year to be? You give to others, and the universe is gifting you in return, so set your intentions clear on this most auspicious birthday new moon. Jupiter conjoins the Sun on March 5, creating a cazimi, when Jupiter is in the heart of the Sun's rays, gifting you access to the noblest qualities of Jupiter in Pisces, flush with benevolence, abundance, and healing. You are infused with this beautiful energy; think of it as a blessing. Do take a leap of faith and manifest what you truly wish. Jupiter in Pisces only comes around every 12 years; this is your year, your time, Pisces! Please devote this month to spreading your innate kindness, empathy, and wisdom; the world needs you more than ever. Venus and Mars enter Aquarius on March 6, hiding out in your 12th house of retreat and allowing you to rejuvenate and replenish. Being extra sensitive, you must have time alone because sometimes the world is just too harsh for you. Slip away when you can, even for a few hours a week; it will feed your soul. Mercury enters your sign on March 9, a good day to have those healing conversations. You can best express your emotions through writing, photography, or with the senses. Sometimes a look or gesture speaks louder than words. A full moon in Virgo arrives on March 18, illuminating your house of relationships. This beautiful lunation reveals that which you may not have seen. Virgo energy supports others in tangible, practical ways, such as organizing, helping, and solution-driven suggestions. In contrast, Pisces lives in the emotional realms. Finding the balance between the two is what this lunation offers—cheers to a most wonderous year, dear Pisces.

Interested in your own personal reading? Book directly through The Standard Shop with our in-house astrologer and doctor of Chinese medicine, Lori Bell, for virtual readings, wellness guidance, and more!  Or if you're in Miami, schedule an appointment with her at The Standard Spa, newly renovated and ready to welcome you. 


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