
Your August Horoscopes

Leo season is here! Here's what's in the stars in August...
Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

Aries, August is hot — literally and figuratively — keep your cool. On August 1 a rare, turbulent aspect occurs with Mars, the planet of strife and conflict, joining Uranus, the planet of upheaval. It also joins the North Node, an ecliptical destiny point, in the sign Taurus at 18 degrees. It is an explosive combination: have a hazmat suit on hand. The unpredictability of this alignment shakes up your house of cash and self-worth. Be innovative. When it comes to cash flow, keep it flowing. On August 3, Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Virgo, where he is in his rulership. Where he loves being in Virgo, he is organized, efficient, and practical. Upload your favorite project management and health apps, and start checking off your to-do's. You've got three weeks to complete as much as possible — you've got this. Another problematic aspect arrives on August 7, as your ruler Mars continues to create drama while clashing with restrictive Saturn, who is superior to Mars and has no chance of getting what he wants. This alignment is asking you to prioritize long-term goals over short-term desires. So, rein in spending! Focus on your long-term financial goals, not immediate ones. Think of it as a financial diet. Count your coins as you would your calories. You may enjoy it!

A full moon in Aquarius arrives on August 11, conjunct somber Saturn, while clashing with unpredictable Uranus, creating a harsh and heavy lunation. It will illuminate your house of friends and social networks. You may feel pressed with obligations and commitments while wanting to rebel and be free. It is about learning boundaries and setting limits without being confrontational or aggressive. As it can feel heavy, self-care is critical. Exercise and movement are remedies for you. You get a glorious reprieve on August 18, as harmonious Venus trines lucky Jupiter, igniting romance, joy, and fun! So seize the day; it is a ray of sunshine during a turbulent month. A significant celestial event arrives on August 20 when your CEO, Mars, enters Gemini for an extended 7 month stay. He will stir up your house of communication, learning, and community. Mars in Gemini is curious, intellectual, and craves stimulation as well as the opportunity to share information and ideas. You are in the realm of insatiable curiosity and overstimulation. Please reign in that Mars energy, and tend to your mental well-being. Be mindful of your words. Except for feisty verbal exchanges, try not to provoke others.

The month ends with a new moon in Virgo on August 27. Again, Mars is involved in this lunation, arousing your motivation and irritation to get things done! Organize and create more efficiency in your life, health, self-care, and work life. Again, it is an impatient lunation, as you want to improve this area of your life. August is a channeling month that is ripe with difficulties. Knowing this information can help you feel more prepared for it. Cheers to growth!

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

August is an epic month of chaos, change, and breakthroughs. On August 1, a rare once-in-a-lifetime alignment occurs as Mars, the plane to action and strife, is conjunct with disruptive and innovative Uranus, along with the North Node, a destiny point. It ignites a major life event or breakthrough. The energy is unpredictable and volatile, yet it is a catalyst for change. Taurus, you crave stability and consistency, and you're not one to give up the golden handcuffs; this conjunction urges you to break free from restraints. This tension will be pervasive, and it has the potential to be an epic moment in your life, a realization, or a dramatic event.

Self-care is essential. Spend time in nature as you will find solace there. Mercury enters Virgo on August 4th. Virgo loves being in his ruler Mercury, as he is clear-headed, efficient, and a master analyzer. You've got three weeks to organize, plan, and improve creative projects, ideas, romance, and fun. A tense aspect occurs on August 8th, as Mars, the aggressor, triggers a square to mighty Saturn. After, Mars wants to propel forward while Saturn puts up a wall. It is a battle of wills that is highly frustrating and intense. It is wise to take a step back, pause, and wait a few days before acting. You are naturally slow to respond and prefer to think things through. This is your best strategy; the initiator will not be victorious. August 11th brings another disruptive day with the arrival of the full moon in Aquarius. Your attention now shifts to your professional world. This lunation activates your career and can elicit greater responsibilities or changes within your professional life. It feels like a stress test, where you are caught between obligations and duty, and the urge to rebel. It's a somber lunation, as the moon conjuncts restrictive Saturn.

You may want to throw caution to the wind, leave your job, and do something completely new. Instead, set clear boundaries and learn from past mistakes. You are craving more freedom and personal time. Venus will trine Jupiter on August 18th, gifting you a day of harmony and generosity. So take the day and indulge yourself! The month ends with a new moon in Virgo on August 27, igniting your 5th house of romance, creativity, and kids. Squaring this lunation, Mars creates havoc by causing frustrations or delays. The upside is that you can quickly resolve them. Cheers to radical change, Taurus!!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

August is one intense month. It starts with a bang, with a rare alignment between Mars, Uranus, and the North Node, conjunct at 18 degrees of Taurus. Mars, planet of aggression and action, joins Uranus, which yields breakthroughs and shocks. The North Node, a destiny point, directs you towards the future. While many will experience this energy externally, for you it's internal. So spend time alone and use this rare opportunity to let go of old hurts, wounds, and the personal baggage you've been carrying. The undercurrents of this conjunction will reverberate all month long.

Mercury, your CEO, enters Virgo on August 4 and activates your 4th house of home. He is all about the details. He edits, analyzes, and perfects. It can get tricky as Virgo can overthink, overanalyze, and get stuck in the minutiae. Try to keep it lively, Gemini. On August 7 tempers will flare as aggressive Mars clashes with restrictive Saturn. It’s wise not to be the instigator as you will not win! It’s best to take a step back and be the observer. Your weapons may be your words, but use them wisely or risk losing all dignity. Just scroll through political Twitter and see what I mean. A dramatic full moon arrives in Aquarius on August 11, illuminating your house of travel, spirituality, and learning. The moon conjuncts Saturn and squares rebellious Uranus. You may have to navigate the tension between duty and obligations, and a desire for freedom. It is a somber lunation, which can bring up fears and worry. Self-care is essential, as you tend to overthink and ruminate.

The most significant celestial event arrives on August 20, when Mars enters Gemini for an extended stay of 7 months! Mars in your sign is lively, curious, and dynamic. You’ll also feel energized, yet impatient and argumentative. Be mindful of being overstimulated and scattering your energy as it may be hard to focus during this long transit. The month ends with a new moon in Virgo on August 27, igniting your house of home and family. The Sun squares Mars on this lunation. You may feel annoyed and impatient, yet it will motivate you to accomplish things. Frustrations, delays, or disorders may prompt you to take drastic and quick action. Don’t worry about, or overanalyze changes you'd like to initiate on the homefront. It is the optimal time to declutter, organize, decorate, or move. Cheers to August!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Celestial skies are turbulent this month. August begins with a rare conjunction between Mars, Uranus, and the North Node, conjunct at 18 degrees of Taurus. Mars, planet of aggression and action, joins destabilizing Uranus and the North Node, a destiny point, directs you towards the future. The trifecta may find you parting ways with alliance, allowing you the room to take a risk and expand your social circles. Mercury enters Virgo on August 4. In Virgo, he is the most functional and productive. He activates your house of communication—it's the dream team combo! All forms of communication flow smoothly as you are an analytical, problem-solving taskmaster for the next three weeks. Beware of overthinking and getting paralyzed by too many details. 

August 8 brings the last Mars, planet of action, battle with Saturn, planet of obstacles, of the year. It can feel like you are driving with the brakes on, barreling towards your goals, and coming to a screeching halt. Pivot, and reevaluate your goals and where the blockages present themselves. Tempers are hot, and frustration and anger prevail. The energy shifts on August 20 as Mars enters Gemini for an extended 7-month residency in your house of solitude. It is a time of self-reflection and working behind the scenes. Cancer, this is a time to clean out your psychic closets and forgive and heal the past. Be that spiritual warrior and ruthlessly release old wounds. Mars in Gemini has difficulty focusing; it gets scattered and fights verbally. Be aware, dear Cancer, while you are sorting through your emotional debris, multitasking, and texting those with whom you still have unresolved issues. Inevitable confrontations during this time may not be in your best interest. Stay focused. Argue with yourself and not with others. Meditate, walk in the woods, or clear your mind. 

The month ends with a new moon in Virgo, arriving on August 27, in your 3rd house of communication. This lunation squares Mars, causing annoyance and frustration. However, it will prompt you to take action and quickly resolve itself. Virgo improves, organizes, and analyzes. This is the optimal time to de-clutter, organize and streamline all forms of communication. Be careful to not get buried in details. Stick to efficiency.  Cheers, to change!

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Happy Birthday, Leo! August promises to be as dramatic as you! It starts with a grand entrance with a rare convergence between Mars, Uranus and the North Node, conjunct at 18 degrees of Taurus. While Mars is the planet of action, and Uranus is the planet of rebellion, the North Node is a guiding force towards the future. Leo, you can accept breakthroughs, insights, or sudden events concerning your career. Ultimately this can guide you towards more freedom through authentic choices in your career. Logic and analytical reasoning prevail as Mercury, the planet of communication, enters its home sign of Virgo on August 4. Tend to your finances, as Virgo can organize, analyze and plan budgeting and investments. Mercury in Virgo is the ideal accountant for a limited time of 3 weeks: do take advantage of his skills! A stressful aspect you've been dealing with for the past year arrives for a final slugfest on August 7.

Mars, the planet of strife, will clash with harsh Saturn. Your professional decisions will have an impact on your personal life. Compromise is the remedy. Frustration and anger can quickly occur, but try to divert the energy, or do not engage. Remember, love is your essence; speak from your heart, no matter how loud you get. A full moon in Aquarius arrives on August 11, illuminating your house of relationships. A harsh lunation, with tense aspects between the Sun, Uranus, and the Moon, conjoins somber Saturn. You will feel pulled in different directions, with the urge to be free of duties and obligations. It can feel like you are in a pressure cooker and need a release. Leo is associated with thunderstorms, said to be the lion roaring. That truly sums up this full moon — roar, Leo! Venus, the planet of love, will enter your sign the same day. Finally, a birthday gift from the cosmos! She reveals your inner confidence, exuberance, and warmth. Shine bright, Leo — we could use some Leo love this month.

Mars, planet of action, enters Gemini for a prolonged 7-month stay on August 20, activating your 11 house of friends and aspirations. Mars, the planet of action, enters Gemini on August 20. Mars in Gemini is cerebral, restless, extroverted, and curious. However, it is also scattered, distracted, and quickly gets bored. It could bring collaboration opportunities and new people into your social circles. Celebrate another revolution 'round the Sun; it's revolutionary and revelatory as life is both precious and impermanent.

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

Virgo, the month begins with a rare convergence of Mars, Uranus, and the North Node, conjunction at 18 degrees of Taurus, a harbinger of change.
Mars is a planet of aggression and strife, while Uranus yields breakthroughs, chaos, and disruption. The North Node is a point directing you towards the future — your 9th house of spirituality, travel, and expanding your world. An exciting alignment can grant breakthroughs, profound insights, and those “aha” moments. You will feel the reverberations of the conjunction all month long.

Your CEO, Mercury, enters your sign on August 4. Rejoice! Virgo loves being in Mercury; start your to-do list. You're in your element, efficiently organizing, analyzing, and improving everything you can. But, Virgo, you're a perfectionist, and you do not stop until you achieve that elusive perfection. Turbulent energy arrives on August 7 as Mars goes to battle against mighty Saturn. It's tense and frustrating — one of the most challenging aspects of the month. So, Virgo, take a pause, slow down, do not react, and do not hit send. The intensity continues on August 11 with the arrival of a full moon in Aquarius. This lunation will illuminate your house of health, daily routine, and work. It’s a highly dramatic time, with chaotic Uranus squaring the Sun and harsh Saturn joining the moon.
Your health and well-being take precedence, as you may feel pressure from duty and obligations while wanting to break free from constraints. Virgo, learning time management and setting clear boundaries are essential.

A significant celestial event arrives on August 20, when Mars, planet of action, enters Gemini for an extended 7-month stay. He will take residency in your house of career. Virgo, you'll be hyper-focused and proactive in your career. Mars in Gemini is extroverted, curious, loves to be busy, and is verbally expressive. You can get distracted, lack focus, and be overstimulated. Please avoid multitasking to the extreme. Be mindful of getting into petty arguments; please choose your battles wisely. You can be critical, but not everyone is receptive to your critiques. Your yearly new moon in Virgo arrives on August 27, igniting your first house of vitality. You may feel annoyed and frustrated as Mars clashes with this lunation. Do not fret as you can promptly resolve it. New moons are fresh starts. This is yours, dear Virgo. Plant those seeds of intention, and watch them blossom in the spring. Cheers to breakthroughs!

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

August is intense. The month starts with a rare conjunction between aggressive Mars, innovative Uranus, and the future-orientated North Node, all conjoining at 18 degrees of Taurus. The trifecta will shake up your house of finances, shared resources, and vulnerability. This alignment may present a breakthrough to face and overcome your innermost fears and worries. As it is a ripe opportunity for personal growth and evolution, seize it, Libra! While financial matters are unpredictable, it may be best not to invest in risky ventures right now. Venus, your ruler, opposes controlling Pluto on August 7 and can reveal hidden matters related to home and work. Be aware of interpersonal politics, manipulation, and controlling people. Sounds like an HBO series, right?

Keeping with the intensity, Mars collides with restrictive Saturn. Another frustrating day, as Mars wants what he desires, Saturn shuts him down. It is best not to push forward; you'll only be met with resistance. So “no” is the operative word of the day. Your ruling planet Venus enters the scene as does Leo on August 11. She is bestowing warmth, generosity, and joy. She lights up your house of friends, aspirations, and hope. Socialize and be with your tribe. Friendships offer a respite from this stormy month. The same day brings a very dramatic full moon in Aquarius. The moon squares harsh Saturn while clashing with rebellious Uranus. The moon illuminates your 5th house of creativity, romance, and kids. You can feel torn between duties and commitments and the desire for freedom. This full moon asks you to set firm boundaries and manage your time wisely.

Mars, planet of action, enters Gemini on August 20 for an extended 7-month stay. He takes residency in your house of wisdom, travel, and learning. In Gemini, he is curious, cerebral, and restless. Libra, focus on this energy to expand your mind: travel, study, experiment with planet medicine, spirituality, or whatever sparks your interest. Gemini is scattered, unfocused, and bores easily. You can learn a great deal over the next seven months: Cheers to an interesting August!

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Scorpio loves intensity and August provides! The month begins with a rare alignment between Mars, Uranus, and the North Node conjunct at 18 degrees of Taurus. Mars is action, Uranus disruption, and the North Node is the future. Combined they make for a combustible, unpredictable trifecta, which lands in your house of relationships. So can you expect breakthroughs or breakups? This disruptive energy may perhaps bring you insight, wisdom, and greater authenticity. Communication is enhanced on August 4, when Virgo enters Mercury. Virgo loves being in Mercury, where he is at his best. You'll want to connect with friends and share ideas and future aspirations. On August 7, you can get into trouble as your ruler Mars challenges mighty Saturn. A day filled with frustration and delays implore you to be strategic and think long-term. Then, before you sting, ask yourself if it's even a worthy battle to fight. As you will not win against Saturn, hold off and wait a few days before you confront. It is tricky: your relationships and home life are triggered. A full moon in Aquarius arrives on August 11, illuminating your 4th house of home life.

It is a volatile lunation, with tremendous tension between the Sun with Uranus and the Moon with Saturn. Scorpio, you can feel pulled between your responsibilities at home, work, and relationships — pressure in the most critical areas of your life. You are bound to obligations while you yearn to ditch them for freedom. Self-care is essential, Scorpio. Please be gentle with yourself. Mars, your CEO, enters Gemini on August 20 for a prolonged 7-month stay. He'll reside in your house of shared resources.

Mars in Gemini is cerebral, talkative, curious, and easily distracted. Scorpio, release the past and purge your emotional worry and angst. Research and learn all about cryptocurrency and investments. The month concludes with a new moon in Virgo on August 27, igniting your social circles and goals. Although this month has been laden with drama for you, dear Scorpio, you'll find joy with your friends. Cheers to personal growth!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

August is all about health, communication, and work! The month begins with a rare conjunction between Mars, planet of aggression, Uranus, planet of upheaval, and the North Node, a destiny point guiding you towards the future. A combustible and unpredictable combination can bring breakthroughs and insight with sudden changes. Your health, well-being, and daily routine need a shake-up. Time for a radical overhaul? You are ready for alternative options and possibilities. You are ready to initiate change. Mercury enters Virgo on August 4, activating your 10th house of career. Mercury loves being in Virgo, who is analytical and organized. Virgo is a planner, cerebral, and a researcher with a zillion spreadsheets and clear, but overanalyzed ideas. You can execute your plans with Virgo precision. Think big as you usually do, but also be mindful of getting stuck in the minutiae.

Mars squares Saturn on August 7, a frustrating and challenging aspect. Mars's agenda is to get what he wants, while Saturn is not allowing it—being impulsive will not work with these energies. So slow down, think before responding, do your research, and don't hit send! Wait a few days, please, Sag. A full moon in Aquarius arrives on August 11, illuminating your 3rd house of communication. This lunation is a reality check. It has a serious quality; the moon conjuncts Saturn, adding more angst as the Sun is square to Uranus. You’re torn between commitments and freedom. It’s a stressful lunation, where you can get overwhelmed with details. Sag, you'll have to set boundaries and manage your time wisely. Be mindful of all communication forms; hold back when in doubt.

Mars enters Gemini on August 20 for an extended 7-month residency. He is moving into your house of relationships to stir things up. Mars is a fighter, unearthing all repressed grievances and issues harbored within. Healthy partnerships can thrive if you both put in the effort to work through your difficulties. The nature of Mars in the 7th house is to use the energy most effectively—be brave, talk it through. Mars in Gemini can be distracted, curious, and cerebral. Be aware of these tendencies rising to the surface, mainly your MO of self-expression, and stick to Gemini's wit and charm rather than sarcastic zingers.

A new moon arrives in Virgo on August 27, igniting your 10th house of career and standing in the world. It is a fresh start, a new beginning. Virgo is analytical, efficient, detailed, and a workhorse. So get focused and dream big as always, Sagittarius! Cheers to summer! 

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

August heralds some big changes for you! The month begins with a rare alignment between Mars, Uranus, and the North Node conjunct at 18 degrees of Taurus. Mars is action, Uranus disruption, while the North Node is the future. Combined they make for an explosive, unpredictable trifecta, which lands in your house of creativity, romance, and joy. Cap, time for a radical overhaul? You will find this a liberating time of creative breakthroughs and shocks. What an exciting placement—you may even surprise yourself!

Mercury will enter Virgo on August 4, when he is at his best. You are intellectually eager for knowledge and new experiences. Mercury in Virgo is a fastidious planner, researcher, and analyzer who perfects the details. So plan that trip, expand your worldview, or take that class. Frustrating and tense energy arrives on August 7 as aggressive Mars squares your big boss, restrictive Saturn, and the boss wins. Mars goes after what he desires while Saturn sternly says, “Uh, no.” So be your stoic self, do not react, do not hit send, and ride out the storm. A full moon in Aquarius arrives on August 11, illuminating your house of cash. The moon conjuncts Saturn and squares Uranus, creating tension between wanted freedom and limitations. You may have to set limits on your spending and pare down. It is a cash flow reality check. Rein it in if you have overextended yourself. Aquarius is future orientated; think long term before you click to purchase. Mars, planet of action, enters Gemini on August 20 for a prolonged 7-month stay. He will dwell in your house of health, work, and daily routine. Mars is proactive; you are in productive hyper mode. So prioritize, take care of your well-being first. In Gemini, he is curious, a multitasking pro that gets easily distracted and spars verbally. So Cap, stay on point, stay mentally alert, and be mindful of how you express your grievances.

The new moon in Virgo arrives on August 27. Virgo is detailed, analytical, and a meticulous planner. This lunation ignites the 9th house of travel, wisdom, and spirituality. Expand your mind, Capricorn; you are a wise soul, so tap into your innate wisdom through learning, traveling, or meeting a guru. Be sure to keep an open mind. Cheers to breakthroughs!

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

August triggers the inner tension to push you to grow, evolve, and mature. It does not matter what age you are; adulting for you means being true to expressing your weird self-authenticity. The month starts with a rare conjunction between aggressive Mars, innovative Uranus, and the future-orientated North Node, all conjoining at 18 degrees of Taurus. You're in your house of home and family, so be prepared to see some mini-earthquakes on the home front.

This wake-up call provokes you to break free from entrenched patterns and healing family dynamics. You may move, become a nomad—the possibilities are vast. It is about freedom! The home front dynamics continue as Mars will go up against Saturn on August 7. These energies are frustrating and harsh. Aquarius, have a strategy, do not react hastily — it is best to wait to respond. These are tricky, uncomfortable dynamics. Your yearly full moon in Aquarius arrives on August 11. This lunation is forming tense aspects with Saturn in Uranus. As a result, you may feel torn between your needs and the demands of family, and a relationship. Set boundaries. Tend to your own needs first, please.

Mars, planet of action, enters Gemini on August 20 for an extended 7-month stay. He takes up residency in your house of creativity, joy, and romance! Be proactive in finding your happiness. This is not a trite inspirational request — it is essential to your well-being. Mars in Gemini is insatiably curious, mentally alert, social, playful, and talkative. Set aside your need to be disciplined or self-denying, and give in to self-gratification. No guilt, please. Blame it on Mars. Reclaiming your joy, romance, self-expression, and creativity is a purpose in and of itself. A little romance could spark some happiness too. A new moon in Virgo arrives on August 27, creating tension with Mars, and prompting you to take action. Tend to your finances, shared resources, and investments. For the next two weeks, sort out your finances. Virgo is that strict accountant, thorough, efficient, and detailed. It is an ideal time to refinance and invest. Cheers to transformation!

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

August releases and lightens! The month begins with a rare alignment between Mars, Uranus, and the North Node as they conjunct at 18 degrees of Taurus. Mars is action, Uranus disruption, and the North Node is the future. Combined, it makes for an explosive, unpredictable trifecta. Your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and community, breaks up the status quo. A creative breakthrough can occur, and a radical new way of thinking can alter your perspective. The undercurrents of this exciting conjunction will be felt all month. Virgo enters Mercury, where he is at his best, on August 4 — improving and enhancing communication in your relationships.

Mercury in Virgo is analytical and detail-oriented and is especially keen on clarifying expectations in your relationships. One of the most challenging aspects arrives on August 7 as Mars squares Saturn, the planet of obstacles, setting up major roadblocks. You'll have to pivot and find another road to take. It’s time to reassess, pause, and stay out of the fray. To continue with the intensity, a full moon in Aquarius arrives on August 11, illuminating your 12th house of solitude and closure. It is tense as the Moon conjuncts restrictive Saturn, squaring rebellious Uranus. Full moons are release points; it may feel extra somber. Surrender all that inner heaviness, and let it go. You may gain a deeper insight into where your intuition guides you, and as always, Pisces, it will be lit with a creative spark!

The month ends with a new moon in Virgo on August 27, igniting your relationship house. It squares Mars with annoyances and frustrations, yet you can quickly resolve them. It’s time to fall in love again, committed or not. Pisces, you are so good at taking care of those you love. With Virgo ruling your house of partnerships, your natural inclination is to fix, organize, and bring order to your partner's life. Consider doing that for yourself sometimes. Cheers, to love!

Interested in your own personal reading? Book directly with our in-house astrologer and doctor of Chinese medicine, Lori Bell, for virtual readings, wellness guidance, and more! Email her at lori@loriabell.com


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