
Your July Horoscopes

Cancer season is here! Here's what's in the stars in July...
Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

July is hot and I'm not talking about the temperature, but that hot-tempered, passionate, and explosive kind of heat. The month starts with warrior Mars, your ruler, antagonizing powerful and volatile Pluto. It is a clash of wills at the extreme. While Pluto controls with domination, Mars is aggressive and ready to fight. Pluto is the Supreme Court and Mars is everyone who opposes their ruling against women. Roe Rage is the kind of energy we’re dealing with. Aries, you are a fighter, but hold on to your ketchup—you’d never throw a toddler tantrum as an adult, right? Conflict is an inevitable part of life and you're the warrior, so confrontation comes naturally to you, but choose your power struggles wisely. Be mindful of rash knee-jerk reactions that play out in your house of career and your self-identity. You'll calm down by July 4 when your ruler, Mars, enters pleasure-loving Taurus activating your house of cash, self-worth, and talents. Now you can focus on the practical details, like your money, spending habits and budgeting. Mars comes around every two years to energize this area of your chart, offering you stability, consistency and patience. Mercury enters tender Cancer on the same day, shifting communication to a more thoughtful and considerate tone. You may be more sentimental, reflecting on your family and home life. Call your mom or motherly figures in your life and share some loving kindness. A full moon in Capricorn arrives on July 13, illuminating your house of career. This lunation is serious and responsible. Pluto conjuncts the moon, revealing hidden matters and insight. Worry and fears can arise concerning work-life balance; your home life is beckoning. Set the concerns aside and tend to your personal life. Venus, the planet of love and harmony, enters Cancer on July 17, when you should tend to your home and those who matter most to you. Slow down, hang at home, and focus on improving your family dynamics. Mercury enters Leo on July 19, where he is expressive, bold and bright! Your mind shifts from the past to the present, offering clarity, creativity, and decisiveness. Mercury decides to go up against feisty Mars on July 26 and it’s an explosive combination. The energy is volatile, tense, and aggressive. It may be challenging to calm your mind, so breathe, exercise, meditate and do whatever it takes. A new moon in Leo arrives on July 28, igniting your house of romance, kids, and self-expression. Time to play! Fall in love Aries, be it with yourself, your partner, or new love. Hang out with kids or your inner kid; this lunation is vitalizing and joyful and needed during these volatile times!

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

July is akin to experiencing all the extremes in weather within one month, so get prepared. The month begins with warrior Mars going up against Pluto, making for a combustible clash of wills. As a collective, we are reeling from last month's dismantling of women’s civil rights and liberties. Add to that the OMFG revelations from the January 6 hearings and, well, it’s a storm alright. Take cover from flying plates of ketchup. Mars will enter Taurus on July 4, infusing you with energy, drive, and fierce determination. However, you may feel impatient or agitated as things may not move as quickly as you wish. Taurus, you are known for your calm and patience, but you'll have to dig deep to keep that Zen vibe. On the same day, Mercury enters Cancer and communication is intuitive, thoughtful, and considerate. You are curious about learning while connecting with your siblings and neighbors. Invest in technology for your home—maybe one day you can say, “Hey Siri, clean my house!” as an AI robot sweeps through your living room. A full moon in Capricorn arrives on July 13, illuminating travel, spirituality, and learning. You may be yearning for deeper meaning in your life. This lunation is serious; add transformative, powerful Pluto into the mix and you’ve got some serious insight. If you’re worried, this lunation will bring your worries to the surface for you to stoically address them. Your ruler Venus enters Cancer on July 17, where she is nurturing, protective, and deeply caring. Your relationships with siblings and neighbors can nourish and deepen. You can nurture yourself through exchanging ideas, learning, and short trips. July 26 is a heated day as Mercury clashes with Mars in Leo and Taurus, both unyielding signs. As a result, interactions with others are volatile; you can be especially aggrieved. The energy is one of tension, discord, and aggressive thinking. Once you lose your cool, you can just become the raging bull; please be aware of the warning. These energies will play between you and your home and family only for a day. A few days later, a glorious new moon in Leo arrives on July 28, smoothing any discord in your home life. This positive lunation revitalizes and uplifts, urging you to look towards the future. What are your dreams and goals for your home life? Think big; the benefic planet Jupiter is adding assistance. Leo is where we find our joy; your home is essential to your happiness. On the last day of the month, you'll want to break free of any constraints that no longer serve you, with unpredictable Uranus conjunct the North node.  You can be incredibly resistant to change, but this alignment is liberating. What is certain you will change—for the better!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You've got your mind on your money as July has you laser-focused on your finances. Your boss Mercury enters Cancer on July 4; he is introspective and intuitive. Get out of your head, drop into your innate wisdom, listen deeply to your intuition and let it guide you. Mercury is also activating your house of talents, values, and cash flow. What skills are you showcasing to the world? This alluring activation can bring new possibilities for increasing marketing, work, and income. Mars enters Taurus on the same day and, after six weeks of full-on-energy, it finally slows down. Mars will be in your house of solitude to retreat and, if possible, work remotely or solo. You may feel tired, so rest, spend time in nature and try to remain still. A full moon in Capricorn arrives on July 13 as  conjunct Pluto illuminates your house of shared resources, finances, investments, and personal angst. This potent lunation is duty-bound, responsible, and stoic. Pluto conjunct offers insight and reveals what is hidden. Unfortunately, it may also bring up your worry and fears around finances; breathe and be proactive to alleviate your angst. Venus arrives just in time to relieve your money worries as she enters Cancer on July 17, joining Mercury in your house of cash and self-worth. Venus in Cancer is caring, intuitive, security-driven, and protective. In addition, Venus brings harmony, improvements, budget and a close-up of where you are spending your cash. Cancer wants security—it's money in the bank so tighten up. You actually may enjoy it. Your ruler Mercury moves into Leo on July 19, activating your house of communication, learning, and community. So, Gemini, you can talk about everything you've held in while Mercury was in Cancer. In Leo, your communication style can be dramatic, bold, confident, and optimistic. July 26 brings a combustible aspect, with Mercury in Leo, which will antagonize warrior Mars in Taurus, two unyielding fixed signs. Interactions are volatile and aggressive, bringing out the worst of each planet and sign. Gemini, your mind can be overactive, with angry ruminations or repressed thoughts. You should expect outbursts from others or yourself; ideally, you can do it without harm. Your weapons are your words, but you can use them wisely. The month ends with a new moon in Leo on July 28, infusing your house of communication, learning, and community. This cheerful and future-forward lunation brings optimism, joy, and renewal and you’ll definitely want to cash in on that!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Happy birthday, sweet Cancer! The fireworks start on July 1, as Mars, the warrior, squares with domineering Pluto in a dramatic, agnostic clash of wills. Think of the power-abusing Pluto as the Supreme Court and enraged Mars as those who oppose the dismantling of civil liberties and you’ve got a battle royale. Not one to mess with in terms of women’s rights, Cancer is the maternal sign of the zodiac. Unfortunately, power struggles can erupt in your work and personal relationships, but do not fret; the energy shifts as Mercury enters your sign on July 4, phew! Communication is thoughtful and considerate. When you speak, it will be from the heart; others will feel it directly, so be sure to express yourself! On the same day, Mars enters Taurus, where he is slower, reflective and desires pleasure, activating your house of friends, dreams and aspirations. Mars comes around every two years to shake up this area of your life, so connect with your tribe and socialize. A full moon in Capricorn arrives on July 13,

illuminating your committed relationships. This serious lunation may reveal insightful revelations with intense partnerships. Pluto can bring intense feelings to the surface; the benefit is that you'll be more discerning in your needs and expressing them. The spotlight’s on you on July 18 as loving Venus enters Cancer. As a birthday gift, take time out for self-care and let others nurture you for a change. The best gift you can give yourself is self-love. A new moon in Leo arrives on July 28, igniting your house of money and self-worth. Cancer, think big, stand in your self-confidence and extend it to all areas of your life. Most importantly, value yourself and your talents. Fortunate Jupiter enhances this lunation—be bold, start that business, increase your fees and step into your self-worth. Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, turns retrograde later that day in your professional life until November 23, so now is a time to step aside and evaluate what path and projects inspire you. Cheers to a beautiful birthday!

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Leo, consider popping a Dramamine now because July is an emotional rollercoaster. The ride kicks off July as street fighting Mars antagonizes mighty powerful Pluto in a clash of the titans. The pressure is palpable; it is aggressive, impulsive and angry. Makes sense considering the flagrant dismantling of our civil rights and liberties by a completely out of touch Supreme Court. Add to that the OMFG January 6 hearing and things seem combustible indeed. It may be challenging to calm your mind; watch your thoughts and do not let them disturb your well-being. A rageful Leo is indeed scary; you are the lion king. Your career takes center stage as Mars enters Taurus on July 4; he comes around every two years to shake up what has become stagnant. In Taurus, he slows down and is strategic while focusing on the practical details. Not one to rush, you may not be as productive, yet you can now take care of the essentials and complete those projects you initiated early in the year. A full moon in pragmatic Capricorn arrives on July 13, illuminating your house of health and well-being. Pluto conjuncts the lunation and reveals the invisible, urging you to prioritize your health. Full moons are ending, which means it’s time for an overhaul in self-care and wellness. Mercury will enter your sign on July 19; let that lion roar! You must be heard. Express yourself with your signature, uplifting, confident and bold self. Your yearly new moon in Leo arrives on July 28; this positively wonderful lunation is future-oriented with expansive Jupiter assisting. The Sun, your ruler, is shining on you; how do you wish to be seen? Shine your bright light into the world, share your joy and spread some happiness! We all need some Leo love. A rare, unpredictable, exciting alignment arrives on July 31 when rebel Uranus conjuncts the karmic North Node in Taurus in your house of career, gifting you an opportunity to move forward in ways you did not expect. Cheers to a fun rollercoaster ride!

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

Get ready, Virgo, as July promises to be one active month! Unfortunately, the fireworks start erupting early, but not the celebratory kind, as angry Mars antagonizes subversive Pluto. The result is rage, and it’s no surprise, as the flagrant dismantling of women’s civil rights and liberties and the jaw-dropping January 6 hearing coincide. What to do? Channel that rage in helpful ways as you always do, dear Virgo. The heat simmers on July 4 when your ruler Mercury enters Cancer, joining the Sun in your 11th house. Your thinking is inward, so tune in and get in touch with your emotions, intuition and perceptions. The mental chatter should quiet down eventually. Mars enters Taurus on the same day, activating your 9th house of spirituality, travel and justice. In Taurus, you slow down, whereas Mars is active and wants to enjoy the process. The focus is on practical details and priorities. Mars comes around every two years to break up stagnation. Spend time in nature; you may find your inner peace sitting in your backyard. Expand your mind literally or figuratively. A full moon in Capricorn arrives on July 13, illuminating your house of joy, creativity, romance and kids. Capricorn is a serious sign that pursues pleasure with a purpose. Intense Pluto conjuncts the moon, providing profound awareness of what you haven’t seen before. This insight is invaluable; ask yourself, what brings you joy? Let go of what no longer does. Be mindful this is an emotionally reactive lunation. The new moon in Leo on July 28 offers you a respite from the dramatic month; your central nervous system can only handle so much. It is an uplifting, future-forward lunation. Rest, spend time in nature and go on a retreat while planting new seeds of aspirations. On the last day of July, one of the rarest, most unpredictable and exciting alignments arrives, with Uranus conjunct the karmic North Node in Taurus. Uranus, the great awakener, has guided you toward different universes since 2018 in your 9th house of mind expansion, journeys, wisdom, and spirituality. The North Node is a destiny point, inviting you to grow in this area of your life. So be ready to blast off somewhere and may it lead to greater wisdom and understanding. Cheers to a wild July!

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Libra, you are the sign of justice and right now, the scales of justice are tipping over. July continues with the rocky eruptions from the last week of June—the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade after nearly 50 years and the explosive eruptions of ketchup and treason coming out of the January 6 hearings. But wait, there’s more! The fireworks start on July 1, as Mars, the fighter, goes against domineering Pluto in a dramatic clash of wills. Think of Pluto as the Supreme Court and enraged Mars as those who oppose the dismantling of civil liberties, and you've got a battle royale. Rage and frustration are at a boiling point, and it will be challenging to keep your temperament. The drama plays out in your domestic and personal life. Always the diplomat and meditator, use your skills to reach harmony to your best ability. The intensity cools down on July 4 as Mercury enters thoughtful and considerate Cancer and communications take on a kinder, gentler tone. Home and work balance is essential; a full moon in Capricorn is calling you home on July 13 intensely illuminating your domicile, asking you to focus on practical matters. Are you thinking of moving or renovating? Pluto can reveal issues in the foundation of your physical home or family dynamics. You'll either be dealing with plumbing issues or booking a therapy session to address those dynamics. Venus, your ruler, enters nurturing Cancer on July 19 and she'll provide support and comfort when you most need it. You will find it in your career, where women in your workplace can be particularly supportive. Always the gracious one, you bring comfort and harmony to your professional life. Venus harmonizes wherever she lands, offering kindness and compassion. It is also an opportune time for career advancement and acknowledgment.

Libra, your favorite new moon, arrives on July 28 in fun-loving Leo, igniting your house of friends and aspirations. You feel elated, looking forward to the future, as this lunation has Jupiter assisting. You are one of the most social signs of the zodiac; you genuinely love your friends and find happiness through these friendships, which is comforting during these volatile, often enraging, times.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

You like intensity and July delivers big time! The first of the month has aggressive Mars antagonizing powerful Pluto. A battle of wills filled with defiance and outrage, it’s a reflection of the egregious court rulings that have dismantled 50 years of women’s civil rights and liberties in a single day. Pluto, representing the Supreme Court, holds dominion over those who oppose these rulings, represented by pissed off  Mars. Both of these powerful planets are your co-rulers. You possess extraordinary power; channel it wisely to help others, as nothing can stop a Scorpio. The intensity slows down when your ruler Mars enters pleasure-loving Taurus on July 4. He will dwell in your committed relationship for six weeks, where he instigates and stirs things up. Mars can cause conflict, allowing grievances to surface and dwell. He comes around every two years to activate this area,  motivating you to break free from stagnation. A full moon in Capricorn arrives on July 13, illuminating your house of communication, learning and siblings. A potent lunation, Pluto conjuncts the moon, offering you deep insight and perception, unearthing things you have yet to see. Worry or fears may rise to the surface—delve deep to see what is disturbing you. Full moons are releases and endings and are the ideal time to let go of obsessive thoughts. A new moon in Leo ignites your career on July 28. A positive, uplifting lunation receives assistance from Jupiter, inviting you to look to the future. This lunation brings new opportunities, new beginnings or promotions. Before committing, ask yourself: does the work fulfill you?

A rare and unpredictable alignment arrives on July 31, with Uranus, the rebel planet conjunct the karmic North Node, in Taurus, in your house of committed relationships. Uranus has been dwelling there since 2018, keeping your relationships fresh and dynamic, yet it can be harsh if you are too resistant to change. Uranus, the rebel planet, turns retrograde on August 19; he has been stirring up your 7th house of personal and professional relationships since 2018. You are getting used to this energy! Take an honest look at where you hold on too tight and are less inclined to be flexible. Loosen up that grip and you'll feel a lot lighter and accomplished. The North Node is where you grow, stretch, and can’t get enough of. Do expect the unexpected and revel in it!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

July kicks off with a fierce battle of wills, as domineering Pluto aims to overtake aggressive Mars. In an intense clash, Pluto seeks to destroy, tear down and rebuild, while Mars is being outpowered. Pluto is using Mars for his makeover. We see it with the Supreme Court, Pluto, dismantling women’s civil rights and liberties, versus those of us, represented by Mars, who oppose it. Disturbing times, indeed. Anger, rage and frustration are at a boiling point. Sag, you speak your truth; no matter what, be mindful of lashing out. You are at your best when you channel your fiery, zealous spirit and inspire others to hit the polls this November. On July 4, things cool as Mercury and Mars shift into Cancer and Taurus with reflective, calmer energy. A full moon in Capricorn arrives on July 13, illuminating your house of cash and self-worth. Pluto conjuncts this lunation, revealing what you hadn't previously been aware of. Spending too much, Sag? This serious, practical, grounded lunation urges you to plan for the long-term regarding money and finances. Could you tighten your belt? To motivate yourself, imagine all the adventure trips you can take with a healthy bank account. The new moon in Leo arrives on July 28; this lunation asks you to find your happiness, step out, and have an adventure. Your ruler Jupiter assists this lunation, infusing positivity and new beginnings. Travel, expand your world view, study, or take plant medicine; you are happiest having experiences. Take the road less traveled, literally or figuratively, to find your passion. But, most importantly, you are on the eternal quest for meaning in your life; seek it and remember to look within. On the same day, your ruler Jupiter, the King of Gods, turns retrograde in Aries. It does not have the same effect as other planets during their retrogrades. Stretch yourself and whatever you had initiated back in May, keep at it. You may need to re-prioritize and push yourself beyond your comfort zone. Aries is the initiator; you can now clarify your plans and goals which are in for a major overhaul! Jupiter is reworking your house of creativity, joy, romance and kids. Look to the future on how you want to live your adventurous life! Cheers to a wild July!

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

July is a hot, combustible month. It starts with explosives, as street fighting Mars goes up against domineering, subversive Pluto. These harmful energies are volatile, distributive and angry. Mars in Aries can be belligerent, while Pluto aims to destroy everything in its path. We see this play out with the Supreme Court, represented by Pluto, dismantling our civil rights and liberties daily, and Mars, represented by those who oppose these egregious rulings. Don't lose your composure; your normally stoic facade can erupt. Your discipline and preserving strength is needed in these disturbing times. The energy cools down on July 4, when Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Cancer in your house of relationships. The mental chatter eases, dropping into the feeling and emotional realm. You will surprise others as you can easily express your feelings and show your vulnerability. On the same day, Mars, the planet of action, enters  Taurus for the next six weeks. Mars activates your house of romance,  joy and creativity! He comes around every two years to jump-start this area of your life. Mars in Taurus slows down and seeks pleasure while focusing on the practical details of life, such as food, money and sex. You are not as productive and that’s ok. Try to enjoy life. Your yearly full moon in Capricorn arrives on July 13, with a luminous moon spotlighting you. Thanks to that light, you can glean insight into what is essential to your vitality and well-being. Take a personal day for some alone time to pamper yourself. Full moons are endings and releases; if worries and fears arise, lose them. Venus, the planet of love, enters Cancer on July 17, infusing your house of relationships with harmony and tenderness. You'll care for your partner or those who matter most with nurturing, loving-kindness—she brings out your tender, vulnerable side, Cap. A new moon in Leo arrives on July 28, igniting your house of shared resources, finances, and personal angst. Drop the angst; you've got plenty of it. Instead, Leo wants you to find your happiness and open your heart while tapping into the wise sage that is your inner power source. Look to the future, sort out your finances, or speak with a financial planner. You work so hard; make your money work for you. Cheers to love, money, and determination!

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

July brings heat, love, and explosive eruptions. The air is crackling with fireworks this first week of July, but they're not celebratory as the month kicks off with a battle of wills between two hostile planets. Mars, the planet of war, goes up against domineering Pluto, which aims to destroy and tear down everything. As in the horrific overturning of Roe vs. Wade, it is just the beginning of dismantling our civil rights and liberties. The outrage is palpable. With angry Mars in your house of communication, be mindful of your words; they can be lethal. Keep your cool, rational mind in check before going off on others. Tempers calm on July 4 as Mars enters pleasure-seeking Taurus in your home life. Mars comes around every two years to jump-start this area of your life. The most productive use of Mars energy is on home improvements, beautifying, gardening and enjoyment. The negative expression is conflict with an unwillingness to yield. Choose your battles wisely; there is enough strife right now. Aim for peace and serenity.

A full moon in Capricorn arrives on July 13, illuminating your house of solitude. This serious lunation has Pluto conjunct the moon, revealing profound insights and greater awareness. Full moons are endings and releases; use this time alone to rest, restore and recharge. A new moon in Leo arrives on July 28, igniting your house of committed relationships. Embrace partnerships that give you pleasure and purpose. Ditch your aloof exterior; let the warmth of Leo open up your heart. This new moon is the opportune time to plant your seeds of intention for those searching for love. Uranus has been holding court in your 4th house of home and family since 2018. You've dealt with some mini earthquakes in these relationships. Family dynamics can shift, freeing you from the drama. On July 31, a rare and unpredictable alignment arrives between Uranus and the karmic North Node, conjunct in Taurus. Be prepared for positive changes, for a change. It’s well deserved!

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

It’s a hot one, Pisces, and the heat is being felt in all aspects of your life for better or for worse! The fireworks start early with a fierce battle of wills, as domineering Pluto aims to overtake aggressive Mars. In an intense clash, Pluto seeks to destroy, tear down and rebuild while Mars rages against the bully. Mars cannot compete with mighty Pluto, though. We are seeing this play out in real time as the Supreme Court, represented by  Pluto, dismantles women's civil rights and liberties, battles those of us, represented by Mars, who oppose it. You care for all beings, especially the oppressed; try as you may to rally others, not everyone shares your values so it’s best to let them go. You can understand opposing views, a rarity in these divisive times. John Lewis and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, both Pisces, exemplified these qualities. If you are so inclined, please rally. A full moon in Capricorn arrives on July 13, illuminating your house of friends, aspirations and dreams. This intense lunation has powerful Pluto conjunct the moon, revealing insightful revelations. Full moons are endings and releases; if worry or fears emerge, dump ‘em. Venus, the planet of love, enters tender Cancer on July 17 in your house of romance, joy and kids. She offers love and harmony. In Cancer, she cares for and nurtures those who matter the most to you—basically everyone, from the four-legged to your favorite bartender. She is tender, loving and seeks emotional security and connection. Have a romance, fall in love. Hang out with kids or your inner kid. The new moon in Leo arrives on July 28 and this is where we find our joy! This lunation encourages you to focus your attention and efforts on your everyday work routines, productivity, health and self-care. Staying committed to your daily routine and wellness can bring you happiness and peace. Ramp up the music and find your joy in the monotonous tasks of everyday life—something only a Pisces can do. On the same day, your ruler Jupiter turns retrograde in Aries. It does not have the same effect as other planets during their retrogrades, so stretch yourself and whatever you had initiated back in May, keep at it. You may need to re-prioritize and push yourself beyond your comfort zone. Aries is the initiator; you can now clarify your plans and goals which are in for a major overhaul! Jupiter is reworking your house of cash and self-worth. Jupiter expands wherever he lands, so let that money flow! Cheers to friends, romance, cash and, most priceless of all—activism!

Interested in your own personal reading? Book directly with our in-house astrologer and doctor of Chinese medicine, Lori Bell, for virtual readings, wellness guidance, and more! Email her at lori@loriabell.com


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