
A Numbered Perspective

What do all these things have in common?
• Bones in your foot
• Letters in the alphabet
• Sides on a Rhombicuboctahedron
• The only integer that is one greater than a square and one less than a cube
• Number of moves in which a Rubik's Cube can always be solved.
• The price of our Charred Octopus salad

You guessed it. The number 26. Is this all a coincidence? Probably. As it pertains to The Standard Spa, "26" is the difference between giving your body what it wants and giving it what it truly needs. While being a Club Member allows you to hang around our illustrious pool and enjoy our co-ed Hamam, for just 26 extra dollars per month you can upgrade to a Wellness Membership and enjoy unlimited fitness & yoga classes. You could work off those 26 mojitos you had last night!

As a welcome to your new membership experience, we have put together a special kit that includes a Todd James t-shirt, a yoga mat, a jump rope, additional discounts and more.

Let our membership team guide you there. Contact them at 786.245.0950 or via email.

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