One Night Standard

Dewey Nicks Takes Over One Night Standard

A fresh set of snaps from the gloriously glam photographer occupies our spur-of-the-moment booking app.
When we launched One Night Standard—our app for spontaneous, same-night stays—you probably noticed the backdrop of beautiful babes in beds. With a sharp eye or a bit of snooping, you’d have known those snaps were the work of New York-based photographer (and Standard pal) Skye Parrott. The plan all along though was to keep things fresh by introducing original photography on a regular basis from photographers whose work we love. 

Well, change is officially afoot because our app now has a whole new batch of gorgeous images shot by the fabulously glamorous photographer Dewey Nicks. Mr. Nicks, of course, is one of the most iconic fashion and editorial photographers of our day, and we are thrilled to see his eccentric visual aesthetic at play in The Standard world. Where Skye’s snaps were cozy and au naturel, Dewey's sensibilities brought out a different side of One Night Standard experience—the yin to Skye’s yang, you might say. 

In his own words: "We set up our shoot for One Night Standard as if an ever-morphing group of friends were busy squeezing every last drop out of a perfect day. When the sky changes color we want to be on the balcony to see it. Sunrise, sunset who cares?" Amen. 

If you have no idea what we’re talking about, stop reading this and download One Night Standard now. The app lets you book a stunning room at any of The Standards for a superlative rate with just a few taps on your smartphone. Booking begins daily at 3pm local time. If all goes as planned, you’ll be checking into a Standard near you before you know it. 

To whet your whistle, here’s a sneak preview of Dewey’s new photos. To see the full collection, open that app (and give it a shake to load more). 

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