Zodiac Supper Club Dinner: Solstice.
Check out our Q&A with Dr. Summers below.

- Clothes
- Non-perishable foods
- Toothbrushes, Toothpaste
- Bathing soap, shampoo, conditioner
- Razaors, shaving cream
- Body lotion, Deodorant
- Combs, Hair brushes
- Sunscreen, aloe, bug spray
- Menstruation products
1. Can you tell us about the history and mission of Pridelines?
Pridelines is a grassroots 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, founded by gay and bisexual youth for LGBTQ youth and their allies in the wake of Anita Bryant’s “Save Our Children” campaign. Pridelines was one of the first community-based HIV testing sites in Miami-Dade County. More than 40 years later, Pridelines continues to provide safe space, social support, skills building, leadership development and referrals to mental health, health care and support services for LGBTQ youth and their straight allies throughout South Florida.
Today, the agency has grown and matured just like our youth. In 2015, Pridelines Youth Services shortened its name to Pridelines, reflecting our desire to support the lives of all members of South Florida’s LGBTQ community. We will continue to ensure that our LGBTQ youth have the support they need, while also committing to doing so throughout their lifetime. As we grow, Pridelines will expand programs and services for adults and families to provide life-long support for our community.
As we navigate through the struggles of our community, especially in these turbulent times, Pridelines is dedicated to offering safe spaces, programming, events, and resources for those in out community who need it most.
Pridelines Mission: To support, educate and empower South Florida’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth and community in safe and diverse spaces to promote dialogue, wellness, and to foster social change.
2. What inspired you to get involved with this non-profit, and what has your journey been like?
Pridelines has an amazing history and tradition of serving South Florida's LGBTQ community for more than 42 years. I was enamored with its history, culture, and its focus on being the connective tissue for the community. Pridelines has been at the forefront of standing for justice, equity, and access to resources. When I learned of Pridelines work, I immediately fell in love with its mission but also its Project Safe program. This program provides wrap around services to those who are housing insecure and/or homeless. The program is credited to sending individuals to college and helping others start their drag careers. Pridelines has always been known as a safe space for the community and I just felt like I needed to be part of this organization in some capacity.
My journey at Pridelines has been nothing short of amazing. We have had many moments of tears, laughter and joy. We've worked tremendously hard to maintain Pridelines repetition as a resource for all who come into our doors. I am surprised daily by the number of people we talk with, support, and serve. The experience has been more than rewarding. Pridelines and the people we serve have given me more than I have given them. I am grateful for this journey.
3. What are some of the most significant challenges the LGBTQIA+ community faces today, particularly in Florida and Miami-Dade?
The state of Florida is a complex place. We are dealing with a state government that is not LGBTQ friendly and is constantly enacting legislation that is discriminatory toward the LGBTQ community. These laws often make it hard for members of the community to work, live, and just enjoy the sunshine state. Statewide politics and policies make it difficult for county and city governments to be supportive of our community. However, we've seen support for elected officials such as Mayor Cava-Levin and Commissioner Fernandez for example. Some of our challenges though are safety, housing, access to gender affirming care, access to PREP and PEP, the right to use one's preferred gender and pronouns, the right to work and leave peacefully in the state and county.
5. Can you share a story that Pridelines is particularly proud of?
There are many but let me tell you about Susan (not the real name of the client). Susan is a 18 year, transgender female who was homeless. Susan came to Pridelines after working with five other agencies with very little success. Susan came to Pridelines and we were able to place her within several days in Pride House, a three month housing program that supports LGBTQ youth with housing and job placement. Pridelines was also able to get Susan her birth certificate, social security card, ID and set her up with job interviews.Susan is on her way to securing a job and a permanent home for herself. Susan is an active member of the Pridelines community. She is engaged in our programs and is such an important part of our community. Susan is just one of many stories of individuals that come to us for help and we do our best to get them on a path to their defined success.
6. How does Pridelines address the intersectionality of issues faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals, especially those from marginalized communities?
Pridelines is a supportive organization that seeks to embrace and support all members of our community. We also believe in having difficult conversations around intersectional issues impacting the LGBTQ community. We have raw and authentic conversations that lead to action by Pridelines. During some of our conversations, we received good feedback from members of our trans community and we were able to adjust and adapt our practices. We believe fundamentally that we need to be open to ensuring that we provide a safe space for people to communicate and express themselves authentically. Pridelines staff is a very diverse staff that comes with their own intersectional challenges. I often speak of my intersectional challenges of being a masculine gay male with a father who is black/white from South Carolina and is very conservative with a mother who is Cuban and Norwegian but grew up marginalized from her family because of who her parents decided to marry.
7. What advice would you give to young LGBTQIA+ individuals who are struggling with their identity?
Take your time. Come out when you're ready. Speak about your challenges with a trusted resource be it a teacher, counselor, therapist, family, or friend. Learn about who you are and what you like and just be your authentic self. Pridelines is also always here along with other organizations such as PRISM, Safe Schools, and the Alliance for LGBTQ Youth to support you.
8. How has the landscape of LGBTQIA+ rights and acceptance changed over the years in Miami, and what do you foresee for the future?
Miami has always been a safe haven for the LGBTQIA+ community. This dates back to the 1980s when gay men from the north came to Miami Beach to die due to the AIDS epidemic. Times have changed and gay men don't come to Miami to die but to live life and celebrate their identity. Miami continues to be a safe place for the LGBTQAI+ community despite the state government's attempt to discriminate against our community. While Miami Beach is no longer a concentrated hub of the LGBTQAI+ community, the community has spread all over Miami. I believe that we are a welcoming community overall. There are pockets of places in Miami that still have ways to go in terms of their understanding and acceptance of the LGBTQAI+ community but I believe with time that will happen. Until that time, the LGBTQIA + community will continue to spread its wings throughout all of Miami. This movement around all of Miami will allow for greater acceptance and understanding. Pridelines, after all is in Liberty City as well as Miami Beach.
9. How can people get involved with or support your organization beyond financial contributions?
If you want to volunteer or attend one of our events or programs check out our website or email us at info@pridelines.org.