Miami Spa

Stick Together for the Full Moon in Virgo: Time to Heal

Stick Together for the Full Moon in Virgo: Time to Heal

Share a group acupuncture treatment with Lori Bell, our resident Acupuncturist and Astrologer. The Full Moon in Virgo is where we need to find the balance between our day to day functions and routines, and our spirituality and vision; this is the key to this full Moon energy. Virgo is mired in the details and takes care of the physical body while Pisces lets us dream, be creative, and soar with the spiritual realms. Spend an evening of caring for both your physical and spiritual needs with this Full healing moon. A shared group acupuncture experience engages the extraordinary vessels in providing a profound and healing experience. Each participant receives the same four acupuncture points to access one of the eight extraordinary vessels. It activates our relationship with ourselves and the world outside us, how we move through and receive the world.According to the Astrological forecast, Lori will choose the best vessel treatment to align with the stars. $45 includes indoor baths | $150 includes Spa Day Pass