Miami Spa

Supine Stretching, Soulful Sounds & Sweet Scents

Supine Stretching, Soulful Sounds & Sweet Scents

Sunday June 10, 6 - 8P with Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher Christy McKenzie

This will be a yoga class like no other. The entire class will focus on super grounding, surprisingly deep yoga and mindfulness work done in various positions on the floor. This will be an active experience - you will stretch and align and sweat - but the energetic vibration will be calming and clarifying since it will be, almost exclusively, floor work. Carefully curated soulful music and healing essential oils will accompany our attention, breaths and movements, and we will end up leaving incredibly opened, balanced, calm and blissed-up! Christy is a master crafter of sequences and profound yoga and mindfulness experiences, and this is the first time she will offer a workshop with this kind of focus, so this is definitely one you won't want to miss.

$45 includes indoor baths | $150 includes Spa Day Pass