
SPA SECRETS: Is It Time for a Juice Cleanse?

Are you suffering from the following?

  1. 1. Stressed out
  2. 2. Fatigued
  3. 3. Catching colds
  4. Frequent headaches
  5. Dull skin tone
  6. Always feeling thirsty
  7. Indigestion
  8. Late night snacking
  9. Too many weekend hangovers
  10. Caffeine addiction getting out of control

Guess what? Your body needs a vacation ... from you! And that's what the juice cleanse is for. It's not some crazy diet fad. Embarking on a juice cleanse is a multidimensional experience in which one can see a total body transformation. Here are seven reasons why we love juicing:

1. Digestion is a Breeze: Juicing requires hardly any digestion, so all its nutritional goodness is absorbed rapidly into your system while simultaneously giving your digestive system a rest. The juices extracted from raw fruits and vegetables require no digestion and almost all their vital nutrients are assimilated directly in the bloodstream.

2. Concentrated Goodness: When you take a break from your normal diet and put to rest your gluttenous ways – if only for a week – you consume many more fruits and vegetables than you could actually eat at one time. Think of it like those old Total Cereal commercials with the piles and piles of bowls. It's all your vitamins and plant based nutrients concentrated down to their essential goodness.

3. Alkalize Darling: The benefits of maintaining alkalinity in the body are crucial. Balancing our bodies' pH level aids in improved focus and mental clarity, improved bone & joint function, reducing inflammation, a stronger immune System, increased energy and more.

4. Good for the Heart: Both antioxidant vitamins C and E prevent the damaging effect of free radicals on artery walls. They prevent blood from sticking, clotting, becoming toxic as well as helping to lower triglycerides levels. Great levels of vitamin C can be found in most fruits and vegetables. Vitamin E can be attained by adding blackberries, kiwi, asparagus and spinach to your juices.

5. Tune Up for Your Liver and Kidneys: One of the primary functions of the liver is to serve as the body’s natural detoxifier. Fresh juices reduce the burden on the liver and give it a chance to catch up and rid itself of accumulated toxins, thus permitting it to operate more efficiently.

6. Juicing Makes You Young: The generous amounts of organic minerals in raw juices – especially calcium, potassium and silicon – help in restoring biochemical and mineral balance in the cells, thereby preventing their premature aging.

7. The Juicing High: The benefits of following a juice fast include heightened spiritual awareness and relaxation of the body, mind, and emotions. Many people feel a sense of letting go of pain from the past and developing a positive attitude towards the present.

So now that you're committed to restoring balance and happiness to your life, The Standard Spa is here to help. The Spa offers a fantastic juice program that uses the hydrotherapy facilities in tandem with your diet to bring you a truly restorative and holistic cleanse. Come relax, retreat, restore and we promise you'll soon feel amazing, both inside and out.

  1. The Standard Spa
  2. 5-day Juice Cleanse + Wellness Program is available every month! Email or call the Spa Desk at 305-704-3945 for more information.

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