
Artist Reception: Maxwell McMaster

Artist Reception: Maxwell McMaster

On January 15th we invite you to join us in welcoming artist Maxwell McMaster and his new box installation, Waves.

About the installation:
McMaster’s project, Waves, is an artistic reflection of life in Southern California showcased in an extension of works at The Standard Box. His use of cooler tones and colors induce facets of a moody dreamlike state with playful imagery such as palm trees and sunsets doubling as tropes. McMaster creates the works with a metaphoric symbolism in mind by creating pieces that exude beauty on the surface, but also broach upon undertones of melancholy and noir. The installation features a large painting spotlighting the model, “muse,” installed within the box and two exterior paintings adjacent to the main space.

About the artist:
A California native and multidisciplinary artist and designer, Maxwell often looks to his surrounding environment and past experiences to draw inspiration. He explores a wide range of styles and techniques within his work, allowing the concepts to dictate the aesthetic. In 2009, he relocated to Los Angeles from his hometown in Sacramento and pursued an art career painting murals around Hollywood. Maxwell is a BFA graduate from Art Center College of Design and currently works as a graphic designer for films.

RSVP at: hollywoodrsvp@standardhotels.com