10 Practical, Tactical Ways to Take Action

Get engaged, get your hands dirty, get uncomfortable.
If 2017 has taught us anything, it’s that complacency is a luxury that none of us can afford. At this point, there’s only one thing to do: swing into action and put our shoulders to the wheel of progress. But where to start? 

We asked the people we know who have been doing the good work for way longer than we have for some guidance, and we compiled it all into one handy list. Here are some ways to contribute to the cause. 


Get involved in government at the ground level. Follow your district and state representatives' town hall meeting schedules so you can attend, ask questions, and demand change face to face. Or hell, run for office yourself with organizations like Run for Something and She Should Run


Oscar Wilde said, “We are all in the gutter…but some of us are listening to podcasts.” Check out Pod Save America where the guys who worked for Obama talk about what to do about this mess. Then listen to their other podcast With Friends Like These, where Ana Marie Cox talks to people from all walks of American life about their views on political matters. Both are scary, entertaining, inspiring, and will make you smarter. 


Spend time with a kid. They’re the future. They’re going to have to deal with this mess when we’re gone. And you have a lot to teach them—like math, science, reading, and English. Check out Big Brother/Big Sisters NYC, or volunteer to mentor a kid at your local school. If you’re in LA, get involved with Alma Community Outreach, which teaches cooking, gardening, and mindfulness classes to low-income students in Rampart. 


Go see some art. Whether its visual art, film, theater, or comedy, we’re firm believers that art is good for you. It challenges you. It lets you see into another person’s perspective. It gives you hope. That can only be good. If you’re in New York, check out Marilyn Minter at the Brooklyn Museum, Raymond Pettibon at New Museum, Andres Serrano at The School, and public art on the High Line. If you’re in LA, visit LACMA, The Broad, and The Cinefamily. If you’re in Miami, check out PAMM, Locust Projects, and Wolfsonian-FIU


Go march for something. If there’s a march, just go. Start your own march. Go with your friends. Show your solidarity. It’s important to show your face. For protests in NYC, go here. And for a nationwide guide to the movement, go here


Start introducing your representatives to the sweet sound of your voice. Calls get counted. They make a difference. If you text your zip code to (520) 200-2223, you'll get a text with the names and numbers of all of your representatives.


Team up with your friends and start organizing meetings and hold each other accountable. There’s strength in numbers. Find ways of intertwining activism with other things you like to do. 
Download and study the Indivisible Guide


Support Black Lives Matter. Attend marches, rallies, and meetings. Learn how to get started here.


Go out of your way to spend time with people who don’t look like you, talk like you, and who have had different life experiences. Volunteermatch.org is a good place to start. If you’re a writer-type, PEN runs an amazing program. 


Advocate for people who do not have the same privileges as you. Volunteer with Caracen to help protect the rights of immigrants and help them best succeed in our country. Support transgender equality via the National Center for Transgender Equality's Action Centers. Be an ally to LGBTQ youth with GLSEN.

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