Le Bain

Josh Wink Lives in the Future

We sat down with the seminal American electronic producer, Josh Wink, before he plays Le Bain's skyline for the first time on Friday, June 24th.
LE BAIN: You’ve been a key player of the electronic scene since the early '90s. How was it to play the first raves in the US?
JOSH WINK: One of the most memorable experiences was playing Future Shock Wednesdays in the early 1990s at the Limelight in New York. I had always dreamed of being on a NYC flyer and playing in the city since I started hearing about house music. I have lots of amazing memories and I'm blessed to have been involved in the genesis of electronic music in the US.
Josh Wink's "Higher State Of Consciousness" (1995)
When was the first time you traveled abroad for a gig? 
It was a rave on New Year's Eve (1991 going into 1992) in Rome, Italy at an indoor skating rink where they played ice hockey matches. It was me, Bobby Konders, Afrika Bambatta, and A Man Called Adam. I was shivering from either nerves of playing before 2,000 people or from the sheer cold from the venue. It was great!

The way you have stayed so consistent through the years is impressive, and you’re not alone. From Carl Craig to Derrick Carter to Laurent Garnier, a lot of DJs from your generation have stayed on top to "live in the future."
I am happy and fortunate to hear that! I am blessed to still be involved in my love and craft of electronic music and to be included with the names you have mentioned. Yes, the industry is a fickle and capricious one to be in.
Josh Wink's "Are You There" (1998)
Regarding the popularity of today's dance music scene, you've said: "Maybe people have found the magic that I once found when I was a teenager. I simply hope it lasts for others as it has for me.” Could you describe that magic?
Can't describe this feeling. It's based on an intense deep passion and love of music.

Two constant things in your career: your label Ovum (which is celebrating its 22nd anniversary) and the fact that you always stay in Philadelphia. Are you happy with today's scene in Philly? 
At one time, I was heavily involved in the scene in Philadelphia. Now, I only play 1 to 3 times a year, but I still call Philadelphia my home. I am not too knowledgeable about the current scene and I'm not as much involved due to traveling so much. Yet, Ovum is now helping promote and throw parties in Philly, in conjunction with other local promoters. We're using our friendships and industry clarity to bring artists and talents to our city. It's exciting!
Josh Wink's "Denial (Prise D'Acid Mix)" (2015)
We’re super excited to have you at Le Bain alongside François K. Do you have an anecdote about François you would share with us?
He is a treasure to me! He has an incredible musical history that I admire. He was talented when I first started seeing his names on records as I started out in the '80s, and his talent still remains as strong as ever. He never lost it! 

On Friday, June 24th, Le Bain presents Josh Wink and François K
Doors open at 10pm | The Standard, High Line

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